Romantic Waters Competition *CLOSED!*
Ahoy Captains and companions!
It's time to show some love and adoration for the favorite and most cherished elements of the UWO world! The bounds of this competition are up to your own creativity and the story you can spin referring to this special element but must include the IGN of the submitting character (Case Sensitive), a screenshot featuring the chosen element and a description explaining the deep connection you have with this element.
The contest will run from February 3rd after maintenance until February 17th @2PM (PST), any screenshots submitted after this time will be disqualified.
For full contest details and rewards can be found at: after the start of the competition.
We can't wait to see what the community can come up with!
~Team Uncharted Waters
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Reserved for Results!
IGN: Freydis
Since I check uwo from time to time because of my work responsibilities lately I see a wonderful opportunity to express my big respect to a wonderful person, a real life friend who’s always there for a smile, for a cry, for a help and for any life advice. The Konark place I choose for this occasion is a close place to our common trekking in 2010 around beautiful Himalaya’s Annapurna mountains. Since I haven’t yet discovered Himalaya place in-game I think this place is the closest nice place to Himalaya’s lifetime memory in my heart. Besides this I recommend anyone who loves to hike or do trekking to do a Nepalli Annapurna circuit trek from Sept-Nov or Feb-Apr. Its gorgeous and not so crowded as classic Mt.Everest base camp trek.
IGN tammie1983
i choose to take a picture at stonehenge because thats the first quest i ever done and first ornament that i made to set in my quarters
and i also love all the legends surrounding it :)
IGN: Skaw
Pictured preparing to make observations at the ancient astronomical site of Stonehenge, Skaw treasures his Planetary Telescope for two reasons. Firstly, the effort required to earn it, nearing the conclusion of the 34-quest Stargazer Chain, his first major quest achievement. Secondly, the skill boost has been invaluable as he toured the globe making many significant Astronomical discoveries in his quest to maximise his skill.
Beautiful coastline in north atlantic ocean
Best place for Romantic Deals 😉 That girl want to sell and I tell her a nice poem 😍
IGN : Comanche
my philosophy is : we not only can share love to human, but we need share too what is love to all creature in this world :)
thats one thing from alot of method to prevent animal and creature vanish & extinct in this world.
before we remorse in future, why not we try live together with them in harmony ^_^
IGN : Apache
im nothing and non socialman, till i found this Yuki and choose accompany her untill the end of the world. YES, TILL THE END OF THE WORLD !!!
IGN : Chiricahua
Happy Valentine to you guys :)
IGN: DrCache
Picture with a real friend of mine who I met for the first time at university. We became best friends very quickly and struggled through our studies together until the end. A few years later, we both started playing this beautiful game. At first without knowing we were both playing it. Now we're fighting our way through our studies at uni again (which is an upgrade... because it's Oxford now xD) and having new adventures.
The picture itself is kind of a replica of our real graduation.... And yes, the professor was also so unfazed.
IGN: Jeromial
Well, Tintin has his Snowy and I have my Barkie.
In UWO, my trusted companion has been sailing with me on the seven seas, robbing and pillaging wherever we go. I had him when he was a wee puppy and now he has grown into an awesome partner-in-crime. He has a penchant for seeking out hidden treasure. His courage and flair has also saved me from imminent danger many times. No adventure will be the same without Barkie. In short, he is a pirate pet extraordinaire!
As in real life, my boi enjoys the occasional belly rub and paw-paw at home when not snarling and chomping down on enemies during battle. Beneath the tough demeanor, he is just a softie at heart.
Happy V-day, Barkie. I❤you, buddy.
First met in Tunis, and sought for the wonder island together.
From Satanazes to Antillia, we have experienced countless adventures with laughter and separation.
At last, embarked on different journeys, we still kept in touch at main taverns.
You gave me lots of hints of the prophecy, but we never sailing together anymore.
If there was a chance, i hope we can travel wherever again.
Happy valentine, Mina :)
(btw, would there a mina ganador available in later event?)
IGN: AddiiAddy
There's a saying a fellow sailor once said "A ship will always go where it's Captain wants to go". Sailing around the 7 seas, feeling the breeze and the smell of sea air as you sail along to discover a world unknown.
There no greater adoration than what a captain has for their ship. We build them, we improve them, we clean them and repair them and in return they show us the world.
