[BS-GLB EVENT] You Talk, We Listen : Winners List
Hello BlackShot Global Mercs,
We’re always on the hunt for great feedback from you mercs on our monthly operations!
Event Mechanics:
- From 8 April 2021 to 22 April 2021, you need to share your feedback and improvement suggestions of the latest update Operation Diamond Hydra on this forum topic;
- We will revise all entries, will take all feedback under consideration for upcoming updates, and reward all users that provide constructive feedback;
Event Rewards:
- 5 Lucky Winners: AK47 & Cheytac Paramour+ 15 days
- Participation: Ellie Valentine+ 3 days
Event Notes:
- Unfortunately, we experienced technical issues and we can no longer open the previous forum event topic. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and would appreciate if you could participate again here.
Team BlackShot
Hello, GM-Team!
First of all, it's a good idea to bring back the old characters like Rayne. Many would like to have the 5 places in competitive mode again to play with their friends.
I know this will bring a lot of people back to farming, but you'll have to find another solution to this, like checking and banning people faster. It would also be great if you could add more masks and outfits in the shop so that you have more choice.
For the flags I would add more countries such as Austria like in the old BlackShot before Revolution.
vAuthentiqz (:
[BS-GLB EVENT] You Talk, We Listen
first thing it's good idea to take suggestions from the players
I would like to put some characters with Gold not all Gms
Try make new ways to discover macros and hackers
increase number of spots in competitive
get rewards in clan war
change the rewards of competitive not like every season
And Thanks.
Bring old character of adam vanesa cathy these new characters look like cartoon characters so i suggest you to bring old characters and also update old mayestery weapons
Não esperava que viesse algo legal nessa Season, mas vocês me surpreendeu!
Alguns pontos:
Gostei que aumentaram o ícone dos emblemas dos Clans.
A nova DSR de Gold é bem bonita.
Parabéns pelo retorno da Rayne, acertaram bem nessa.
O modo Mercenário no Clan War deu um UP no jogo. Muito bem!
Sugiro que insiram os Streaks da equipe do Clan War no início da partida.
Hello GM´s
i think we all appreciate the work you´ve all done, including this event by bringing back Rayne as an old Caharcter and other events.
And all in all this event is good if we look at the EXP/BP Bonus, Rayne and ssome new Weapons.
But there are 2 points i have to mention which are not only from my view, but also from the most Players the most important points.
I hope this one will be noted and also implemented in the next updates.
Thnaks and all stay safe.
Best regards
IGN : Kai_
It's a Great time get Rayne Back.. And The HK416 Riffle Series is Best.. But The Glitch In SD matches and Bug Bomb plans stills Exist in "Red Mansion" & Sand storm 2 maps playing Fix It asap and Some Boosters still exist in comp..
And nobody plays Cell as well played do it a reWardable, cuz everyone will start playing CW too..
love Kai_
A att esta muito boa porem o game poderia ser menos pay to win e os premios de ranks mais valorizados
Dear GM s and Tehnic managers,
The first idea is to add a new mode. This new mode should be a kind of weapon race in the team, until the team makes a number of kills approx. 10, and to move to the next weapon everyone in the team must make at least one kill with that weapon and reach 10 kills together, and to activate the next weapon to press a button, for example B or H. When the team reaches knife, then it takes 5 kills to win. Or for the player to move on to the next weapon, he needs to make at least one kill with the current weapon and the team to make the number of kills for that level. Even if the team makes the number of kills and if a teammate does not kill with that weapon, he does not move on to the next weapon but the rest of the team passes. This new mode can be called Team Power ( TP).
Good luck,
IGN: ZeroCharisma_
Dear GM s and tehnical support,
Another idea is a mode called Show me your skill, at the beginning of the round, a number of random weapons appear on the screen, and the team votes on one of the weapons. The team starts the round only with the weapon that has accumulated the most votes out of the 8 proposed. Opponents exactly the same, but possibly other weapons. In this mode I recommend that very often only simple weapons appear, to win those who have skills in this game. The team that kills all opponents wins the round. You can also use it for TDM as well as SD or competitive mode.
Good luck, I hope I will play this mode soon.
IGN: ZeroCharisma_
Dear GM s and tehnical support,
An idea would be to add medals for the rank obtained in the season or KD of the season, which can be attached to the outfit, but to be different and unique. Each player should be unique in his own way. For example, the medal has a name, the biggest GOD AMONG PEOPLE, KILLER, BLIND ASSASIN and other titles.
You can also set the best player of the round to be displayed after each round in the SD, depending on which kills / assists, the coefficient of influence for winning the round. For each round when you are chosen the best, you get a star in your team. At the end of the game, depending on the stars obtained, he receives more BP/XP bonus for each star, 300 BP/XP per each star.
P.S. For this top ideas, I can apply for GM for this game? Would you accept to add me for my brainstorming and originality to develope this game?
IGN: ZeroCharisma_
It is a really good idea to bring back old characters like Rayne. And the new tdm map is also really good. I think putting new maps in competitive that have never been put before will be a great idea and also not repeating the same maps every season.
IGN: sacredprince
Hey GM's,
I Think that one of the main problems of the game is pay2win.
To solve this problem I sugesti you to introduce in the game more ways for the players to win gems, because the ussual player that doesnt want to put money in the game, cant have any gems, and the only way to do that is by buying them. Also, you could bring in more achievements that reward you with gems.
Another problem is farming în competitive, so my suggestion is to restrict party player to invite ranks 1 above or bellow him.
