Protected again



  • edited January 2023

    Shall i go through my last four threads and gather all there replies which indicate they are competitive players. But when the time came to play they all ran away.

    How many times can someone claim to be something, but never back that claim up. Fraud.

    Fake stats, fake accounts, fake games. Now go silent for 24-hours, let this pass and then come back.

  • edited March 2023

    When it came time to play these clowns ran away.

    Quick mute on. Take no notice, don't engage as we may be found out to be trash players in a competitive environment

    Clowns are Silent here as well.

  • As long as players buy crap from the item shop, this insolent publisher will not go away.

    Papaya I hate you.

  • edited March 2023


  • edited June 2023
    Now I understand why you started playing with the old account. You are shit dragonforce.
  • edited July 2023

    He is used to editing game files. it's okay for him but bannable for everyone else.

    He has had an edited game client for a number of years. Insider info

    His warrock client/ version has no screen shake, this is how he can lay next to a tank on a hill as a free-to-play player and still ping headshots all over the map as the screen is not shaking like normal. Noticed he stopped streaming his gameplay when EAC entered in 2017

    There is reasons for this

  • edited July 2023

    He's a cheat, his friends are cheats, and cheating is all they have known within the game.

    If he gets banned like in the video he just sends a message to a toxic GM and they unban no questions asked.

  • I'm not arguing you have been banned and the only reason you unbanned as you cried to a GM who was in your pocket.

    Was the exchange of credits from ben good at the time?

    No wonder he unban you buying all his NX credits

  • edited July 2023

    N1 assumptions. But to talk the same bullshit over and over again wont make it true.

    My screen shakes just like it does for everyone else. And nor do i have a "edited" client :)

    If i would have a "edited" client, i would have been banned just like Ben89 who was banned DESPITE THAT FACT THAT HE WAS HELPING PAPAYAPLAY AND THE HGMS TO SOLVE THE EXISTENS OF THE "EDITED CLIENT".

    Dont you see how much nonsense you are talking? So... try harder next time. Useless Brick :)

    Oh and....

    "Insider Info" didnt knew acid dreams from smoking crack and taking MDMA are called "insider infos"


  • Cut-price NX credit direct from the source.

    How much were you paying per 1000 credits?

    To think you have flaunted the size of your inventory over the years, but the reality is it cost you way less than a normal legit person as you used a toxic GM and a backdoor to buy your credits

    no wonder for years you claimed to not spend anything. You was getting it all by the backdoor.

    How many credits did you buy? no wonder you have every item in the game. As you didn't pay for the majority of your credits.

    He was not about to let that cash cow go so unbanned you.

    Taking money off a minor, Ben really has some low limits right?

  • edited July 2023

    How delusional do you want to become?

    Mrterr0r: Yes.

    Credits are sold by the Company. Not by some volunteering HGMs without the power to do anything except spectating, starting events and ban players. HGMs are players with "enchanced" permissions. They cant do shit.

    So in that matter: Just as much as anyone else would have payed for the set amount of NX.

  • edited July 2023

    Credits also came as codes.

    Credits where not limited to one place and you could purchase codes from many online vendors for this game.

    Thats how you bought so many. Maybe you are just playing dumb like your ban video.

  • edited July 2023

    Weird that my entire NX transaction history consist of PayPal payments and 0 codes 🤷‍♂️

    One Day you will wake up and understand how insanely Delusional you are :)

    Overasuming stuff is never a good thing you know 😉

  • Were you, not 13/14 years old in nx times?

    Paypal accounts? at 13 ?

  • edited July 2023

    just 1 example for you of me wasting money because i literaly dont need to care about it. :)

    I guess its about time for you to cry in other games in forums dude. Useless Brick.

  • Ben was not even a GM in 2016, so why you showing 2017 loooooooool

  • edited July 2023

    Oh you talking about Ben? Funny. I didnt "knew" him till around 2018/19. Thats when i for the first time came in contact with him.

    Oh yeah my bad. I thought page 1 would be the oldest transactions. 1 sec.

  • edited July 2023

    Besides. Thats as far as you can go back @ Nexon, since they merged NexonEU with Nexon Global, leaving all transactions prerior to the Merge to be deleted. Check it yourself if you dont believe me.

    As always. D E L U S I O N A L.

  • So they covered your tracks by deleting the evidence. How nice of these GMS to protect you.

    That's a lot of money you have paid for a game you claim is easy. 300.000+ nx credits here alone in 2 months.

    Woo what a killer you are.

    I've never needed 300k of credits for warrock. in my lifetime. yet you needed this amount in the span of 6 weeks.

    Skills or are you just paid to win every game?

    How many games have we played where you have had a massive paid advantage? And you wanna talk about skill and levels... When you can't even DO esl correctly. Just think of all the comments you have made all while using the most expensive equipment within the game.

    All the so-called top players in this game are like this. claiming there great at the game but have spent millions of credits to play this game then look for f2p players to bash on, to then stitch every game up and load the teams so no one shoots back at you.

    Do you wanna see my history? should I share>?

