[BS-GLB EVENT] Operation Halcyon Hunt: You Talk, We listen

edited May 2022 in Events

Hello Mercs,

Share your feedback on the updates and

changes in this month’s patch. Are you loving  Operation Halcyon Hunt, or is there more that can be done to earn your heart? Let us know and you’ll be rewarded.


Update Info:



From 7 April 2022 - 4 May 2022, you need to share your feedback of the latest update on this forum topic with your character name (IGN);

All constructive feedback will be taken into consideration and you’ll be rewarded. Exceptional feedback will be exceptionally rewarded.



Abusive behavior is grounds for disqualification.



Top Feedback: MSR Venomphoenix+ 7D & VX Gas Grenade+ 7D

All Constructive Feedback: M4A1 Gold+ 3D


Team BlackShot


  • 1-Solution to Cheats

    2-Convenient and efficient package


  • edited April 2022

    Things that would Help improving the overall Gaming Experience:

    1 - Gold versions of Gem Weapons for those, who dont pay in this Game like in the Beginning of Revolution

    2 - Mastery System Improvement for example: Reward the Player when he reach Pro 5 with Scope for Gold f.e.

    3 - Stop this Guys create a bunch of Accounts to play Competetive.

    4 - Make an MasteryBonus Event for example im Brigadier General Yellow, and im Just Elite 4th with Rifle because it got resettet at Blackshot Revolution. Let the Highranks and every Player boost their mastery with an Event.

    Things on this Update:

    1 - New Scar looks nice and the McMillan also. Hope to get these in Package maybe.

    2 - Maybe other Competetive Rewards

  • OPERATION - HALCYON HUNT, a new Update that arrived unexpectedly in terms of what it brought from innovation to rewards.

    To start we have NEW GOLD WEAPONS, beautiful, but for me the SCAR GOLD NOVA+ stands out, but of course snipers have their place of attention.

    The new Outfits are interesting especially if we look at WALKING SPEED, something that will be very useful, as well as the lovely Character YUKI that returned to us, in addition to a beautiful Character we have great attributes attached to it.

    Something notable and good was the introduction of the new card.

    We noticed some changes in the new competitive SEASON, new items as rewards, something really cool.

    GM's events are great as always, with amazing promotions and rewards.

    The 200% boost is something extremely excellent, it's something we've been wanting to do for a while and here's a suggestion and personal request: PLEASE THINK ABOUT PLACING THIS 200% BOOST ON ALL MAPS, EVEN IF AT SPECIFIC TIMES)

    And as a suggestion for new UPDATES: Introduction/return of the partnership system, Gold weapons, silencer, sights and masks back to mastery level , and with the purchase for gold.

    IGN : StreeT_VR

  • Thank you Vertigo Games for giving us another wonderful update. I'm really glad to see a new golden weapons the SCAR Nova+ is really looking beautiful along with McMillian Nova+. I'm also happy to see a returned character Yuki she is really good.

    Well, i want to give a honest feedback about the following issues. The game needs more weapons purchasable with Gold and we have not received a new one since couple months. Another thing is, we need more maps to be added in the game new made up or old one.

    IGN: iNylex

  • hello Everyone .

     by first thank-u-all for your great job.

    In this update everything is awesome. just there isn't a nostalgic weapons. i know yuki is one of a old characters. but what about weapons . i have some ideas. something like" aK Dragon AWP dragon , AUG zebra P90 azrael" , "and Barret (gold)" .. and why not for character 'mantis' .. 

    New map :

    "The hunting" TFM" is the most map played in the game . why not updated more bigger (The hunting II "SD")..or create a new SD mode with A.B.C ... 

    Mastery shop : like old time .. why not get AK nz1,AK g, M4 nz1 .nz1 sasr, SCOP, Silencer .. can buy it with Gold but less powerful .

