Legacy 7 Olympia and Land of Competition Questions

Does Clue #13 work?

I sank two plunderer fleets in NA west coast in SanFrancisco sea zone but did not receive a clue.

Yes I started the legacy quest and have one other clue so I know I should be able to get that clue.


  • Got it. The fleet must be the ABCDE (5 ship) fleet, not the AB ambush Gold Plunder fleet.

  • Sorry to be Late pater. Please find ABCDE Gold Plunder fleet. will remove AB fleet to avoid confusion.

    I was ambushed suddenly by Gold Plunder AB fleet. but couldn't confirm whether I can get the clue cause I took a shot before update.

    And I attacked Gold Plunder ABCDE fleet and got the clue after update.

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