From the ancient city of Tenochtitlan to the Inca Empire capital city of Cusco. From the Temple of Pagan then down under to the outback of Uluru, they're some of the most amazing views. But I’d never have got to see them without my partner in crime.
My ship is more than just wood more than just an object, It's my home from home for the journey ahead. It's shows me the world and for that will always have my love.
So, wherever my next quest may takes me, whatever wonders I may find. I Know I won't be alone in the vast oceans ahead. My ship will be beside me to keep me comfort until we arrive.
IGN: Ellectrika
On my recent travels to the Himalayas, I couldn't help but take a moment to reflect on life and the breath-taking views Mother Nature has to offer us.
At the top of the world looking down on creation. I Thought one day in many centuries from now there will be a song sung (by a great band called The Carpenters😁) fitting for this very occasion.
IGN - Shanatus and Brie
Together we have come to this new world. Together we have sailed the seas and braved dangers unimaginable and miraculous. Throughout it all, our love grows stronger. But now together we come to this place to explore a new land, searching not for treasure, but for a family together. We will stay for a while, learn from these great people who call this land home. Perhaps we will once again return to the sea. But for now, we will sit beneath the stars, with a love as wide as the sea.
In real-life husband and wife who enjoy playing together.
IGN (In-Game-Name): Jaquila
Home sweet home. There is no place like home with my trustworthy housekeeper Sophia and my loyal companion "Cat"herine and my favourite artwork "The Madonna and Child with the young Saint John".
Sophia came to be under my employment when I met her in the countryside south of Calais. She specializes in making French cuisine and her course meals often raise the morale and relieve the fatigue of my ship's crew.
I became acquainted with Catherine when I met her in city of Venice and she has been by my side ever since. She is not much of a mice catcher but she helps to keep a lookout for hidden items and enemy locations.
"The Madonna and Child with the young Saint John" came to be in my possession when I found it in the streets of Seville, apparently discarded by someone with an undiscerning eye.
I will be spending Valentine's Day in my cozy little apartment with my housekeeper, my cat and a masterpiece that was almost lost to time. <(^_^)>
IGN: Vyse_Inglebard
Traditionally, Valentine's Day is a holiday that celebrates love. But love can take many different forms beyond that of plain old romance -- and that is the case with this post of mine.
For many years I've had the privilege of sharing my online and offline journeys with the player of Marjorie-Jeanne (MJ to her friends); she is a very dear relative who has also been one of my best friends. Somewhat appropriately, I first introduced MJ to UWO during Valentine's Day 2013 and she came to love the game almost as deeply as I did. We had many wonderful adventures together on the old GAMA server!
I remember how we sailed from Italy to Japan in tiny little cruise clippers with a mysterious cat-girl in tow, then spent countless days exploring the myriad wonders of El Oriente. We did battle with many fierce foes at sea and plumbed the depths of dungeons the world over, seeking treasures galore while overcoming rival treasure hunters, ghostly foes, and chilling guardians straight out of mythology.
We braved the bitter cold of the Land of the Midnight Sun charting the Arctic passages, marveled at the many wonders of the world both natural and historical, followed in the footsteps of legends while seeking after lost cities, peach-blossom filled springs and a vanishing continent... we even watched as the sun set on GAMA server one last time. Of course, we've had our share of adventures on Maris as well! It's a wonderful game, filled with almost endless opportunities to have fun doing whatever you please.
But as spectacular as UWO is, it's truly the people that you share it with that make the experience and journey worthwhile. I've made some great friends in UWO, and they all have special places in my heart -- but MJ will always be the one I hold dearest of them all. She continues to be one of my primary inspirations in life to always try and help others as she did whenever I needed it... and that no matter how hard life can be or how great its challenges, one should never give up fighting impossible odds and situations -- and to cherish every moment you have together, be they good or bad.
Happy Valentine's Day, MJ. I love you! And to the rest of my fellow voyagers, may your own Valentine's Day celebrations be filled with great joy and abundant, abiding love as well! Cheers, God bless, and see you again...
IGN: Deac
This might be romantic in a completely different way, but here I go.