    New weapons: 

    Famas GIGN is one of the best weapons . we can create new famas. we have a lang time without create new smg or shotgun,

     i think we can create new AKS74U & M4super90.

    finally have a nice time Mercs and thank u for reading my ideas .. :D 

    IGN: IRonside_


  • Acho que tá sendo o mesmo do mesmo, 2 arminhas, uma roupinha, um mês sem muitas novidades, ainda mais que as armas são por temporadas, deveria ficar fixas na loja.

    A Loja precisa de uma expansão de armas, o jogo é saturado de AK's, HK's, M4A1, é só as mesmas armas, precisa de balanceamento urgente.

    IGN - IdenVersio

  • Hello here I made a small list of improvements, positives and negatives for the game

    Improvements: Daily, Clan War, More Maps, Better Anti Cheat System, More Weapons, More Server Stability

    Positive: Good weapon handling, fewer bugs than in the Garena times,

    Negatives: Unfriendly community, cheaters, graphics that could be improved,

  • A new update, new weapons, outfits, events and more have arrived. This new Scar Omega Gold Nova+ weapon and the McMillian Nova+ look really nice with this skin.

    Very cool to return some old characters like Yuki, I think there are still some missing.

    And I thought it was really cool to have an event with 200% exp and gold, it encourages people to play more. Could have more events like this, with more known and played maps.

    A suggestion is that in the events in the room with GM, it can be at some different times, that is, in two periods. A lot of people can't play right now in Brazil.

    And a suggestion would be to return the partner system, go back to the silencer and bp sights, return some old weapons, readjust the potency of some weapons.

    But other than that the work on the game is very cool, always with new features.

    IGN: HaaIand

  • edited April 2022

    This new update is something we needed for a while , I would say the guns reskin are okay but if there was some cosmetics added to make the guns design a little bit different would be cool .

    I would recommend be to returning the partner system, with some graphical adjustment and development .

    Aso the 200% boost is something we needed for a while since players play occasionally and will encourage players to pay money to have efficient gameplay .

    Last but not least I do really recommend to add packages of new guns in shop for a while beside putting them in gachaboxes so players can buy them and try them out instantly if they got no luck in gachaboxes.


    IGN : YyZz

  • A new update, new weapons, outfits, events and more have arrived. This new Scar Omega Gold Nova+ weapon and the McMillian Nova+ look really nice with this skin.

    Very cool to return some old characters like Yuki, I think there are still some missing.

    And I thought it was really cool to have an event with 200% exp and gold, it encourages people to play more. Could have more events like this, with more known and played maps.

    A suggestion is that in the events in the room with GM, it can be at some different times, that is, in two periods. A lot of people can't play right now in Brazil.

    And a suggestion would be to return the partner system, go back to the silencer and bp sights, return some old weapons, readjust the potency of some weapons.

    But other than that the work on the game is very cool, always with new features.


  • edited April 2022


    A new update, new weapons, outfits, events and more have arrived. This new Scar Omega Gold Nova+ weapon and the McMillian Nova+ look really good with this skin

    Good weapons Scar Gold Nova+

    I also hope you find a solution for hack

    I hope you employ new weapons buy with gold like in the past old blackshot weapen Mastery old blackshot 2017

    The people of Tunisia want to download the method of charging gems through mobile credit

    and we need fleeg Tunisia in game

    And I've been playing it since 2011

    Good luck, God willing!


  • A new update, new weapons, outfits, events and more have arrived. This new Scar Omega Gold Nova+ weapon and the McMillian Nova+ look really good with this skin

    And I thought it was really cool to have an event with 200% exp and gold, it encourages people to play more. Could have more events like this, with more known and played maps.

    And a suggestion would be to return the partner system, go back to the silencer and bp sights, return some old weapons, readjust the potency of some weapons.

    But other than that the work on the game is very cool, always with new features.

