Server problem

i don't have ASIA server in WARROCK. i'm from ph pls help


  • edited March 2024

    There is a on-going issue with SEA ISPs and we may require some information from you to try resolve this issue. You will need to create a ticket here:

    LGMs may need some information from you (ISP/IP Address etc.) to further investigate.

    If you require any assistance in creating this ticket feel free to reach out to myself on Discord (@HGMSeverance) or any other HGM and we will be glad to help.

    It may take some time to resolve this issue manually, for the most part the issue corrects itself in the short term so you may see you are able to access the ASIA server in due course. However I would create a ticket either way just in case you have pro longed outage from the correct server.

    In the mean time you are free to play on the EU server and will not receive any action for doing so, however due to the distance the connection may not be optimal.

    If you have any further questions or queries or need any help please do reach out on our Discord server. Thanks.

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