As of today:

Further System Changes

- Bug Fix: The MG3 box bug has been fixed.

FINALLY!! Took this long amazing, just shows that DE doesn´t care shit about this game anymore. Now that the free gold prems have run out for most people and the gun bug was making players crazy i wonder is there any players left.. @Pajo11 payback is coming for all those mg3 kills! ;)


  • edited June 2021

    Content / Game Update is once a month. So a fix takes 1 month. Always. Thats nothing new and has always been like that. To say "just shows that DE doesn´t care shit about this game anymore" is just wrong. They just continue their update interval.

  • It should have been fixed earlier. War Rock Team replied to me that they are trying to get a emergency maintenance which they can put out any day. But it was DE who were rubbing their balls this time. It took this long for a serious bug in game to fix that made me and 10+ players stop playing this shit! I bet the launcher isn´t yet nerfed. How long is that going to take, 2 months? Fkin amateurs. The sooner this game dies the better!

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