Ultimate Defence!

Whoo hoo, I made 600 def! I had hoped that there would be a new aura but no luck. Still nice to see though :)


  • Oh, and CPC will be very happy to hear that this is only attainable by using 'in game" crafted items. Lol

  • Congrats PP, well done.


  • Whoa 600! With only in game crafted gear thats so bad ass Sam.

    Must be fun to watch lv 70+ npcs doing 13 hp of damage. WTG girl!

  • well, it's not 'only' with crafted items. you need 3 crafted and 3 parts of the superior brave set to get it. But maybe it'll be an incentive to people to craft 100d items again :)

  • WOW, nicely done!

  • how whats the items i know 100d boots,gloves,shirt old craft stuff .But whats the superior brave stuff how do u make them dont see how any of its made on ivyro.

    And did u have to use the cash items to buff the gear stats?

  • That is one buff dress.

  • Thanks everyone, it was a fun challenge to make. It's really only useful for pve land battle though especially because of the job limitation.

    @Crimsonbunny the superior brave set was released last year though the cove/CT. you can find it on ivyro by typing "superior brave" in the search and it will show all the parts.

  • so it would be some super over priced set by now thin XC so thin its not attainable by using 'in game" crafted items its cash shop?Got my hopes up there lol

  • Yes it is super priced, but it's the top set in the game so... Like i said to get this you need only 3 parts of the set, the other 3 slots must be in game crafted for the 100def.

  • So it's not made with just ingame crafted stuff if you using UWC stuff then.

  • @fields1234 as i stated, you can't use JUST uwc or crafted. You need 3 parts of each in-game and uwc.

  • What i wrote was a little ambiguous so let me rephrase it more clearly lol

    This is only attainable by using 'in game' crafted items with uwc.

    The real issue is the accessory slot (there's no 100d accessory), so you have to make the build from that.

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