
Officially launched on July 22,2011

Our mission is to sustain and promote good gaming, loyalty and honesty. We plan to achieve this mission

throughout these interactions. We hope to give our members a sense of belonging and to promote teamwork. Our officers are committed volunteers that provide and support our members anytime is needed.


Our success will be measured not by the number of members the guild has, but by creating a tight community. But at the end of the day the friendship we have within our community are worth far more than the score at the end of the round.


Code Of Conduct

In order to maintain the highest standards of reputation within the WarRock Philippines Gaming Community. All Downers must understand and abide the following "Code Of Conduct" 


Article I - Downers does not tolerate discrimination, racism or harassment by or towards any member, not only of the clan but to the whole Gaming Community. Disrespecting your fellow clan mates will result in immediate dismissal from the clan.


Article II - Downers does not leave a match. NEVER LEAVE a game prematurely even if it is going poorly. Do show good sportsmanship and maintain a professional attitude at all times whether in gameplay, at the lobby, or on clan chats.


Article III - Feel free to bring up any disagreements or personal problems with a clan officer.


Article IV Downers has a zero tolerance for cheating.


Article V - Please use the highest standards of respect when communicating with Papaya Play's Game Masters, Moderators, Community leaders and staff members. 


Applying to be in our guild constitutes your pledge to adhere to the "Code Of Conduct". Violation of the code is subject to dismissal.




- Any form of cheating (3rd party softwares) is strictly prohibited. No warning is given. Immediate dismissal will be strictly enforced.


- During official matches (tournaments, clan wars, and informal clan to clan matches), the member MUST not be Away From the Keyboard at anytime during the gameplay match. All members must confirm that they are ready before the match to avoid being AFK. 3 warnings will be given. After the 3rd warning the member will be reviewed by the Clan Master and will either get a pardon or be immediately dismissed from the clan.


- Rude behavior, cursing, or any form of untoward conduct towards any member of Downers is not tolerated. 3 warnings will be given. After the 3rd warning the member will be reviewed by the Clan Master and will either get a pardon or be immediately dismissed from the clan.

Application Format

Welcome to "Downers". Thank you for visiting. If you would like to become a member of our family please visit our page and the forums as well. Please complete the application below.

NOTE: If your application is accepted you will be granted full access to the page. Your application will be reviewed as soon as possible.


IGN (In Game Name):


Why do you think you should be part of "Downers"

What other clans have you been in and why did you leave:

Can we trust you to follow our guidelines:

Were you recommended by a "Downers" member? If yes by who?


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