Blackshot Competitive - Unplayable
Hello Guys,
in my mind is the competitive mode unplayable at the moment, because 80% of the whole guys using the leaving bug to not lose points. This bug is easy to do with macros.
Manicdepressive alias Queentimeboy alias Silvertiger was the first guy with his friends which are using this type of bug using. Its start 2 month ago and this bug was always reported, but never patched. It makes no fun to see that guys leaving after 2/0 and the enemy team or my team has to play as 3 guys against 5 guys.
What i always hear from the GM are they do it but they are still waiting and waiting to ban this guys. It makes no sense to always wait until the end of the season to ban the accounts cause they will always start a new account or they do always the bug and one have always to play with 1 or 2 guys less in his team.
greetz DNS__