Throughout the last few months my best friend and I have been obsessed with this game. He started out trading and I began with searching for treasures. Soon I realized, that gathering treasure is a lot more difficult than it started to seem. Especially, when you try to go for bigger loot. So here I was, no money, no aide yet and only the bare minimum of tools to fight. After hearing how difficult it was for me to keep up with the stuff and how bummed out I was not being able to finish the dungeons I wanted he came to the rescue.
He soon set out to search for fitting equipment and leveling his character in order to help me. All without telling me a single word about it, when suddenly one day he just stood in front of me. All geared up and ready to fight evil. He invitied me to his party, gave me some items and we were ready to go. I cannot express how happy that moment made me and how I just enjoyed every second of our journey together.
So I just wanna say thanks for being the friend you are and I hope we can one day become great adventurers (maybe even in real life).
Wish you all a happy Valentine's Day :)
I am a sailor who enjoys adventures on both sea and land. I was really suffering doing adventure quests as I was constantly getting bullied by land bandits and was getting really tired of it and this was when I was introduced to this great friend 'Moon Axe' who has really helped me throughout my adventures and quests.
I still have long way to go to become a great adventurer but I am confident that this great friend will accompany until very late game and I will never abandon him.
Thank you for readying my story and happy Valentines everyone! Happy Voyage!
IGN: Still
Fishing will be the end of me. I lost my quarters, my aide, my job and my ship because I just cant put the fishing pole down. But hey, I still have my wife. My wife did say to come home by dark or she was leaving me. Ill only stop by the pier for an hour on my way home from the market!!
IGN: AdmiralCache
Several years ago my son set out to explore the world and pursue his dream job. Eventually, that meant, we were not able to spend as much time together and soon we were only talking to each other rarely. On an uneventful sunday night my son sent me a message to check out this game, as it seemed to be ideal for what I look for in a game. I immediately fell in love with the game and spent hours on hours in it. But the best part about it - I could spend all those hours with my son. Helping each other in fights, looking for the best ships and gear were just some of the activities we could do together. Constantly talking to each other, hearing about his problems and struggles and thus being able to stay an active part in his life was just amazing. I am grateful for all this and just so happy to what kind of man my boy turned into. Happy Valentine's Day buddy.
IGN: Marquise
I have enjoyed UWO for many years. Made many great friends and shared some amazing experiences. I am glad to have this chance to share some amazing photos with someone special as we traveled the UWO world to some exotic locations discovering many beautiful landscapes and phenomenal views. I truly have loved all aspects of the game. As amazing as UWO is, nothing compares to sharing new discoveries with someone you truly enjoy spending time with in game.
I hope everyone had a beautiful Valentine's Day and happy sailing UWO world! Love Marquise & Goncalo
IGN : Merchant.J
Title : Crying out Love, in the Center of the World.
I love Uncharted Waters Online~.
I started UWO in December 2005 in Korea server.
By the way, 2 years ago, due to various accidents, I left there.
And then I looked for several games, but there were no games to play.
Eventually, I started all over again in here, Maris server, because,
"I Really Love Uncharted Waters Online ~!"
Happy Valentine's Day to all players & staffs & TO ME :)
IGN: Cpt_Depozit
IGN: Cpt_Burebista
IGN : Spartacus
<Thrilling Trade Life >
I have been playing UWO for a long time.
Usually My role was Merchant to buy cities specialty and sell it others, earn money.
That was great pleasure to feel thousands gold-coin in your pocket.
So yeah, My UWO life was totally fine while visiting different cities and trying various trading route.
But something is happened.
There is event which nanban goods is sold by San francisco merchant per a month.
If you re a trader, you wouldn't like to miss it absoultely.
Of course , i gladly participated in it and tear PO papers and bought nanban products, load it
and then My ship was departed from Boston with my big dream to be billionaire.
But, it wasn't peaceful voyage.
Because pirate was chasing behind my ass for my priceless goods.
I tried my best to run away from him. . . turning my ship to ZigZag course, Using Wind charm, preparing storage item (for bad situation).
Fortunately, i came in Safe sea and arrived in Europe without any trouble.
and when i checked that my goods in cargo wasn't missed, My hand holding mouse is shaking and feel exhilarated.
it was like dopamine shower on head to feet... JESUS
After this time, I got a habit of preferring this thrilling one to a simple and peaceful trade.
but I thought it would be better to share this feeling with others not just alone.
