Active GMs are a Joke.

Anyone of the GMs could log in and within 60s have a room full of players ready to play. Regardless of the game mode.

This is what an active GM should be doing. 

I understand we need tickets answering and discord etc but this game could really do with some in-game active GMs who are creating rooms for the Warrock community to play in. Tell me why on a Sunday afternoon/evening it's impossible to get one of the listed GMs to be logged in for an hour or two to play some games. 

Is logging into the game on a Sunday afternoon/evening once a week really too much of a commitment for the current GM team, The same GM team who all claim to want to see this game improve but do not actively take action to improve the game themselves even just for a short time once a week. 

The GM team could take it in turns once a week as it only requires one person meaning you are only needed every 4-5 weeks for 2 hours on a Sunday. I am going to assume here but most of the GM team are above 25 and adults who should be able to commit to 2 hours in advance and between them organize who will be on or not. < it's not difficult, is it?

This is what you signed up for right? Or did the 5 of you all have ambitions of becoming Discord chatbots?

There is nothing wrong with Warrock. It's the player base who ruins it. 

Set the player limit, 100-point kill, and the game to 30mins.

No rules,

In two hours 4 maps could be played out giving everyone the chance to enjoy a game. With random teams, this offers no team loading and no cherry-picking of the "best" side. At the end of the game, 3 maps will be listed and the remaining players can choose by simply entering 1,2 or 3 into the chat. < it's not difficult, is it?

How much fun would these games be over what is currently happening in-game?

In 2023 this game suks. Every game is unbalanced and the teams are never full. Same toxic players abusing each room. So why for a couple of hours once a week can we not get away from this and get back to how the game was intended to be played with full teams from start to finish?

When he game is the most fun!


  • edited July 2023


  • Hello,

    Thank you so much for your feedback.

    I understand where you are coming from, and I partially agree with the idea that we could be more active when it comes to creating a room for bringing the community together to play and have fun in any game mode and at any given time (especially during the weekends). I know we may be running less events these days, but I will try and get the whole HGM team to show more in-game involvement.

    Furthermore, I'd like to mention that Discord isn't just a place to show your suggestions/complaints, but also somewhere to meet other players and organise a match - there are a lot of members there and most of them may feel the same way you do, so why not joining forces and playing all together? ( I do know that there is no specific channel for room creation / match organisation, but I can try and get LGMs to create such a channel and use it only for such purpose.

    Rest assured that what I said before does NOT replace the idea of having more HGM-run events or matches, but that there are several options to make the most out of the current resources and that, if players and HGMs work together (i.e. players should also be willing to respect the rules and be friendly*), the gaming experience of everyone can be improved.

    *To this regard I also wanted to state that, as you mention, we could run more matches in the weekends. However, we've been doing this in the past as I said, but there are many users who decide to ruin other players' experience by kicking them, sabotaging them or being disrespectful. This being said, I don't mean to generalise, but part of the community (without necessarily saying names) should also try to point at themselves and other players should push them to behave correctly so that everything can run smoothly and flawlessly - this game does not solely depend on HGMs and what they do (not) do, but about what everybody involved does.

    Best regards,


  • Thank you cheerful for your reply.

    Let me back on Discord, for a 2nd time then. lol

    I'm tired of the game I love being dumped on! And want a "safe space" for a few hours. Regularly!

    Do you not think once a week I should be able to log into this game and play a balanced game for a couple of hours start to finish with full teams without any nonsense? Games are meant to be balanced, fun, and fair. Everyone knows what the state of battle-group is like it's toxic, and not fun anymore with so many going out there way to ruin the game while trying to gain an advantage.

    Begging for a balanced battlegroup game is so sad! DE is useless giving this game mode zero love in years. A new map is nice, still have not played it. But what good is a nice new map when the teams are always unbalanced? And people always vanish mid-game or switch teams. Guess this is why we are about to bury this game for good given the lack of a player base anymore. It was never the game that was the issue. You are all on limited time. Why not get active before it's too late?

    We may only have one winter left.

  • edited July 2023

    There has not been a message in the event section of Discord in 2023...  300+ members!

    There has not been a message in the event section on the Warrock forum since October 2022.

