Account Sharing

edited June 2024 in English

To the responsible individuals,

I am reaching out to address an urgent matter regarding the ban reason "Account Sharing." I believe that it is crucial for us as players to receive clear definitions for such terms that can ultimately lead to permanent bans. I would like to emphasize that each ban reason should be individually and thoroughly defined, similar to how it has been done for other violations like "Bug Using."

In relation to the "Account Sharing" issue, there is a lack of distinct clarity, leaving us players exposed to potential bans that could be based on misunderstandings or varying interpretations. Such a serious subject should be transparently and unequivocally defined to ensure that players understand which actions could result in such drastic consequences.

I would like to present my own example, which likely resonates with other players as well and will without any doubt lead to a Bann for my Account.

Due to my professional role in the financial sector, I often find myself traveling to different countries and having access to various laptops. Utilizing these devices for the game is is vital for me to play, but it raises questions: Would I need to create a new account every time I use a new laptop? This would mean having to repurchase premium content every time, which is financially impractical and gameplay-wise frustrating.

Furthermore, it's essential for me to know whether I am at risk of being banned during my travels to countries like Luxembourg or France, simply because I want to enjoy the game during my leisure time. As a player who demonstrates support through investments in the game, I feel left in the dark concerning this matter.

Furthermore, I would like to kindly request that you work on improving your communication.

Dear User,

Thank you for contacting War Rock Support.

Your account has been permanently banned for account sharing.

If you would like to learn more about our ban rules please check our forums.f you have any other questions or issues, please feel free to contact us again.

(Thanks to the kind player for sharing this ticket)

Having invested a significant amount of time and resources into War Rock, I believe it's only fair for us players to seek a more detailed explanation for the permanent ban that has been imposed on our accounts. Many players (not only the ones uploading frequently on YouTube) were left puzzled by the lack of context surrounding the specific account sharing incident that has led to many banns of active players.

Is it in the favor of the game to remove more and more active players that have contributed so much to Warrock ? How is it possible that Warrock is the only game papaya currently owns where Sharing an Account ,whatever the meaning of "Sharing an Account" is, leads to a permanent exclusion of the Game. Please Papaya don't leave us players in the dark on this serious topic.

I hope that this post not only reflects my own concerns but also speaks on behalf of many other players.

Last but not least I would like to address the community,

I would love for you guys to share your experience with Accounts that have been banned for Account sharing to raise awareness. However I demand you to do so in a fair and polite way, without insulting each other or the people in charge. Only together can we bring about change to steer this game in the right direction.



  • edited August 2023

    Accounts must be owned by players with the right to sell and donate.

    Otherwise, what's the point of wasting money on something that doesn't belong to you.

    Only an idiot does not understand this.

    Papaya should offer instead of forbid, a fair deal becomes a guarantor.

    I think 20 euros is an acceptable price for the service.

  • edited August 2023

    Couldnt agree more with what the author said. Ty

  • edited August 2023

    To everyone sharing their story or opinion on this serious topic

    Thank you!!!!

    To be heard and to be recognized this topic needs as much attention as possible

    However as I have written in the beginning please stay polite and don't use swear words on this discussion.

    I am looking forward to more response and am curious what the people in charge are thinking

  • edited August 2023

    What matters is not their opinion, but the opinion of the players.

    Without players, a publisher is nothing.

    Learn to have and defend your opinion.

    If we do not have our own opinion, someone else's opinion is imposed on us.

  • edited August 2023

    This post aims to address the Account Sharing issue. Please do not generalize and stay polite. Without the publisher we can not change a thing. If you want to address other issues feel free to create your own post.

    Thanks to the author again.

  • Accounts are free, help yourself, and tell ya mate to sign up too.

    1 person, one account 👍

    Welcome to warrock. The game where so many have been found requiring a restart.

  • edited August 2023

    The account is free, but when the account is at a high level and some amount of paid items, it is not free.

