eriick banned



  • edited March 2023

    Since when isnt it allowed to have multiple Accounts? Show me the rule 🤷‍♂️

  • Look at these excuses

    The rules state one account per user.

    Not one account depending on how many sub-accounts you have. Other wise your cheating bot user friend will have 1000 forum accounts.

  • EAC works.

    It's why everyone you regard as a friend in this game is banned.

    It's why you cannot line up and compete against other long-term players

    It's why every room you are in there is an account created this week.

    EAC fucked you within this game. Shame it was 10 years too late.

  • edited March 2023

    What a dumb Statement.

    But Forum Acc is the same as the ingame acc isnt it? The "Forum Account" is linked to the Ingame Account by default. Create a Acc to play and your Login ID will be the Forum Username. Since EVER.

    You dont "create a new acc for the forum"

    And yet you couldnt show me the rule "no multiple accounts" Event rules wont applie here.


  • Am I the only player in this game to have never received a ban of any type?

    No insults, no bug using, no free-killing, no BR teaming, No cheat

    Discord/forums do not count

  • The event rules stated one account per user.

    Not one user with as many sub-accounts as you wish.

  • edited March 2023

    The Event rules yes. Rules for an Event. Stated in the Event itselfe. Is this an Event? Have i used multiple Accounts in Events with that set rule? Simple Answer: 2x No.



  • And even in Events without that set rule i could only choose 1 reward.

    Ops. Double Sit.

  • Yeah, corrupt GMs protecting you, as we outlined above.

  • Again moronic excuses? How is he corrupt? He gave me only 1 reward despite the fact there was no rule that stated "only one account" for that Event. He acted in favour of the Community. Not in my favour.

    Tell me: how delusional are you?

  • Look at this forum.

    Any post which exposes you for bashing free accounts is locked. Funny that huh?

    Yet every day all you are doing is loading teams with others. Then claiming to be this and that on discord.

    Delusional, give me half an hour. I show someone making claims they have not once backed up.


  • edited March 2023

    Why wont you answer my question first? Cant?

    Why do you always start a new topic once you noticed you cant win in the previous one 🤷‍♂️

  • Weird one seeing as you duck so many of my questions.

    Why is there a brand new account in every room you enter?

    Why are you afraid to line up against your own experience and level?

    Why do you duck-playing me?

    Why do you need help from other members in random games?

    Why are all your friends banned?

    BRB still clipping all your BS reply about being something in this game without any proof

  • Weird. Every room has new accs inside. Not just mine. How it comes? Ah true. Its because you search excuses 24/7.

    How am i afraid to line up against "your own experience level"? I join and play. Since years. Good Team, bad Team idc. And i also never rq. Everyone who play with and vs me knows that 😉

    Arent you the one who is scared to play vs me in public Matches? Always rqing, crying or sitting in corners with excuses. Just like in that nice Stream i posted view days ago. You even called 12steiner an GPS account because he is german 😂😂 grow up moron

    How do i need help? As we all stated many times: its not allowed to play with mates in your universe right? Must be hard to be as alone as you are. And btw. Only a few bg Matches open. The Chance to be in the same room is pretty high. And that friends mostly play together isnt somth reprehensible.

    Some of them are banned, some of them arent. I know the reasons for the bans, you just guess them so i couldnt care less

  • You have refused to start a game with me... You are an adult approaching 30 yet keep making claims which you have never backed up!

    Yet won't give a time one weekend when you will be willing to join the lobby and play this game from start to finish without needing to relog at any point... Anyone reading this including all the GMs will know how many times I have asked you this question now and it's becoming a tab repetitive because you always have an excuse or become silent ignoring the question. Yet are logging upward of 100 hours each month.

    ""its not allowed to play with mates in your universe right?""

    Friends play together, You cannot share a single screen of you and your "friends" all lined up F5 ready to play this game.

    Prove me wrong. Share a screen in the last 12 months of that clan you are in ready to play ( there are none)

    Instead you all hide in the lobby and take turns loading one side or they join the enemy team and greif or spy for you. Before being kicked or exiting and rejoining.

    I am not scared to play you or anyone in this game if the teams are balanced as I can handle losing, or having a bad KD.

    I play to win.

    But you along with so many others are just loading teams to gain an advantage each game and this has been highlighted so many times now just look at the locked threads hiding this away from view.

    For someone who is near 30 you do talk a lot of BS. Back your claims up. Or just shut up.

    EAC knows the reason your friends are banned. EAC does not give a fuck about your excuses baldy.

  • you are the most insecure person in this community...both cheat and cheat are always empty

  • Is that so? If my arguments are "empty", why are you never able to refute them? Should be easy for you. Yet just another excuse so you dont need to admit that you are wrong 🤷‍♂️😉

  • I am not asking for anything remotely difficult here. It's basic gameplay for any online multiplayer team-based game.

