Leech don't work all the time?
Hi all,
When VE leech was activated in a share party, it doesn't worked all the time. Hard to grind when need to med all the time. Is it bug?
Hi all,
When VE leech was activated in a share party, it doesn't worked all the time. Hard to grind when need to med all the time. Is it bug?
There's been some feedback regarding the Strategist's VE leech group buff, but we're still investigating.
Was it just the Strategist buff which didn't appear to work? Or did all VE stop?
When you say it doesn't work all the time, do you mean that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't?
Any information you have would be helpful. We generally have to reproduce an issue on demand before the devs will look at it.
Sorry for the late reply.
Yes sometimes it worked sometime no. When it worked i can grind all day without any drop of ve in a shared party. When it doesn't it is bad. It was Strategist buff. Hope it helps.
Thank you