    How much money did you put into your account that you don't own?

  • Never been under the illusion that the account I play on is mine. One day this game will close and the account goes with it.

    Is the any online game where the player truly owns there account? All content belongs to the publisher?

    The only thing in this game which i own, is,



  • Again I am asking you guys to stick to the topic please. It‘s important to me and other players. Feel free to create another discussion in the forum if you wanna have this kind of conversation.


  • A smart publisher will allow 100% account ownership.

    It makes sense for players to play for the sake of a high level, perhaps to sell an account.

    This is the best motivation to play. The publisher gets active players on the server.

    But the stupid papaya will never understand this.

  • edited August 2023

    Am also looking forward for the publishers opinion

  • Papaya agree...

    You now have total ownership of your account.

    What's changed?

  • edited August 2023

    can you guys please have your conversation somewehre else ? Thanks.

    To everyone else please dont hesitate to share your opinion/experience

  • I don't care about papaya, game and account. I know papaya won't do anything for the players.

  • When me and mrterror started playing warrock there was no g1 nexon and papaya.

  • Given your time with the game, I find it crazy something so trivial annoys you.

    Name me one game where you can openly share accounts with other people (outside a home setting, which is fine)

    If they do allow, I could rent my account out weekly. A chance to play with one of the rarest items in game. A 2007 strap.

  • Unfortunately, I do not have a screenshot of my account warrock korea 2005y )))

  • This is definetely a very important topic, i hope the staff takes time to work on this, otherwise I think a lot of people will really quit for good.

  • Hello everyone,

    First of all, I want to thank the creator of this thread and everybody else for their comments. We've been receiving tickets asking what account sharing exactly is, and we can understand this may generate some doubts among the community.

    As the words say, "account sharing" means sharing your account. The term "share" obviously implies giving access to your account to someone else that is not you, the account owner/creator. We've seen players travelling from one country to another, or even within their own country, and this is perfectly fine as long as they are the only users who have access to their account. In other words, as long as one account belongs and is used by just one player, nothing negative will happen. We totally understand that some people travel for entertainment or other reasons, and we absolutely support them in all ways. No accounts will be banned for simply having a different IP / HWID at different moments as long as there is no evidence for account sharing.

    Now, you may be wondering what "evidence for account sharing" relates to, and this is fair enough. However, we cannot give too many details as revealing how this whole system works may lead to users who are indeed sharing their accounts to try and bypass the system (i.e. avoid the ban). In general, we don't go around looking to ban for account sharing - normally, we receive reports for this type of offence and we investigate the users reported, checking different aspects to ensure whether or not account sharing is taking place.

    As I said before, sharing more details on account sharing would only benefit those who intend to share/sell their account, and thus I won't go any deeper. However, please rest assured that those who play for enjoyment and keep their account safe (they don't share their personal or login information with anyone) have nothing to fear. In fact, account sharing bans will not be handled out unless we have clear and definite evidence supporting them. If we have any slight doubt that this may NOT be taking place, we won't proceed with the ban.

    Should you have any other doubts about this or any other matter, please let us know and we'll be more than glad to help. Also, if any of you want to comment on specific cases, please remember that forums are meant to be a place for everyone to discuss about general or more specific topics without turning them into something personal - for individual matters, please refer to our ticket system.

    Best regards,


  • Thank you for your response,

    also I am glad that this topic has reached a lot of views, which shows to me that it is a concerning topic for the player base. For my personal point of view I am glad that I don't have to fear immediate suspension. However I am not only doing this for me but also for the community. Therefore I want to continue this discussion with what not only myself conciders necessary.

    I understand that you don't want to share everything you are working on however many of us wish that you wouldn't keep the community in the dark about several topics not only Account Sharing. However I want to discuss the Account Sharing issue here that took place during January until the end of the ban appeal.

    I don't want to pass judgment, but players feel that decisions are being made arbitrarily.