Thanks, hopefully some things will change.
Gostei que aumentaram o ícone dos emblemas dos Clãs.
Parabéns pelo retorno da Rayne.
O modo Mercenário no Clan War deu um UP no jogo.
Vcs poderiam trazer na próxima temporada o kit do espantalho de volta, mas, ao envés de por a awp Black, põe alguma MSR com aquela guia harmonia estabilizador+ e 1 pistola.
Também seria bom se vcs mudassem as recompensas do competitivo por outras armas mais esquecidas que os mercenários quase não compram na loja ou algumas armas que já passaram pelo gachabox e aumentar as vagas, por 3 vagas no máximo 5 é muito e 2 é muito pouco.
Também seria bom se vcs colocassem as mesmas ou recompensas parecidas do competitivo no server Clan Wars.
By: _MasterKill
Eu gostaria que vocês GMs voltassem com alguns mapas antigos tipo como: Quarry, Favela, Graveyard, etc...
Vocês poderiam trocar as recompensas do modo competitivo por algumas armas que já passaram pelo gachabox e aumentar o limite de vagas do Competitivo para 3 vagas e tbm aumentar o limite de patente para jogar no modo competitivo e Clan Wars para no mínimo tenente, para evitar os hackers e vocês poderiam criar ou arrumar um programa que detectar os macr0-s e os Scripts do mouse.
Vocês poderiam voltar com o Partner, para que o mercenário jogue com seu companheiro juntos olhando para aquela telinha que ficava acima na tela de jogo, e poder enviar presentes para os amigos tipo como qualquer coisa da loja. (Não só os kits do prêmio)
Hello, GM-Team!
First of all, it's a good idea to bring back the old characters like Rayne. Many would like to have the 5 places in competitive mode again to play with their friends.
I know this will bring a lot of people back to farming, but you'll have to find another solution to this, like checking and banning people faster. It would also be great if you could add more masks and outfits in the shop so that you have more choice.
For the flags I would add more countries such as Austria like in the old BlackShot before Revolution.
Ellie Valentine
First of all, it's a good idea to bring back the old characters like Rayne. Many would like to have the 5 places in competitive mode again to play with their friends.
I know this will bring a lot of people back to farming, but you'll have to find another solution to this, like checking and banning people faster. It would also be great if you could add more masks and outfits in the shop so that you have more choice.
For the flags I would add more countries such as Austria like in the old BlackShot before Revolution.
First of all, it's a good idea to bring back the old characters like Rayne. Many would like to have the 5 places in competitive mode again to play with their friends.
I know this will bring a lot of people back to farming, but you'll have to find another solution to this, like checking and banning people faster. It would also be great if you could add more masks and outfits in the shop so that you have more choice.
For the flags I would add more countries such as Austria like in the old BlackShot before Revolution.
hello all the respect GM team <3
in my opinin making competetive of 1 member to stop farming and could be better cuz it depends more single skills to win and for the characters i hope to see the rayne suit alone without a pack it my favorite one thnx for bringing it back <3
so i like the last update so much it reminds me of the old bs so insane :*
and finally pls change the comp rewards and thnx
u 're rly making a good work by bringing back old characters but the problem is that they are not the same like before ( for example Nina has the yellow stuff on her legs and Isabelle has a red outfit instead the old one + her hands aren't the same) we would rly appreciate it if u remove that new things with the old ones :) , also , bring back the old comp system ( with 5 players ) cuz with 2 players i find a huge difficulty with climbing due to newbies and afks , also i want to play with my friends again .. ik i can do that in cw but it is hard to find matches there ...
the last update was great but,I would like to put some characters with Gold not al with gems and also change the rewards of competitive not like every season.
Hello dear GM´s
I forgot something and wanted to mention it.
It would be amazing if the rewards for the rank level ups be much better like years ago. I mean back those days ou got a complete level up box with "BP, Weapons,Medikit,Outfits etc.". Nowadays we only got a mellee or BP gun for 3 days. Seriously thats unnecassary. We almost lost the ambition to get a level up, because its not rewardet how it should be. And thats also a point every player is talking about.
Hope you can find a solution for this.
Best regards
It is Great to See Rayne Back in Game..
And I love the New TDM map aswell..
But The Glitch and Bug Bomb plants still exist in Some Maps like Red Mansion & Sandstorm.. it will be better if u guys Fix it soon..
And The New HK416 Series is Awesome and I Realy ❤ it..
Pls Make Competative 5v5 Back, Cuz my All Friends Left Bs due to 2v2 comp system.. if u guys make it 5v5 back I will brjng them all back...
And I love Blackshot Forever.. cuz it's my Life.. 🥰🥰
IGN: IntelligentAxe
Hello GM's
I'm Happy to see Rayne Back in Action..
And I Love The Series of HK416 & New TDM map aswell..
And the Problem is The Rewards of Competative that is same since last 5 seasons.. and I Realy feel very bad and I can't stoped playing comp for that reason from last season..
And 2v2 is very bad idea for comp players.. my lots of friends left bs for this reason..
And about cw we can play 5v5 but nobody plays comp everyday, we never get a match in cw.. just waste of time.. if u guys give some rewards to Clanwar too players will go cw too...
Thank you..
IGN: MashStoinis
Hello and do not be tired, dear staff Black Shot is one of the best games in the world I have been playing Black Shot for almost 9 years. If possible, return the green rank to the game.
[BS-GLB EVENT] You Talk, We Listen
[BS-GLB EVENT] You Talk, We Listen