Returning player with some questions

  1. Can players in the same fleet share quests with each other? My friend and I are sailing together, and we're wondering if there's a way to get similar quests instead of just hoping for them.
  2. Regarding the school relocation to Sagres, I'm curious if it's still possible to enroll in the local schools where the tutorial used to be held. Some players have a green sapling icon on their flag, indicating (I think) that they attend those schools, but I can't figure out how to access them.
  3. Are there any good tips that a relatively new player wouldn't know (for example turning in quests at certain bars instead of at the quest giver's location) that could make the game more enjoyable?
  4. I've heard about players using an alt to pursue their main character around in another window. Is this a viable strategy, or would it be risky in case of getting caught in a battle and being overwhelmed?

Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this. I can't get enough of this game!


  • Well first and foremost welcome to UWO

    1. Yes you can share quests as long you have the prerequisite quests done if needed. The person who pulls the quests can fleet you and you can share their quest.

    2. Sure just go to the school and enroll I was one of the players as a vet who kept the green sap because I ditched school and never returned lol. Yeah I'm an active learner too many words and long drawn out tutorial convos my brain turns off. To enroll in school go to any capital go to the school and enroll in one of the three schools IIRC you get a free ship when you complete it.

    3. Tips for newbies...literally too many to list this game is absolutely ginormous and each player specializes in different things so some can offer better tips in certain areas. I'll list 5 maybe others can add theirs

    1. Get body language skill and make sure you have food. This lets you talk to 95% of everyone in the game regardless of language just cant read in the archives

    2. Get storage ability it protects your items and ship part durability, lessens the theft if you are robbed at sea, allows you make tributes to brigands that ends encounters with npc or player pirates if not in lawless water, super easy and cheap to grind and it can be done completely in safe water if you have the collection skill too and with the item miser's chains you can boost it 5 levels temporarily making it even easier to grind. Highly recommended for newbies

    3. Enable world chat in the chat settings this will allow you to ask all kinds of questions instead of the forums or join a company/guild they help too

    4. Get yourself an aide ASAP why because it takes a long time to build them up also make sure you feed them aide food of a certain type until they stop talking before each level cook skill excels here. They offer many great skills and benefits you can look up what each aide gives and where they are in the next tip so you can research for yourself

    5. Google "uwodb ivyro" it will give you a site gives lots of info on anything in the game where to get certain items, how to make things, where quests are, ships, aides etc you name its there

  • edited July 2023

    That database looks like it will be super useful. But I still do have a question regarding sharing quests... how do we do this? I cannot find the button/location to share quests.

    Also, I'm not permitted to enroll in my capital's school yet... Do I have to finish school in Sagres first? Thank you so much for your help!

  • For the quests IIRC you go to the guild and pull for the quest you want then you take it and then invite people to the fleet the person whose quest you want to share make them fleet master,then everyone else talks to the guild master and then the fleet master's same quest will appear first and everyone can take it.

    Not sure about that Sagres thing if you must finish first or not... I thought you could my mind doesn't work all the time I'm afraid :P. When in doubt ask World Chat they are quite helpful trolling losers at times...but still helpful none the less lol

  • For Adventure, whichever toon you have designated as the Admiral would be the one you would use to select the quest you want to complete. After your admiral accepts the quest, you need to have any subsequent toons talk to the Mediator. If you see the same quest in the list (most times it is the first one), then your second toon may accept the same quest. The third toon would follow the second toon. The Admiral is not really "sharing" a quest as it is driving the quest choice. As long as your second and third toons meet the quest the admiral chose requirements and/or pre-reqs, they too can choose the quest and all three are able to complete it. When the Admiral completes the quest, you will see the screen light up and say "quest complete" on all three toons. Once you advance to more difficult quests, it may get to the point where you have to change one of your other toons to admiral due to the quest you want showing up for a toon that is not your main admiral. Once you change admirals so each toon gets the necessary quest, yo can switch back to your main Admiral and still accomplish all three completing the quest together.

    Trade is similar, BUT each toon must complete the quest on their own. For instance, you must run 70 gin to Naples to complete the quest. Each toon would have to take 70 gin and complete it. It is different than adventure discoveries. For Adventure, you may get a quest to find a flower. As long as your group meets the requirements, only one has to find the flower for all three. There are a few exceptions, but those are usually higher-level quests. There are plenty of good folks ready to answer any questions you may have. Safe Sailing.

  • edited July 2023

    Ahoy! Welcome back to UWO.

    1. Yes you can share quests with fleet members (provided they also meet the prerequisites, as mentioned above). You will want the fleet member who has the quest to be the fleet admiral. And then the others in the fleet should speak to the quest giver, and typically they will then have that same quest available.
    2. Regrettably(and to many player's dismay) - the old school system is no longer available. Only older characters, that already began their journey when it was around, may still proceed with it. Everyone else- including all new characters- are restricted to Sagres for their "schooling".
    3. The best tip I can give(because there really is a tremendous amount of content) is to just take your time: enjoy the journey, and also every milestone along the way. It's easy to become infatuated with having the fastest ships, or highest levels. The real magic is everything that occurs on the way there. Definitely join the World Chat channels, and try get into a good(active!) company.
    4. As for alts - we are allowed to run up to 3 clients at once. So you can have your main character accompanied by 2 other alts. It can definitely be unwieldy (especially in battle), though manageable with practice. And they are incredibly handy to have, outside of battle, for all manner of things.

    Feel free to message me in game, should you have any more questions. See you on the high seas!

  • Hi, welcome to the game! Best advice i can give to a new player is focus on trading first. Learning the ports and goods in this game is the core for all the other professions and flow in this game. Also It's important to get an income base established so you can afford to buy things and upgrade your ships. In trade profession you'll find crafting skills that can make you a nice income once you get the recipes. The crafting skill storage is probably the most important to build as it will reduce wear on your gear at sea and lessens enemy plunder if you get defeated in a sea battle. Casting and handcrafts are the big crafting skills for versatility for stuff to use and sell.

    Maritime can be alot of fun, but it's the most expensive part of this game, it's also the most frustrating at times so you might want to hold off on this until you get more familiar with the basics first.

    Adventure is fun if you like traveling around finding new discoveries, lands and the such especially if you like the historical element this game. This part of the game is probably the the most interesting as the other 2 professions require alot of repetition.

    You'll need to build up job cards to change around the different professions which you get from doing some quests. Look for a company to join so you can get help from other people, there's many companies that tailor to newer players. As for school, no you can't join your capitals school anymore. Once Sarges came into the game that part wasn't accessible anymore (they just tell you to go to Sarges now). On ivyro you'll find the quests to get specific job cards, it's a great reference. Good luck and happy sailing! HAVE FUN!

  • Welcome home, CPC!!!! I was Marco-Polo on GAMA. You and I ran dungeons a few times, and a couple of the auctions you ran on my behalf gave me much more money than expected, even after your brokerage commission. I have started and deleted numerous toons on Maris. My current toon is Stanley_Bennington. Please feel free to find me in game. I look forward to chatting with you soon!

  • edited October 2023

    As a return player from 10+ years back, cannot understand why would you put schooling in a single place: Sagres? This means you really should only start in Spain, France or Portugal. For the other nations its a LONG trip to get there. What was the point in making that change? Absolutely absurd!! I played for years, and now I'm returning, I cannot understand anything. Been stuck on day one doing petty trades and quests. I've had to google everything to find little to nothing online. No wonder people are no longer playing this game massively. It was one of the best game I ever played, but clearly no longer!

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