Lag needs to be fixed

With all the money people put into this game, why can't you guys do a big update on the severs and stop the awful sever distance lag this game is so out dated and I feel like you guys only care about money in your pocket, after my premium expires I will not be buying anymore premium I have to RESTART wr after about 1 hour of playing because my weapons start to deal less damage for some reason. Makes NO sense. You guys say in ticket "send a screen shot or a video" well its not my job to do this. Character armor is so broken it needs to be nerfed, it's literally pay to win. If this game had better admins who actually play the game to see how awful it is, then this shit wouldn't be a problem. Lag has been busted for years, no other games are like this believe me. Why is it so hard for you guys not to fix it? Lag bug, lean bug, bullet splash, Brazilians on warrock are basically hackers because of their internet they walk through corners of walls and kill you in an instant with their 3 famas's and 0 ping... there must be some coders in your company that can do something to stop this dead game from actually going completely dead... I mean this lag bug crap is literally just as bad as overclocking or hacking. It makes the game unplayable. And any person knows that OVC is NOT fixed, you guys legit just tell people it is. It is still very possible. You guys never hire any volunteers to monitor the in-game hackers, like i see maybe 1 or 2 hackers get banned every 2 weeks when any person with a brain can find those stupid websites where people sell the hacks for 25$ and maybe people would stop if you guys made a F****ing effort to fix things. You say you've done lots since nexon and not really. If anything when gamersfirst owned warrock those where the best times (desipite hackers). Anyway, thats my rant. Doubt you guys will do anything about it. Some people devote thousands and thousands of hours to this game and you guys literally don't give a crap.


  • edited June 2021

    As long as all those high distance countrys arent regionlocked on their own Servers, the lagg will never be fixed. - Which will never happen because the player base is already way to low to do something like that. Watch the NAServer. Created so American Players could play without laggs & yet they keep connecting to the Global Server.

    WarRock is a old game created for the Koreanmarked. The Netcode was never created to have the whole world connected to 1 server. Which was also the reason why we had so many Servers back at G1.

  • Then force people to play on their own sever. Honestly, if the games dead then they should stop playing

  • For now, I experienced less lags. I believe the ongoing maintenance they had helped to address the lags issues. I just don't know if this is applicable to all or it depends on your location.

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