You know, When you share happiness/pleasure, it could be double ^-^
So this time, I try to be a pirate and give this wonderful feeling to other traders.
Sometimes, they whisper to me and say lots of things, this make me to think that i give them a vivid voyage life. not just monotony mechanical trading or ducat maker-robot.
I hope that all UWO traders and players get lively game play and immersed in 16th century, Captain life.
Love and thank you all~ !
( picture of city Boston, which gave me first trigger! MUYAHO ~!!!)
IGN: Rufas
From the moment he was first tasted by Azure Cetus, Rufas fell in love with the large fish. Within the mysterious Sea of Wonders the pair went on many adventures together, meeting new friends in the fish's rainy estate after some close encounters with lions, Wanderers and (dis-)Satisfaction.
Never again did they wish to part from one another.
Even a 3 hour cooldown can't hold them back as Rufas's ship once more raises the white flag in surrender to his love, comforted by the warm (albeit fishy!) embrace of Azure Cetus. 🙂
IGN: pastel
My biggest companion in the game is not my current ship nor my weapon (although it's close), and is rivaled only by my armadillo Sandshew. It actually is my clothing! When I first started out as a novice adventurer, needing to travel to high disguise cities, I would just buy whatever disguise clothing I found first, with little regard to my looks. I settled on the dolman sold in Istanbul for a while, thanks to its +1 bonus to storage and golden color, but when I landed on Aden for the first time, it was love at first sight. The deepest of reds, the even bigger bonus to storage, how it moves and glistens in the wind... There was the damask dolman. Ever since then, I've worn it pretty much all the time. It has travelled with me to all corners of the world, faced perilous battles on land and sea and seen wonderful sights and discoveries. It has helped me visit all the cities needed for certain quests and keep my equipment and ship parts going strong during the long travels required for my adventures. I like it so much I wear two of it! One in the layering tools, to never run the risk of not having disguise again, and one as normal equipment, thanks to its +2 storage bonus, and I plan to keep wearing it for as long as possible. So Happy Valentine's to my damask dolman and to everyone!
In the picture: Me, along with my aides Sofia and Lisa, my pet armadillo and my trusty Jangdo, kneeling in respect and appreciation to my damask dolman display inside my quarters, in awe of its magnificence.
IGN: CaliCaddy46
Sometimes when you travel around the world you stumble upon some story so interesting that you just have to take part in. Well one day, talking about hunting and weaponry up in some cold region in Russia, one of the craftsmen over there mentioned something about a fantastic hunting bow that used to be crafted by certain Mongolians. Fascinated by the story, I offered to research this in Mongolia for them, fully hoping they would be able to recreate one for me once I give them the information.
Getting to Mongolia was not a problem since I have visited the place before; however, to find the precise location that might have some quality information about the bow, I had to do some prior research about the 14th century before heading to it. That sure opened the right passage for me and I was able to find the town rather easily. I got in touch with a local gentleman who seemed knowledgeable about it, but he was hesitant with sharing the information about how it was made stating that it was their trade secret. He did share with me about the history of the bow and the purpose, and the general materials it required. He also shared the characteristics of the bow and how to take care of one. He was also kind enough to let me see one of the fine examples of the bow the local shopkeeper owned.
Even though I was not able to obtain the information about the detailed step of the build, I felt like it was enough information the Russian craftsmen needed in order to make a best replica. Shortly after I returned to my hometown in Amsterdam, I prepared the booklet containing the information and some materials that were needed for crafting the bow. Sure enough, with the provided information and the materials it only took the craftsmen just a few hours, and it looked exactly like what I've seen in Mongolia. As a thank-you for the work I provided, I was gifted one of their first products.
Since then I've been using the bow for pretty much every imaginable activities and so far it has held up very well. Thanks to the information provided by the kind guy in Mongolia, taking care of it has also been very easy. A few years ago, as a compensation for the large river flood caused by a local company, I have also received some legendary craftsman's tools to even further strengthen some key materials of the bow. It's been all better since, it hasn't degraded a bit, and I still very much enjoy wielding this bow to places. Although I did not personally craft this bow, I still cherish it like one of my creations, and I will continue to appreciate the adventure it took to finally get one of these in my hands.