Stop rent shit RISE1 server.

Players pay a lot of money not so that you rent a cheap old server that doesn't even use a ssd drive.

Why you guys don't rent a server in Germany that uses a SSD drive with modern network chips , modern cpu?


popoya - What is the reason that u don't want to rent this gaming server from Germany?



  • edited November 2021

    POPOYA you have losses €18 per month ))

    In germany, game servers are cheaper)) and the connection is not 500mbps like  like in France, real high-quality German 1000mbps:)

    POPOYA change the server urgently

  • €18x12m=216 EURO/y


  • Popoya Why are you rent outdated shit for players who pay you more than enough to rent a modern server?

    Why do latin american players have a high ping? Distance? No.

    Your fucking server has a speed of 500mbps. And there is no need to argue that the game is old.

    The only problem is your stinginess and stupidity.

  • €18x12m=216 EURO/y


  • Popoya will you rent a game server from germany or will you continue to rent a server for forums and blogs with a speed of 500mbps?


  • Hopefully in 2022y warrockers won't see a popoya

  • 😂😂😂

    What's point of sitting in the forums when the developers aren't even reading it, since they're Korean, and need a damn 3rd party publisher to do the translation for them... I am astonished that most of you still play an out of date game, that rarely has any modern tech behind it, modern game mechanism, modern art, modern fucking engine, modern fucking graphics.

    Not to mention, last time I played, which was about 2-3 years ago, or something along those lines, and its embarrassing how bad the game is, people are still able to lean into a fucking wall, and look through them, instead of using game sounds (footsteps), game sense, to play better, its laughable, no wonder majority of the people WHO used to play this have left for better games, where games are at least cared for, have content, get new maps, and list goes on, and even have solid walls where you can't lean into them to look through them

  • edited December 2021

    popoya this month you will not receive 50 Euro .

    Maybe I'll ban you next month too.

    Change the RISE1 server if you want to receive money from me.

    I want to play on a game german server

  • popoya how are you without my money?

  • edited December 2021

    Popoya am I allowed to choose a game server instead of the shit- server you rent?

    I pay you money for this.

  • server.PNG

    MRTERROR DRAGONFORCE not all players get the same server connection as yours. You don't want the game to get a game server. There will be no server, I will ban papaya for another month and will not invest in the game. I have the right to ask rent a game server instead of a French shit RISE1 server for blogs and forums.

  • popoya no gaming server - no spend money

  • popoya you banned yourself for 100 euros.

    Isn't it easier to rent a game server?

    It's cheaper for you and the players need it more. Stop renting a server dedicated to forums.

  • edited December 2021

    Papaya, we need a game server !!!

    We do not need your server RISE1 for forums with a speed of 500mbps instead of 1gbps.

    In the city of roubaix france only servers rise1 are available.

    And the characteristics of this server rise1 are generally not suitable for an online shooter.

  • popoya Players can count on you to start renting a game server in Germany?

This discussion has been closed.