    Delusional...Telling others how bad they are having spent so much real money to play. You have loaded up with 300k+ of credits and still, you are bearly competitive for me.

    That's got to hurt right>?

  • edited July 2023

    Oh yeah Nexon deleted the entire payment history of every player at the merge just because of me

    As i wrote it once:

    MrTerr0r, how delusional do you want to get?

    Mrterr0r: YES!

  • Oh and i just calculated my investment between 24 August 2016 till 10 July 2017 its 1360,8€

    Want to know anything else?

  • edited July 2023

    I invested all the Money into MysteryBoxes to get permanents. Permanents i never use :)

    To "have" and to "use" everything are 2 different things :)

    Because as everyone knows: I mostly/more or less stick to K1, M4a1, AK47, AI_AW, SSG and MP5K.

  • So we can conclude

    I have not spent a fraction of the credits you have to play this game. Yet I run rings around you on every map. Just think if we were balanced every game, but you don't want that. Nor do your cheating friends.

    Spend a load of money, use sub-accounts to get games going then kill mainly free to play under level 20 accounts as your to afraid to line up with the veterans of warrock. No one has ever seen you... Even after 300k of credits in 6 weeks you are still a beach hiding in the lobby making sure you select only games where the outcome favors yourself.

    Not forgetting how limited you are with the game maps playing only 3 out of 20 watches you claim more but you are never seen. Same three maps on repeat like so many so-called pros in the game.

    And then there is me, with no credits making 41+ games vs anyone who will play.

    The game is 16 years old and in 1 year you paid 1.5k to play this game... More than i have paid by about 1000 in 16 years.

    How skillful of you.

  • But i couldnt care less about your trashtalk. Its just not true 🤷‍♂️

    And Btw.

    By collecting all the Permanents (those i mostly dont even use as stated above) I make you and everyone else to be able to play the game :)

    So... Be glad that i waste my money for stuff i dont use :*

  • It's why no GM will take me up on a Discord league.

    A place where players are evenly matched and the teams are balanced and the games are fair. Where we can all have a vote for what map is played beforehand. Where one team does not end up with 10 people playing 3 people ( standard game for you and cheating friends) but a competitive league playing the best of the best from battlegroup and CQC.

    You don't want this... And I could write a list of other trash players with 4+ 3+ 2+ KDs who would get shown up.

    The last thing you want is any competitive gameplay in warrock. How can you win a game if you lose the advantage you paid so much for? Or cannot slip in a sub to the enemy team.

    What type of person spends 1.5k of real money to play a game then never starts a game, never creates a room? and only wants to play for 15mins out of a 40min game? surly the guy who has spent nothing should have this outlook. Not you with 300k credits in the bank.

    You really spent this much to play this easy f2p game. Dam. Really? you really paid that much to play warrock. hahaha this is so funny.

    After all the stories on Discord and this forum of you being good, it was all a smoke screen hidden behind the game's credits, stacked teams, sub-accounts, and cheating friends. I've always known I've been good with the basics, but to be playing people who are spending 1000s of real money, daaaaaammm.

    No wonder the clown refused to show his credits when asked. That would be truly embarrassing.

  • Okay, no credit history for me from NX.

    You say you got skills, but have to pay bills. Before you can enter.

  • edited July 2023

    Let's break it down.

    1 time in 2017

    3 times in 2018

    5 times in 2019

    7 times in 2021

    3 in 2022

    0 in 2023.

    For a total of 415. This is not even half of what you spent in just 2017 alone and this was 6 years ago now.

    Quick maths... 1360 - 415 = 945. You are up on me by almost 1000 just from your 2017 transaction history alone. 6 years ago

    You have never been humble about it. Ether

    How do you and so many others in this game get so deluded into thinking you are good? You didn't even play BG before they added the GPS as battlegroup was too hard lol.

    You spent all this money, and have never started a single game.

    You spent all this money, and have never created a room.

    You spent all this money, just so you could compete with players like me.

  • edited July 2023

    I join a running match and play when and what i want 🤷‍♂️

    I watch series or do other stuff until somth is up and i am like "oh yeah i would be up for that now"

    I dont like to wait for morons to join nor to decide to press F5. I play when i decide i wanna play. Has always been like that :)

    Nor do i call anyone in or join "when its stacked". Everyone of my Clan even knows that i 99% of the time instantly leave the match when i join while its spawntrap because its so fkn boring. When i play and they ask me "Yo dragon which side" I will tell them. Because they are mates you know. But i never. EVER. call anyone in. because i just fkn dont care.

    Join and Play. When and what i want. Collect Retails and Guns i like. Play without moronic OP/Broken weapons and 9999 skins stacked. Thats how it is since a decade.

    Yet there are moronic drug addicts like you living a fever dream searching for excuses all day long, overthinking, overguessing and overasuming stuff 24/7. Telling the most ilogical bullshit of the entire history of this and any other Online Game.

  • And as always. Be happy that i pay so much money in order to get stuff i dont even use. Just because i love to collect stuff. If players like me wouldnt excist idiots like you wouldnt be able to play :)

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