    IGN: imN0TM4D_

  • in my opinion the operation and its events are really cool spicially this play time rewards that will make people play more and have fun during it and the new guns looks cool

    But i got only 2 comments on the operations in general

    First : it will be much fun if u decided to change the competitive rewards so people try to challenge more for it as it is already same guns and stuff every single season

    Second : in every operation u will find the servers little laggy at the end of it like last 5 -7 days from the operation u will always find servers little bit laggy and u find people movement laggy as well

    and i really hope someday u bring back the partner system as it was much fun before so everyone can find his partner

    In general everything is great and this was all suggestions about how to improve the game in next operations

    Good work for whole Blackshot Team

    IGN: _Moltac

  • The new weapons are very beautiful and strong. Great initiative to bring more new weapons to the game.
    I believe that to further improve our experience with the game, they could also bring old weapons such as AK47 Dragon, Hk416 Forest.
    It would also be necessary to rebalance the damage of the Ak47 RedFrog, GoldMoon and Black for both to kill with a single headshot because it is the strongest Ak47 Rifle.
    It would be interesting to bring items like the Scop, Silencer, and Weapons from Mastery Ex Ak47Gold back in the day. Bring these items with mastery release by Gold and keep the gem ones, but with advantage.
    IGN: ASAP_Twelvyy

  • [BS-GLB EVENT] Operation Halcyon Hunt: You Talk, We listen

    [BS-GLB EVENT] Operation Halcyon Hunt: You Talk, We listen

    1 New in-game menu showing clan emblem would be nice.
    2 Bring old weapons for bp in the store hk forest, barret, type 64 Thuan, ak dragon, among other weapons.
    3 Balancing weapons a gas does more damage than an ak weapon and other weapons don't kill with a headshot.
    4 silencer and scoop per bp again and gold weapons and nz1 also the game has no focus you just play to level up rank and it became something repetitive.
    5 Changing rewards when leveling up a rank is competitive, something repetitive, it's also been 1 year with the same rewards in competitive and you haven't changed a thing...
    6 dolls push each other in the room remove this when I'm defusing a bomb in matches seek and destroy enemies and team friends can push me stopping to defuse the bomb.
    7 but missions to do earning rewards would be good too since the missions are kind of impossible to perform by playing 2000 games to earn such a weapon.

  • I really liked this update, especially the weapons, they are really superstitious, and I also want to ask Blackshot to solve the problems of cheaters and also add weapons like scar nova + mcumillan nova and for the addition I wish you would come back as a partner


  • Coisas que ajudariam a melhorar a experiência geral de jogo e de mas jogaodor.


    1 - Versões Gold de Gemas Weapons para aqueles que não pagam neste jogo como no começo da revolucion seria muito bom.

    2 - Melhoria do sistema de maestria por exemplo: Recompense o jogador quando ele chegar ao Pro 5 com Scope for Gold fe

    3 - Pare com isso Galera crie um monte de Contas para jogar Competitivo isso matem sua conta ativa .

    4 - Faça um Mastery Bonus Evento, por exemplo, no Brigadier General , e no Justo Elite 4th com Rifle porque ele foi resetado no Blackshot Revolution. Deixe os e todos os jogadores aumentarem sua maestria com um evento.

    Coisas sobre esta atualização:

    1 - O novo Scar ficou bonito e o McMillan também. Espero conseguir isso no pacote, talvez , fico agradecido.

    2 - Talvez outras recompensas poderiam muda no competitivo

    3- acredito que jogo possa trazerem mas pessoas do galera Garena novamente , seria muito bom mesmo 🙏.

  • edited April 2022


    1.I would like to say about the rewards in competitive games, change them to more interesting weapons. For example add AK 103 NZ.

    2.Change the design to make it more perfect.

    3.After this update, there were a lot of cheaters, which is also a very big problem.