    There is no mention of any weekend events or any type of events apart from sales on Facebook... 7000+ members!

    Why does it always have to be random, or logged in within 5 minutes? Please explain this to me. Why can it not be organized and arranged and publicized in advance with the backing from papaya-play to draw players into signing up? KOM?

    You are dealing with long-term players even if their accounts are short-term (ops). Is 2 hours once a week between a GM TEAM at a set time too much for you all to commit to? It only requires ONE TEAM member.

    Please do not forget you all have accounts with over 3000+ hours logged with some of you having much more. At times over the years, you all have been very active in the game on these personal accounts. So when I see your GM accounts telling me you cannot play or create rooms then later seeing your own personal accounts in-game there comes my frustration as claims get made and broken a lot and it's been this way for many years now. Time to change it up!

  • edited July 2023

    Verified users on Discord, Should be very easy to stop any issues. And why should there be any problems? If you take note of the chat the whole discord is full of pro players from both game modes... I play everything in this game win lose draw.. if the teams are full and fair. With the chance to maybe change up the gameplay by agreeing and sticking to some simple rule sets. There really are so many possibilities in gameplay that this could open up.  

    Why can we not have an event for 2 hours on a Sunday evening at a set time each week so the Warrock community gets to know these rooms are going to be on? This would build interest... It's something players can commit to... Especially if you were to allow players to place their names down to gain a spot prior to the event starting. So players know 100% that if they log in on that day and time there will be a room of 31 other adults all waiting and looking to play some games.

    PMing the Password via Discord to these accounts 15mins before the games start... It's so easy!

    Don`t wanna play, don't sign up... Then we can see who the real talkers are and the real gamers looking for some balanced large-scale warfare with the max amount of players.  

    This is what Discord is made for.

    What is there to lose? if only 20 ppl sign up, we use a 20-player room, if we hit max then we use 32. We only need 8 people for a 4v4 at the minimum.

  • edited July 2023

    The winter league

    8 weeks Nov-Dec so plenty of time to organize. Events run each Sunday up to Christmas Eve which just happens to be a Sunday, what a great day to give out rewards to the Warrock community.

    Get a league going with different ways to score points. not just win/lose. Not everyone will be able to complete all 8 weeks but at least they can score and earn rewards for the games they do attend. Between this GM TEAM, you all have the power to change how battle-group games play out. Just for a few hours. Yet choose not to take advantage of it.

    With the use of Discord, this would be very easy to start building a bit of hype around these winter games.

    If papaya-play will organize the rewards... KOM are you still reading?

    A basic reward for playing that evening. Then ramp up the rewards the more games you commit to and complete.

    A unique top in the game for completing each week and other player parts or custom weapon skins that will never go on sale etc. There are ways to draw people's attention if the rewards are worth the time. 7-day 1000% xp boost, one million in Dina for completing each week. There are so many things papaya could do.

    Let's all stop talking. And start playing on a Sunday evening once a week.

    DE refuses to make any changes to this game mode after years of clearly showing the abuse in action. This leaves only a GM TEAM with the power to make these changes. But you cannot do this randomly or within 5 minutes.

    You are talking to long-term players of Warrock here, people who have been around the game for a long time. This game is 16 years old now for us meaning these people are not kids and the ones who act like kids won't be interested in something such as this as there be too busy watching anime porn on Netflix.

    But I am wanting to play and I knowthere are other players just like me looking for some balanced, fun games without any aggro. How Warrock used to be!

    Battle Group was designed for 32 people. start to finish!

    Large-scale warfare. Not 2v1 and rejoin or load the other team with a spy account, or switch teams. 16 vs 16 best team wins.

  • edited July 2023

    First come, first served it's easy to track via Discord. 

    The complete 2-hour game gives a spot for the following week automatically.

    No show, No 2nd chance. No reward. and No more access to the Event chat.

    A subsection on Discord called..... "Weekly event sign-up" Its contents are locked to everyone. You can only view your own posts. Now you can easily message players. Without any spam.

    A subsection on Discord called. " Event Chat" Now we can talk cheerful, and players can sign up, without it spilling over to normal chat. Keep it adult without the Bs only people who sign up have access to this section. Let's keep the kids outside.