    Let me try to explain why many players feel that even in the case of account sharing, the handling might not be objective. For this, I need to address the now concluded ban appeal. If I may quote you: "In fact, account sharing bans will not be handed out unless we have clear and definite evidence supporting them." If I understand correctly, every account banned for account sharing is banned rightfully. How is it possible that some players have had their accounts reinstated while others have not?

    Before I continue, I'd like to note that I'm glad that the players I won't name directly have had their accounts reinstated. However your case is ideal for this issue. After being banned, PFKI posted a video on YouTube (the video has since been deleted by PFKI, but I'm 100% certain you're aware of it). In this video, PFKI admitted that he and his brother MCA engaged in account sharing to manage their various clans. You, as Warrock, rightfully banned these two players for Account Sharing since they were "giving access to your account to someone else that is not you, the account owner/creator". Now, PFKI and MCA, who caused a great stir with their video, have had their accounts reinstated, and the video has been removed from YouTube since. Other players who might not have had sufficient information about their account (many people don't remember their first password or email after years of playing, especially if these have changed multiple times over time), or who weren't even aware that there was a ban appeal (how can you be aware after your Account was banned and you didn't play the game), haven't had their accounts reinstated.

    If all players are banned for the same reason, namely account sharing, how can you then give some of them their accounts back and others are still banned? By not reinstating all accounts, it is almost clear that arbitrary actions were taken. Is there good and bad account sharing? The fact that those who shouted the loudest and criticized your company publicly in a YouTube video have had their accounts reinstated, while a large portion of those who didn't take that path haven't had their accounts reinstated, leaves me speechless to be honest. Is there good and bad account sharing? Even if there is, it is impossible to understand that one Account was sold and the other Account was shared on "good" Account sharing. Also as you said it doesn't matter Account sharing is " giving access to your account to someone else that is not you, the account owner/creator" and therefore results in a permanent bann.

    I urge you to reconsider and revise your approach. Either all accounts that were banned for Account Sharing in the period during January and the end of the ban appeal are to remain banned and should be banned again if they were unbanned by you. This would lead to further loss of player numbers, which nobody in the community including myself desires.

    Or, and this is the only consistent solution that is in the interest of the players and also in your own interest as a company, treat all players equally and rehabilitate all affected accounts!!!

    Please read this thoroughly, especially the last 4 paragraphs. I urge you to give us players a statement that everyone gets treated the same way and that you therefore rehabilitate all affected accounts of this period when you decided to show mercy with your ban appeal.

    Last but not least PFKI and MCA I am sorry to bring you guys into this.


  • Hello again,

    Sorry for the late response, things have been crazy around here.

    I can understand where you are coming from, but let me tell you that there is no "good and bad account sharing", and I fear I won't be able to totally answer to your questions as I was not in charge of these bans and, therefore, lack information to share. However, we have seen some players who, after being banned for account sharing, decided to take the wrong path by either share their accounts again (bought/sold/stolen accounts) or even hacking - which we will not tolerate. I believe (but can't strictly assure) these are some of the reasons why certain accounts were not unblocked, and I am pretty sure this totally makes sense to most of you. As for the accounts unblocked, we can tell that users seemed to have learnt their lesson and sticked to the rules after the bans.

    We also borne in mind that some users may have simply missed out on this opportunity because 1) they were out / couldn't fill-in the form in time, 2) they didn't get any notice of this appeal process, or 3) any other reason. Therefore, we plan on potentially opening another ban appeal process in the future, hopefully with a better announcement/communication system to ensure everybody is aware of it.

    I can also see that you mention "many of us wish that you wouldn't keep the community in the dark about several topics not only Account Sharing" - please, feel free to share your concerns in the forum (one topic per thread) and I will be glad to get to them as soon as possible.

    To conclude, I must thank you for your interest in the game and for bringing up such relevant and enriching topis to the community, including both players and staff.

    Best regards,


This discussion has been closed.