Hayreddin Crest and Flag/Celemonial Phantom Panel Ship
Hello, it's the second time for me to post in this new forum.
(Oops!! checked this account is not "Beomi 2018" mistaken!! Beomi(IGN) posted >.<)
I also think "General Discussion" section should be the top of the forum.
(feel confused a little bit when I search General discussion and Captain's Log book :< )
Some of my game mates took several screen shots and showed,
so Id like to enjoy with all UWO players :)
1) Hayreddin Crest and Flag
Have you fought and defeated against Hayreddin? got rewards?
Crest and Flag look so nice!!
2) Ceremonial Phantom Paneling Ship
I finally met the brave guy who added "Ceremonial Phantom Panel" to his Ship!!
Id like to give you the chance to appreciate these beautiful screen shots!! haha
felt delighted cause I could insert several images directly here without using any other tools :)
also can edit for a day! but can't remove the post right?
I checked that gif files couldn't be added or couldn't work. Is there any one who checked this?