    We only need MAX 31 People out of the thousands of accounts this game has access to via social.

    Run it over the winter of 23/24 for 8 weeks this gives enough time to iron out everything. 4 cqc nights and 4 BG nights but this includes deathmatch and not just explosive. Easy 32 players each week... I have just taken the max number of players available. Some game modes do not even require this amount of players. 

    Your all adults? you can say yes or no to playing a simple online game at a given time right?

  • There should be an account age limit of 5 years to sign up for the winter league.

    This is about attracting old players back to the game 7000 + potential players going untapped as all they ever see is the same BS sales pop-up on Facebook. We cannot be giving out good rewards to new accounts, they have not earned them. Also by including an account age limit you will stop the problems that may come with new accounts.

    It clearly needs a little work and promotion from papaya play... Hello Kom, are you still reading?

    A catchy banner to post on FB, forum, and discord to draw the community's interest. Just think them 7000 Facebook accounts being greeted with something competitive along with big, rewards included. And all they have to do is visit Discord to find out all the details. By promoting it on socials more players would want to get involved, Be able to tell the interest by the number of accounts that join Discord between the first banner on Facebook and the start date.


    Include the sign-up date for the first entry on the banner!

    Sign-up opens on Sunday 29 October 2023 Daylight saving time (DST) Here comes winter!

    Ready for the first event on Sunday the 5th of November. With rewards being given on Sunday the 24th of December. (Happy Christmas)

    (I did not plan the dates to all tie up so nicely when thinking about this as I have been talking about something like this for a long time but maybe its fate )

    If each TEAM member gave up one Sunday for this Winter League they may only have to do this one time each. Is that really too much for these players you employ as staff Kom? Two hours, is not a hard commitment for a game they wanted to be a GM and do positive things for, is it? Especially with five months' notice in advance.

    I wonder what type of people would be down to play. What old accounts would show up? I can guess quite a few usernames that would avoid anything like this. Enough people are reading this to be first in line without needing Facebook accounts. But a lot have excuses. So let's reach out to the wider audience.

    You have 5 months to make it work... I gave the idea.


  • Dear user,

    Thank you very much for your suggestion.

    I just wanted to let you know that we have tried something similar to this in the past - opening a registration period for taking part in certain events, and, unfortunately and unlike we had expected, users would not show up at the correct time, they would invite their friends once they're in the event room, they'd try to kick their team mates to make space for their own friends, they'd sabotage the event by using fake/sub accounts to waste one slot, etc. - I know it looks like this is easier to run, but there are more drawbacks than we think (we can tell by experience).

    However, as you mention, we will try to create specific channels on our Discord to allow users to participate in certain events / weekly matches, and see how it goes. I agree with the idea that we don't necessarily need to run 32-player rooms, as an 8 on 8 match would be fun as well (or even 4 vs 4, why not). I will work along with the rest of the GM team to try and get the weekly events back ASAP.

    Once again, I'd like to thank you for your interest in the game and your continued support and feedback.

    Best regards,


  • Ah Cherrful

    There have been events hosted in the past which required players to actively sign up to participate prior to theses events taking place. This is news to me.

    This would have required some forum, discord or Facebook posts right? To inform the games community of such an up and coming event.

    Can you link me to the gm teams posts about this event taking place???

    Looking forward to reading

  • edited July 2023

    The management of this elusive event was lacking the correct rule set for sign ups... clearly. If it attracted the wrong type of players.

    Do you not verify accounts on discord for this very reason. An account screen is already required to be verified. So why would including another showing the choosen accounts stats / account age, username be any different or a harder task to complete or moderate? For both party's.

    Do you expect 2014 aged account's to be looking to cause problems for such an event?

    If they do ban them.!

    No 2nd chance. Break any of the listed rules will result in a permanent ban... now that's moderation.

    Warrock will be 19 years old next year. Bring out the veterans. The users who have stayed loyal to this game.

    Why do you worry so much about new accounts, you spend all your time as a team dealing with toxic players and cheats ignoring the games oldest accounts.

    Show us some love ❤

    Want the right group of players to attend then set the account age for date of entry high enough that the problems cannot enter to begin with and if they do show up we can easily send them packing to the circus.

