[INFO] Lost Saga Forum Rules & Community Guidelines

Hello Lost Saga Mercenaries!

Welcome to the Lost Saga Papaya Play forum! Here you are free to share and socialize on anything and everything LS-related, this includes feedback and suggestions that you might have.

But as much as we encourage even the most casual of conversations in our forum... RULES are still needed to be followed! So please read before posting.


- Please keep discussions and messages on topic. Follow section titles/descriptions.

- Adhere to the Lost Saga Abuse Policy and Terms of Service at all times.

- Be nice! Please respect other people's choices and opinions. Formal debates are ok but heated arguments are not. 

- No political/religious conversations.

- There is a fine line between sarcasm and toxicity. Toxicity will not be tolerated.

- Harassment will not be tolerated. Harassing an individual may result in an immediate kick/ban. 

- No spamming. Please refrain from creating multiple threads on the same topic and wait for your initial thread to be addressed.

- No impersonating Mods, Community Representatives, or Papaya Play staff.

- Nothing NSFW (Not Safe for Work). This includes profile pictures and nicknames. 

- No pornography.

- No gore.

- No racism or hate speech. This includes racist memes, slangs, explicit songs, lyrics, stereotypes and videos.

- No advertising private servers, other discord servers (except for guild servers), websites/games, or streaming services for other games.

- If you impersonate someone who was banned, you will be banned.

- Upload all relevant media to YouTube/image hosting sites (e.g. imgur) and paste the link in your message.

- Do not promote, inquire about, or discuss private servers. These servers are unauthorized by Valofe & Vertigo Games


You are free to post anything as long as the rules are adhered to. We definitely look forward to participating in some interesting discussion with you, so if you have any ideas and thoughts about the game, feel free to share them with us here!

Thank you for your support and see you around!

Team Papaya Play

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