Why there is never a gm online?!?!?!?!?!

Hello guys,

i never see a gm online. Everyone can hack and do what he wants. Today the whole day there are hackers online in the tournament. They play every round and no one banns them?! Why start things like tournament when no one can play becouse of the hacker?!?!?! Maybe get more gm´s?!?! No wonder the game is dead if no one cares about anything!



  • yep its sad but they dont give a shet its ACM and IKFP sub account

  • they are mad cause the 2 ring tourney they lost with all perm and started cheating

  • But i dont understand why someone do it? What do they get from it? Bigger penis? More money in life? Loose virginity?

  • Today the same... New day new hacker and no gm online.. dead game and its their own fault

  • Don't come here to complain, they don't give a shit. Their accounts are masked, they are online. They just don't show up sometimes nor do they give an actual care in the world to make a change.

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