    Reading this and don't have a 2014 dated account, oh well guess that's your own fault. Or you are truly a new player, then welcome soldier.

    A one off event over a number of weeks for long term players, big prizes but in order to earn you need to show your worthy by playing Warrock.

    Both modes, multiple maps your name is down for the duration to win. League/point system.

    From my experience you have never completed such a task as a team nor has there ever been any type of event like this in the games history.

    Are you up to the test?

    2014 is a large enough pool of players. Good rewards, and why would players not want a chance to win them.

    Your make out I'm insane. This won't ever work. Accounts with 3,4,5000 hours of play time logged with 10 year old or more accounts who are still active. Or maybe like me they have stopped due to all the bs the game suffers with. Players who in some cases have spent thousands of pounds to play.

    Rewards are the key to success. If they warrant the commitment to play. I dont want anything.

    One million dina to commit to 8 x 2hour sessions... Sign me up.

    500k for 4 games, 250k for 2. Then 50k for a single 2hour.

    A custom warrock league weapon.

    A coloured username in game (is that even possible 😳)

    There are unique ways to reward people and layer it up so completing more games =better rewards.

    You log in and want random flash events, then cry when you get random idiots show up.

    You could open pre sign up next week for example before official sign up a week before the event starting. This would give 3 months to verify players and mark them safe on discord event chat sub section.

    300 vs 7000

    What if 50 to 100+ accounts showed pre sign up interest? You cannot say how this would be received by the wider community on Facebook as nothing like this has ever been done.

    7000 untapped players on Facebook. Just read the replies to every post.

    We now have a nice space on discord with loyal users who all have a 2014 dated account instead of people pretending to be girls. Or old cheaters spaming the chat. You expect a friendly environment there but allow the games most toxic accounts to post. You have removed almost all the veterans of warrock from discord replaced with idiots who you have banned in game over the past 7 years. Well done.

    This says alot about the teams management.

  • edited July 2023

    A random battle-group Or CQC map With Random teams. There can be no complaints ALL have more then enough experience.

    You need to play together to win as Winners get points. And points equal prizes. A mix of players from both games modes on each team working together.

    4 games in two hours gives each individual a chance to score 8 points,say And on CQC nights there would be a lot more games over the 2 hours...Now do this over 8 weeks.

    The teams and map change after each game. This limits any possible abuse and stops any favouritism.

    Will not win every game. May not like every map. But its a single game for a max 30mins I'm sure they can handle that after 10+years. May not be available to play each game, that's life. This event is for committed warrock players.

    Everyone in that room will want to win at all cost if they want to score.

    The best team wins, this would make for some awesome games. Just need a reward package, some commitment from this gm team, and papaya play to get involved for once and do something positive for the game and its long term players 👍

  • edited July 2023

    The warrock winter league. For veteran players only.

    Are you good enough?


  • Hello,

    Here is an example of an event that had a special way of participating:

    [Event] Verified-Only

    I recall inviting players to the room based on a prior registration, but the new forum only includes a handful of the most recent events.

    Another reason as to why we stopped doing this (i.e. asking users to sign up for the events) is that, unfortunately, there are a lot of players who are not on our Discord, don't read our forum or do not visit our webpage. Ever since the beginning, many users consider that WarRock is limited to the game as such (in-game only, no other sources), and they have the right to join events as well. Moreover, since the events you describe are very plain and basic (no special rules, just a normal match in a full room), we believe that any user should be allowed to join if they're on at the specific time. Still, as I mentioned before, we'll give another try to this mechanic, although our events won't be solely based on it (we will use other methods for joining the event room from time to time).

    Regarding the rewards you mention, I fear they're not realistic. We can't just go around giving a huge amount of dinar to users who win, especially if we plan on running multiple events and not just one per month. Think about it this way: if we start giving out insane and crazy rewards to users, they will demand this for every event that is run, and that is something that would not have a positive outcome at all. This is the reason why we try to keep the rewards balanced, sometimes providing a list of rewards users can choose from or allowing them to pick any gun they want, with some limitations. I hope you can understand this.

