For WarRock Team
When will warrock understand that we dont need more skins? Come on... Fix lags, bugs, glitches, esl-rooms, competitive games... NOT skins!
When will warrock understand that we dont need more skins? Come on... Fix lags, bugs, glitches, esl-rooms, competitive games... NOT skins!
papaya doesnt understand. New skins mean more money to them. They dont care about this dead game anymore.
As long as WarRock's Management believes that everything is fine, nothing will change.
This is from 2022 and it's only gotten worse since. I hope they're not this lost still but seems like they are.
Lol. If you are f2p player only thing that you can play is bighead right now. It is impossible to kill a paytowin player without good weapons or skins. Shiva tmp9 is same thing as damage hack.