[4Story] Rise of Monsters

Rise of Monsters


- Date: From 23/05 to 01/06

- Time: 21:00-21:30 CEST


[Commander Lonbarei] General Radeus: My Lord, my troops have seen few monsters randomly appearing around the main City.

[Lion King] Neban Maha: Monsters here in the city? What's going on? Where did these creatures come from?Immediately send our soldiers to kill the monsters and protect our citizens! Meanwhile, tell [Centurion] Olivia to gather the best Iverian's scientist and investigate into them!

[Commander Lonbarei] General Radeus: Will be done Sir! Let's go soldiers!


No rules! The main goal is to protect Iveria's citizens.

The more of these monsters you'll kill, more the rewards!

How To Participate:

Starting from 23 May to 01 June, different monsters will spawn in the main cities (Kether, Malkuth and Thebekut).

More monsters will spawn as the days pass.

All you have to do is kill those awful creatures! Your rewards will be injected in the following maintenance as following:


Every 4 'Rise of Monsters' creatures Killed

3x Speed Potions

3x Invisibility Potions

2x Rare Upgrading magic Scroll

1x Survival Tincture

Weekly Rewards - Top 3

5x Survival Tincture

5x Serendipity Potion 200%

5x Purified Gemstones x2

1x Pet HP Recovery - 1500 Points

Good luck!

4Story GM Team

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