    4. For upgrading weapons, make it possible to buy, for example, AK GOLD.

    5. And finally solve the problems with switchbug on sniper that for players with higher ping.


  • Thank you Vertigo Games for giving us another wonderful update. I'm really glad to see a new golden weapons the SCAR Nova+ is really looking awesome along with McMillian Nova+. I'm also happy to see a returned character Yuki she is really good and also the daily rewards :D

    Well, i want to give a honest feedback about the following issues. The game needs more weapons purchasable with Gold and to make back the partner option with some solution to end up cheating and if u can ofc some changes in comp rewards

    that will be epic

    IGN : BR0LYY

  • This update is really cool. the scar nova and the McMillan nova are awesome and they look really cool.

    GM's events on Fridays and Tuesdays are great as always, and this season specially the rewards are awesome, and i like the idea that every time its changed ( Rifle only, Sniper only, etc..).

    Moreover, the 200% exp boost helps many players to level up and get gold faster and easier, and the chosen maps for the boost are the most popular maps.

    I like the return of YUKI she is really good, and the maps this competitive season are great.

    The gatcha box items are also great.

    For suggestions, i recommend the addition of better rewards for ranking like exceptional masks or outfits that can't be purchased from the gatcha box.

    i recommend also the return of partner option since the competitive is restricted to two players, it will be cool if the two players are partners.

    IGN: sacredprince

  • Olá!!

    Eu quero parabenizá-los pela belíssima temporada que vocês nos concedeu, com bastante eventos, skins e armas novas. Eu quero agradecer por trazerem de volta a Yuki que era umas das melhores personagens da antiga e parabenizá-los pela belíssima Scar e McMillan NOVA+ com uma skin muito linda e por trazerem a skin do mergulhador que na minha opinião tá melhor do que era antes.

    Eu vejo que vocês estão se esforçando em tirar aqueles jogadores com o comportamento abusivo e corrigindo alguns bugs de algumas salas.

    Também vejo que vocês estão melhorando o jogo o máximo possível, trazendo novos eventos, promoções de gemas e pacotes, eventos com GM.

    Se vocês puderem criar novos mapas ou trazer alguns mapas antigos tipo; SD, TFM, TDM e WR.

    Tenho algumas sugestões para a próxima temporada;

    1- Eu vejo que no BlackShot SEA tem mais eventos que no GLOBAL. Então vocês poderiam criar um campeonato com Clãs ou jogadores aleatórios, com os vencedores ganhando troféus e outras coisas que vocês escolhessem.

    2- Trazerem eventos não só de XP e BP e sim de Mastery (só para variar).

    3- As recompensas do competitivo são as mesmas armas há algum tempo, na minha opinião vocês poderiam mudar as armas e colocarem armas novas, eu vejo muito jogador reclamando que são as mesmas recompensas todas as temporadas se vocês pudessem mudar (só para variar) eu ficarei grato por isso.

    4- Eu queria pedir para vocês nerfaram algumas armas tipo a; KSG de BP (Para uma arma de BP ela está mais bugada que outras armas de GEMA), a SCAR OMEGA+ dentre outras e bufaram algumas armas.

    Obrigado pela compreensão de vocês e espero que a próxima temporada seja tão boa quanto foi essa.

    IGN: WarL0cK__

  • edited May 2022

    An invitation system would be interesting so that active players can invite their friends to play the game and both would receive rewards. I believe it is a good way to attract more people to the game.

    It would be interesting to implement a weapon skin system for common weapons, the rarest skins could be sold through gems or gatchabox and the more common ones could be purchased with in-game currency. The skin would be tied to the inventory not the weapon, being able to reuse it whenever weapon you want.

    A co-op mode ​​would also be very interesting not only for training but something more elaborate like a horde mode.

    A way to test the weapon before buying it, maybe a place where you can test the recoil, with sights on the walls and damage meter.

    Every day a map or game mode boosted with 20/30/50% more XP/Gold to encourage players to diversify their matches and playstyle.

  • you_talk_we_listen.jpg

    Hello Mercs,

    A huge thank you to all for participating and for sharing your feedback on the latest Operation Halcyon Hunt update. We promise that all feedback will be taken under consideration for future improvements.

    You will all receive your rewards soon in your loadouts!

    Team BlackShot

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