    The game starts with two even teams. The game plays out without anyone leaving. One team wins, and one team loses. Everyone says GG at the end. They then ready up the map changes and play again.

    You cannot do this.

  • But you cant find 2 even teams in this dead game. Nor a game without anyone leaving 🤷‍♂️

  • Because you are all fucking the teams over every day, every game that's why we cannot all be playing together.

    You have a 10+ year account but look to play accounts created this week. You should not even be in the room with these accounts out of principle. They are new accounts forget whos behind them. A level one is a level one. You are level 120 with 10 years plus experience.

    Every game you are padding your KD on them and have over time come to believe you are something special within this game because of all these one-sided games just on 3 maps.

    Do you think Errick has 80+ win rate as he is a good player? Or shaddix or hgm witcher 85% pajo or burza heck how many players do I need to list? I could write a player book of accounts over 5 years old who do nothing more than look to screw each game over daily or bail at the first sign of death.

    I am the only player in the game who has ever shouted for 41+ limit games. I do not want to be in any room with any accounts lower than this. If there was a 70+ room option I would be calling for this too.

    These room options are not used because the majority of this player base used to cheat and now the cheats are blocked their skill has gone missing. Leaving the only option of abusing new accounts and loading teams making it almost impossible for them to ever have a bad game. I can log in any evening this week and show the above to be 100% true.

    Warrock is the most fun when started with full teams from start to finish. A GM can create this in 30s

    Do you ever see any of these GMS in the game creating a balanced, fun, fair environment for this player base? No, never!

    What the heck are they doing? Never online. Are you telling me out of the 5/6 GMs not one of them can spare a few hours once or twice a month over a weekend to improve the gameplay in battlegroup? Making sure the teams are balanced (41+ only) fun (every map) and fair

    Right now these GMs are protecting problem players and actively creating a toxic environment on their personal accounts with every paid item given to them for free. Someone really needs to look into why this is allowed to happen. Make me a GM and I bring a level of competitive gameplay back to battlegroup at least once a month. But I guess you be a no-show with more excuses if this was to ever happen.

  • You are an incorrigible liar.

    You answer the arguments with bshit and then ask to answer your bshi.

    You are papaya pawn and papaya is losing players.

    This publisher slaughtered a money-making cow. I have never seen more stupidity.

  • You need to start by renting a game server.

    It is necessary to prohibit the connection to the game through Wi-Fi.

    Then you need to kick the admins and their hacker friends in the ass.

    Then players need to reclaim ownership of their accounts and items.

    Allow players to sell and buy accounts on the publisher's site.

    This will attract players and there will be real interest.

    Then start working on improving the game.

  • These are not my guesses.

    The fact that you were banned.

    The fact that your friends are banned because of the hack. For example, the logic is that if 5 friends are drug addicts, then the sixth cannot be a drug addict.

    This campaign has common interests and goals.

    What more logic do you want? You are a hacker yourself and your friends are hackers.

    Only the publisher can prove this, but he does not.

  • Allowing players to sell and buy accounts with the help of a publisher will generate interest in the game.

    You don't understand how it works.

    If the real owner of the account puts the account up for sale, then this can be checked by the publisher.

    For example, he can take 5-10% commission for this service.

    But the publisher wants to draw skins and sell unnecessary weapons to anyone.

    Moreover, this weapon has a hidden timer. The publisher needs to start respecting the players.

    The publisher doesn't want to change anything. The publisher knows that the game server is better, but they don't want to do it. So the HGM answered me.

    If you write software with network chip models, then the problem of using Wi-Fi to get lag will disappear. There are a maximum of 100 of these network chip models. This program can be updated when a new network chip appears.

  • edited March 2023

    Warrock battlegroup was designed for 32 players 16 v 16

    Some players are on foot... Assaults and medics.

    Some players use various vehicles, Engineers

    Some players are there to fight the vehicles. Heavy trooper

    This then leaves overwatch for the snipers.

    Each class had its role along with strengths and weaknesses all playing together to create what was a great balanced FPS game.

    You have not played this game the way DE intended for a very long time. 99.9% of your gameplay is abusing the game. I am amazed at how you continue to make statements about being a good player when you cannot even do the most basic of tasks like starting the game from the lobby with other players.

  • I don't care about you or papaya. You did not notice that I leave the room where you and your friends enter.

    I don’t go into the game at all because of you, it happens for a week.There are thousands like me.

    You can roll up the papaya and shove it up your ass and I don't care.

  • edited March 2023

    Even from space, ping is better than from Latin America or Germany.  This can be seen in the screenshot where I used the starlink connection.

  • edited March 2023

    wifi from germany or latin america get same high ping

    wifi for lag

    Talking about distance is an excuse to do nothing for players not to use lag.

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