Hi all,
Due to insane inflation and low pop on this server due to ruined PVP, ruined trade system, ruined and inbalanced markets i think would be nice to make another server which would be pay to play with fixed monthly fee.
I know alot of players who would be happy to come back and play uwo in that kind of server.
NO UWC SHIPS, NO UWC ITEMS, all items obtainable in game by players.
No COVE, CT etc...
Free game for all new accounts until lvl 20 20 20 - think Chinese server is something like that.
So new players can test game, and if happy join it.
Imagine game where best ships are made by shipbuilders, best guns too, all can be crafted in game, so all have equal chance to get all.
Chinese has it, Japanese has it. give us too 1 more server with pay 2 play.
I appreciate where you are coming from, but I don't think this is a good idea.
UWO already has limited appeal. Making it non-F2P will kill an already small population. The last thing the game needs is less people playing it. And splitting up the population would do precisely that.
It is entirely possible for UWO to be sustainable without adding P2W powercreep. But the people in charge don't understand how, Or(likely) don't care.
Thankfully the game still has plenty going for it that makes it enjoyable, despite the aforementioned issues.
yes thing have gotten to a dire state. Havok made a thread for people to come up with solutions to help fix it.
Cool idea wrong time the server just dont have enough players to support it. Maybe if suggested on Netmarble or OGP sure but the population has dwindled a lot since then and a steep subscription price would cut the base even more...BUT this cloud has a silver lining. It appears Papaya is finally advertising the game which could lead to more players.
I'd make a server with the changes you suggested make it F2P and just make SSIP needed for ships, high calibur cannons and sails and plates so the sever could make money.
I'd come back if they did that, they aren't going too cause it's a nipple milking game, that prays on people with mental illness. Especially people with gambling addictions, and lack of control over thier lives, so they feel superior by being able to pay 10000 dollars in the cash shop.
You can see it in the comments even on here how they are scared of a sever like that, because it takes away thier advantage.
Other than that they should just, let this gambling pay 2 win dumpster fire of a game die.
I'd come back if they did that.
Hope everyone is well.
jp server is the only one that has no uwc. and its not doing so well.
china servers die and restart every so often. but they all have some sort of uwc to milk the cow. im pretty sure those servers have the most ridiculously out of balance ships in the game's entire history.
server cost has to come from somewhere.
USA and Israel can block your visions and sounds inside your head using invisible solar powered diode lasers from space and inject fake senses that look real. They can read minds from space using special covered solar panels. Many people are dealing with aliens aka artificial intelligence and are living in a dream world. It's in ancient prophecies as well. They call it or him dajjal aka false messiah aka anti Christ