General FAQ Part two

edited November 2020 in Tips and Guides

Is account sharing/trading bannable?

A. Selling (for in-game or real-life currency/services) or sharing your account is against the Terms of Service. But it’s not something we seek out specifically for enforcement. That said, if your account is compromised in any manner, and we can see clear evidence that the account in question has passed between multiple users, you aren’t likely to get much in the way of support (or sympathy) from us. We can only guarantee account security to the extent that YOU keep your account information confidential. If you obviously haven’t, we’re no longer in a position to guarantee anything and won’t waste our time attempting to do so. This also means that “It wasn’t me using the account when you banned it!” is not a defense. Account buying/selling/trading is a bad idea. Do so at your own risk.

Is running multiple accounts bannable?

A. No. It’s become the standard to run multiple accounts for vending, farming, buffbots, dungeon farming, etc. We don’t encourage it, but we know that lots of players do it. There IS a maximum on how many accounts you can run from a single IP address, however. I’m not going to state it here, because most of you already know the answer, and a few who don't might see it as an imperative that they need to roll up several more accounts. Using a VPN to bypass the connection limit is bannable. We permit you to use of all the connections you could ever possibly need, to play the game legitimately. There's no good reason for you to need more.

How did you get to be GM? Can I be a GM?

A. I became GM because I applied for a job posting for a local company. To be honest, I assumed I would be serving in a more technical support-oriented role, and it was a pleasant surprise that I now get to creatively contribute to a such a long-running project. I was not looking to be a professional GM, and the majority of my role is still behind the scenes (patch notes, QA, sales reports, support – boring stuff). We DO have a small team of players who assist us more directly with the game's operations. We’ve never had a formal application process for GM’s; things were simply in place when most of us got here. We’ve discussed taking on new player volunteers, but we’ve encountered some complications in terms of what privileges we could allow to such. The project is currently on hold, but we would still like to have some players take a more active role in helping us run things. In the meantime, we ask that you be helpful and cordial to us and to your fellow players. This is what makes us take notice of you, and it's what will look good when we open up applications.

Q13. Do you allow trading between Trieste and Helion?

A. We aren’t going to take action against someone who attempts to engage in cross-server trades. But the whole idea of Helion was to have a “fresh” economy, so allowing item transfers between the two servers runs counter to that goal. There is no system in place to facilitate cross-server trade, beyond simple player trust. Which is frequently abused, and the results are support tickets. If you come to us upset that someone vanished after taking your item on one server, keep in mind that all we have is a log showing a normal, albeit one-sided, trade. As far as we are concerned, all in-game trades are final, and you are on your own if you put your trust where you shouldn’t have. We can’t stop you, but we strongly discourage it. Cross-server trades will be removed from the trade channels on Discord.

Where’s the PvP Colosseum?

A. Slow down there. First, a lesson: In order to play and pay for online games in South Korea, players need to link their account to a Social Insurance Number (or whatever the local equivalent is). Online gaming is much more tightly regulated in South Korea, akin to gambling, and thus demands additional security. Even if the global client were to try and button down our security, we have players in so many countries that it would be effectively impossible to enact a verification system which could account for everyone. One of the results is that most players on Global use multiple accounts, which makes certain features easy to abuse. Thus, these features have to be modified or disabled for the global client. This includes the Supplied Machine (removed), and the PvP Colosseum. 2v2 Colosseum is still available, but does not provide any rewards. The remaining colosseum modes are dummied out completely. We’d like to restore them at some point, though they would likely only exhibition battles (for GM events and bragging rights). We might include a new reward system at some point, but it would have to be something that couldn’t be exploited via use of multiple accounts.

When are we getting the Segita Shooter?

A. (As of 10/30) We're still catching up on several features from the Korean client, which need to be implemented and QA'd. There's always going to be a delay for new features from Korea, as they need to do QA of their own, before and after it's released, and only then are they in a position to adapt it to the Global client. Once we're caught up with a few other features, we'll ask about getting the new class implemented, since we know you're all excited to try it out. Unfortunately, any "guess" I would make on how long that will be would almost certainly be taken as a promise, so I'm not going to offer one. But we're eager to add as much new content for you as we can, and we're always pushing to get it added and prepared for you, as fast as we can while making sure it works.

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