    As for now, I'd say I have a clear idea of what you want, so please give us some time to test / put this into practice before making further suggestions - once we see how the first attempt go, we can re-visit this idea and improve it.

    Once again, thank you for your feedback and interest in the game, we are doing are best to offer an excellent gaming experience to every user.

    Best regards,


  • Discord is absolutely useless for players. Moreover, it is harmful to the game.

    There are thousands of games in the world and publishers are interested in every player.

    Papaya is an exception from all publishers.

    Papaya thinks the players are idiots and he's super smart.

    But reality shows otherwise.

    But only for papaya players are interesting in terms of money.

    Papaya does not even know how to earn this money. Lies and deceit are now playing against papaya.

  • edited July 2023

    Good morning. Thanks for the reply.

    I feel the teams management skills are once again shown to be lacking by your own admission. The team being unable to communicate with Warrocks community is such a weak excuse.

    Over two replys you have highlighted the shortcomings of the current team twice. First was problem players, as the team failed to enforce the rules, both in game and out. The second being commucation.

    Some members of the current team have gone out of there way to ensure the games most toxic players always get a pass, over the last 7 years.

    The last flash event I was online for a current team member gave out the password prior to the event starting. This has now been used as an excuse to counteract my suggestions above.

    The battle-group discord server. Still have all the messages. Informed by the team every member had to verify prior to entry. Then I Join to find over half the listed members are eac removed. You expected a friendly, positive environment?

    The problem came from within, and its not the first time.


    The team can send messages in game anytime they choose. If people do not read, that is there fault? So why do you make it a team excuse?

    Communication is an issue, yet the team has no interaction with 7000 accounts on Facebook. Other then to promote sales.

    No veteran of warrock, 10+ who has quit playing, is remotely bothered by another post about the latest op weapon to ruin warrock even further. These posts probably have the opposite reaction by keeping players away from the game.

    I dont even follow the page for this very reason.


    What about the games loading screen? Banner that up, its always full of sales, change it up for a league table overview. Now no one can log in without not seeing it advertised.

    The team could clearly, for everyone to understand, write the rules and the terms. Months before hand. With all the details there in game, with links here and discord. Accounts to young too enter, hold out soldier supplies are coming there be another event for you shortly.

    Who's fault is the player to social interaction? Its the team. But then look who some of the team choose to be social with.


    Your to cheerful, trying to please everyone. But why? Already in the past 7 years each event has had an open access policy to users. Maybe this is the reason the team suffered with issues in the past?

    Lets take a look back at just the 2022 events run by the current team. How many of these events were won by users who the team and eac have already banned in the last 7 years? Players you have already removed from the game, some more then once are now claiming rewards and prizes, from the team. And this has been the same for each event ever held to-date.

    As staff members its a proper disrespect to all these long term players when you are rewarding toxic people who we all know have been banned. Does this breed a healthy community?

    Why weren't they blocked from entering? I was removed from discord for complaints about a user premoting a private server... The same user also has 4+ eac banned accounts attached to there name, spaning over 3 to 4 years. Papaya play were also not the first host to remove. And that's not the only multiple eac banned user with access to discord.

    You all know this.

    I have no respect for a team who can enforce the rules, then when it suits, overlook them!

    Bad enough players too be removed permanently from Warrock by a 3rd party program which only triggers a ban IF programs are found ON the users pc. We all play by the same rules, I've never been banned, and have always promoted competition in my posts.

    The team are handing out rewards or giving them a pass, because they gave the team some excuse. There banned players, yet the team treat them differently to us.

    Once again I salute the teams management.


    In 2014 warrock was on the 3rd publisher of its life. No user is a veteran of Warrock if they joined in nexon times. (For this, the earliest date we can obtain in game can be set as a veteran) Papaya play accounts are the newest kids on the block. That's just the reality in Warrocks 17 year history.

    Where was the team 17 years a go?

    A forum post cannot do justice to the time that has passed by in this games life. How many accounts has papaya play banned in the last 7 years? (Can the team share? I'm interested, what is the total?)

    How many accounts did nexon ban, gamersfirst ban, k2 ban. The team don't think the games longest serving players should be given the chance to compete together for some nice, unique rewards? Without these problem players, Why?

