Hayreddin Crest and Flag/Celemonial Phantom Panel Ship

edited November 2020 in General Discussions

Hello, it's the second time for me to post in this new forum.

(Oops!! checked this account is not "Beomi 2018" mistaken!! Beomi(IGN) posted >.<)

I also think "General Discussion" section should be the top of the forum.

(feel confused a little bit when I search General discussion and Captain's Log book :< )

Some of my game mates took several screen shots and showed,

so Id like to enjoy with all UWO players :)

1) Hayreddin Crest and Flag

Have you fought and defeated against Hayreddin? got rewards?

Crest and Flag look so nice!!

2) Ceremonial Phantom Paneling Ship

I finally met the brave guy who added "Ceremonial Phantom Panel" to his Ship!!

Id like to give you the chance to appreciate these beautiful screen shots!! haha

felt delighted cause I could insert several images directly here without using any other tools :)

also can edit for a day! but can't remove the post right?

I checked that gif files couldn't be added or couldn't work. Is there any one who checked this?

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