Is there any introduction of Hotkeys?

Is there any introduction of Hotkeys?


  • There isn't really. A few I use a lot myself:

    F1/2/3 = Deactivate skill at sea

    Z = Sea Search

    V = Ship information

    C = Character information

    B = Ship parts

    N = Cargo hold

    M = Map

    R = Quick reply

    I = Character equipment

    O = Inventory

    Q = Quests

    Delete = Instantly fold sails (handy in battle)

  • If you put custom slots in F2-9 hotkey, when you hit F2-9 then press number do u want to use. It's useful for battle and sailing Thanks to Alkinak, Anubus, and others

    Tab then space to open treasure chest or ship/chara info Thanks to Alianore for open treasure chests

    Tab to change target in sea/land battles

    Click on cargo or buy/sell, or inventory then hit CTRL then enter to max out supplies, items, or trade goods. I learned from Korean player who uploaded videos at Youtube.

  • There are also a lot of hidden shortcuts, look here and use google translate for a general idea. You can of course try out all of these shortcuts in game. Most of them work.

  • Thank you for sharing. This is a helpful insight!

  • @wsp414 I could have used many of these shortcuts for auctions could have even run multiple auctions at the same time

    So much wasted keystrokes and time I'm not mad...

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