    NO one is interested in once had storys of missing accounts. Its the users responsibility to have kept there account active. Warrock is not attracting new players and if you take note of all the chat...every member has been around the game since the start lol

    This should please the team.

    Knowing only 10 year old accounts could sign up... problems? Maybe, but unlikely anyone gonna risk it now. Especially if they value there account, which after thousands of hours, pounds games and years you would have to assume more 2014 dated accounts are going to be the correct type of player we require for such an event over some random no name account who has only just joined with zero history within Warrock... right?


    There are 5 ways to communicate with the games community and the team only chooses to use two of the five options ignoring the largest amount of users available to them. leaving a dead forum, and a closed shop on discord. The team have chosen to allow these eac banned players access to discord, verified players?

    Can I speak to the manager of this team?


    Which team member came up with the rules above? That's about as dumb as bighead. Its all random with no set times. With no clear instructions and No Limitations. No wonder that event failed.

    Theses are the days (Sunday)

    This is the time. (7.30 - 930pm) or (8-10pm)

    These are the rules.

    These are the rewards.

    You can sign up here.

    Show up or 🤫


    A league for Warrocks long term players only.

    I see no problem having an event to reward some of the games oldest accounts for there time and loyalty towards the game and would view it from a team experience as a good opportunity to interact with some of the games oldest accounts within the community instead of these banned players some of the team call friends. After all, some of us pre date the team.

    We can utilize discords voice chat too. I wonder how many people will talk when everything is balanced. Be great to hear them getting mad and hear the excuses first hand.

    I have had my mentality challenged on this forum a number of times.

    If you have played a game for 10+ years and dedicated thousands of hours out of your life to playing, then cannot... Join a room and stay for 2 hours without leaving or causing problems while playing Warrock, then that individual should be asking some internal questions. Especially if they signed up to be involved.


    Woo maxed out forum count by almost 700 extra.

  • edited July 2023

    Between us let's Create a flyer text/post mixing all of the above, place it on Facebook for 30 days.

    As a test.

    See what reaction it brings over a month. If the comments are positive then this should be enough of a green light to continue. No one can troll on FB it will be real people and the views of 7000 potential players. Young and old. It's a better pool of players then the 300 listed on discord.

    There are ruffly 50 likes per post, and mostly negative comments. Why not try something positive which so many players have asked for in one shape or form.

    The account age restriction and rewards are key! Fed up of the cheats and scummy players who need to abuse this great game.

    You don't reward everyone with one million. But if a user plays every game, over each week, they should be rewarded? And one million is a catchy, take notice number to draw old players back. ( With no rules, players would spend before the games too so the team makes any value of rewards back anyway)

    If it gets slated I never speak again 🤐 what, if you find you had 100-200 accounts show interest. No one can say how a competive, restricted, league would be received by this games long term community.

    This would require the teams time and commitment to organise, host, set up etc... I'm fully aware of this. So, dont let people fuck it up.

    Run over a number of weeks / months again stops any abuse that comes with single games. Sure problems may happen, but there easily removed and it's on to the next week. With these losers forgotten about, while I make my way to the top of the league.


    Are you good enough

    The warrock veteran league.

    Sign up today.

    Thanks for reading, have a great week

  • edited July 2023

    Good morning, 7 days later.

    Did I ask too many questions?

  • Good morning. 14 days later.

    Some very valid points made above. Correct me if I am wrong.

  • 21 days later.

    The team has an issue with communication. Never expected to be waiting a month for a reply from the team on a forum with only 10 people.

    Serial cheats being allowed on discord. Banned players being rewarded.

    Let's talk about it

  • Good morning 28 days later

    Must be a back log of posts to catch up on or maybe I need to be banned 3 times for any staff to engage in any conversation

  • Over a month of silence from the team... But how can the team respond.

    The team favour some individuals making exceptions for them. There is no excuse for allowing banned players on to discord right?

    "Don't worry about them being banned players, interact with them like they are legit caring players. Just forget all the games they ruined."

    Why have some people been granted permission by the team, given every rule they have broken within this game over a number of years.

    Competive gameplay with long term. players is off limits... As the team care to much about the scummy cheats.

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