Hack Detection Issue

If you cannot perform administrative duties, grant certain privileges to active players. Cheaters quickly become active in the game within a day of a patch release. Almost every room has a cheater because there is no active monitoring and banning. People can create new accounts and join the game again with cheats. If necessary, you should even implement IP bans to prevent this situation. If you say it's not possible, then give banning powers to active players in exchange for certain guarantees to make the game more secure. I'm really frustrated with this situation.

It's time to deliver what you promised for the money you received. If you don't want to lose players, find a solution for this.


  • Eac detection worked great look at all the losers it caught. Detection is not the issue Eac clearly worked and they switched away from it rather then stop the free account sign ups, which is the cause of the repeated cheating.

    We are dealing with the same people, not randoms, they have been effecting this game for years. For the same amount of time some known cheats have also had staff accounts looking out for them.

    Watch me get this shut down.

    Eac verified Jake a cheat multiple times along with the rest of his clan. This guy was banned every year from 2017 to 2021. And I won't speak about all the bans from past hosts. Not just eac bans but all the in game bans to

    Other members of his clan have been banned just as many times the whole rota been removed at some point. I can log in tonight and show members of this clan abusing fake accounts each game yet nothing has ever been done about it. When its so easy to catch them. There has been many players complaining with screens and video evidence yet the staff have never acted... Why?

    Nothing, they have sat back allowing them to cheat every day between 6 to 11pm on 2 maps,

    We hand it all to the staff and they don't act on it. These people have become friendly with the cheats and don't want the agro that comes with there removal.

    Look on this forum every thread that shows them cheating and abusing fake accounts has been locked by a staff account game after game of them cheating and these so called staff accounts have done nothing about it as there afraid to hand out any punishment.

    If you check this forum go to events page. Go back and see who wins each time. The staff off this game rewarding known banned players in every event.

    Easy to have a freetoplay account when the whole inventory has been supplied permanently via the back door.

    On discord count how many banned accounts you see posting. Don't know many other games where the cheats get so much protection from the games staff. These clowns never seem to vanish and always show back up and this is directly down to the staff of this game.

    Look how many people are pointing out this fake girl account is just a clown. this is not the first time a known cheat is pretending to be a girl.

    Verified cheats are protected in Warrock.

    Move on, find a new game.

  • Oh it's posh, it's posh, it's posh

    Fuk off, it's shaddix, Erick and DragonForce.

    Abusing fake accounts and the evidence is here behind locked doors, never punished. How can the staff remove other people for the same thing and these people remain?

  • edited December 2023

    Oh yeah its us joining rooms with splash damaged maxed out, killing US and 4 other players with 1 AI_AW shot through 20 walls from the other side of the map.

    Nice job Sherlock Clown!

    ... or it could be posh who does this since 4 month already (or 3 years if you add the low accs with animation bug abuse). Who knows.

  • New staff, but there allow the same bs to continue. You cheats just need removing from warrock. It's been going on for years now.

  • The old staff members clearly had an agenda and bias towards your group of cheats. Why after so much evidence has nothing been done?

    What me to highlight some examples from the last few years and we can question if this is how warrock staff accounts should be acting.

  • edited December 2023

    Its U that don't make any Sense, Ur words are full of lies....

  • edited December 2023

    If they are lies, feel free to refute my arguments. If you cant -> keep silent. Thanks. :*

  • A guy beeing banned for sharing an ACC 7 years ago.... Thats non Sense...(you know very well what he did) About shaddix U know very well that he is using cheats since 2014 and he was banned in several acc's, main acc's and sub acc's s, about ur ACC, u know very well why u got banned and how Did u got ur acc back, Ty to Ur money and a corrupt HGM... Continue suporting cheaters, its what u do best....

  • Dragonforce, you always defended friends who used hacks and found excuses for them. You were banned too, and then you'll say it's a mistake, but everyone knows you're banned here explicitly for hacking. Now take both nicknames and tell me how that's not true. Best regards

  • Go play Battlebit and take Ur friends with U....

  • edited December 2023

    Errick got the acc from Loszit00 back @ Nexon times. Now he is banned for ACC sharing. "Thats no Sense" - Wrong. Its the reality you cant accept.

    About Shaddix - The last time he used cheats was back at Nexon too. Every ban since PapayaPlay was either for a moronic reason or for Bugabuse (blocking BR for example). Once more. "Thats no Sense" - Wrong. Thats the reality you and everyone else cant accept.

    About my Acc: "Cheating" is every ban caused by the Hackshield. I was banned for using technitium (MAC Adress Changer) which i used to work around a TeamSpeak2 ban. Since its not related to WR and therefore a falseclaim of the hackshield back then i was unbanned 3 days after. I even posted my ticket + the response back then. Just remember: The LGMs decide who gets unbanned and who wont. NOT the HGMs. Thats the sad reality all those retards cant accept :) and thats why i couldnt care less about all those trashtalkers :) I never cheated. Never did, never will. Its always easy to accuse someone for cheating 😉 so haters gonna hate - and get rekt ingame :*


  • Think that by passing the programs your not cheating. Spying on the enemy team is cheating, using fake accounts to start /mess games up is cheating.

    Using voice team to team is cheating. Using friends to abuse the maps features or vehicles is cheating.

    Claiming to be good afterwards is insane.

    Since 2019 There are multiple examples from long term credible players of this account free killing, and using bot accounts. Some of the games oldest accounts reporting a serial cheater as you highlighted. These reports going unpunished and every thread is locked by a now gone staff account with zero interaction.

    Yet, these staff accounts have been removing other players for exactly the same thing and totally overlooking your group when we have shouted the loudest about it.

    (I don't care about them making or buying new accounts, this a given. You need to regularly clean the dogshit up. Or else the place just stinks. Better still just kick the mutt outside and shut the doors. Close the curtains and forget about the mongrel.


    I'm interested to see the stance the new staff take are they going to continue to allow them to cheat every time they log in?

    Shaddix, Eric, DragonForce, why are they exempt?

  • They are constantly cheating in this game. Every time they log in. Have been with proof for many years now. Nothing has been done about it. We don't need WhatsApp, we need proper staff members who respect there roles and don't pander to these cheats.

  • edited December 2023

    Several hackers were banned yesterday. It seems that papaya makes EAC active and inactive.

    Hackers plagued the game for several days and the EAC could not detect them.

    But at one point he began to detect them. How to explain this? And there were no active accounts in the game eriick jerre f2p

    It is impossible to prove, but the coincidence of coincidences is not accidental.

    Were afraid that EAC would see their hack?

    Has EAC now seen the cheat algorithm or is it activated?

    Papaya ALWAYS turn on EAC. In any case, everyone knows that the publisher is corrupt.

  • edited December 2023

    Then explain how EAC started banning hackers. He didn’t detect them and suddenly a miracle happened and the EAC started working.

    Just don’t write bullshit that the admin banned cheaters.

    You call it BattlEye eac or something else, but the fact remains a fact.

  • edited January 2024

    Ok, maybe you're right about the new anti-cheat.

    I haven't played for a long time and I don't mess around with game folders like you do. But this does not change the strange behavior of the anti-cheat.

    So don't try to advertise yourself on my ignorance of game updates.

    You yourself are bullshit and your life is bullshit and your sneakers are bullshit ))

  • edited January 2024

    The last time I seen an L like this, was when someone claimed to be good at Warrock. Then got banned. 😳

  • edited January 2024


  • edited January 2024


  • hackers everywhere no ban from papaya :(

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