First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to DSH-DIABLO for a complete explanation of how everything works in DS. Still, I want to draw attention to the fact that clanvars in the game are more necessary and more interesting than playing competitively. I was informed that all decisions in the game are based on data, we are not given a cf season because supposedly no one plays CW, I do not want to show myself smarter than the developers, but in fact, people play those modes for which they receive awards, and this is actually the case when the developers created CW the season, everyone only played it, I can remember how many players we returned to the game for the time of CW, and the company earned money from it, you can see for yourself how many clans gather on the CW server after the end of the season, people want to play CW, but they have no motivation due to the fact that there are no awards here For them, In the end, you can just make 50-50 rewards, a little rewards in CW and a little in competitive mode.

Hope will get support here on my topic from the BS community


  • edited April 2024

    Clan War has to come back then there will be tournaments again

  • Clan war is much better you can even make 70% cw 30% comp mode

  • Clanwar is the best way to make Blackshot popular again. Many old players would come back. And thus also increase interest. I hope it comes back like it used to

  • I would like to see clan seasons like on sea servers. Now the clan itself gives only the possibility of additional chat and purchase nx - that's all it is needed for in fact. Top of clans are not interested in anyone for the most part. Strong clans although only to play against strong opponents, but because of the limited number of days many can not take part in CW (work, vacation, no desire to donate only for the sake of two days). Grind competitiv for the sake of rewards, and trying to defeat flying cheaters is no longer interesting (and not always possible even in a strong duo). That's why I want to see the emphasis on CW culture development again, as it was before. This will bring back a lot of players who didn't like the competitive seasons (you don't have to get rid of them, you can allocate half of the month for competitive and the other half for CW). For a single competitive season 1 month is too long, considering that no one goes further than 1950 points, and if they do, they get banned.

  • edited April 2024

    J’espère un jour retrouver la sensation des clanwar comme à l’époque

    aujourd’hui une grande partie de la communauté souhaite que cela redevienne comme avant

    le mode clanwar a rendu ce jeux populaire avant même que la compétition existe

  • Clan war come back is Good

  • Great idea to motivate people to play clanwars which is a crucial part in blackshot creating a team of 5 playing against another team is refreshing

  • clanwar comeback would be huge thing! please make it happen :).

    you saw in these last 2 days how much clans were playingg ..

  • U have to bring clan war urgent ..

  • welcome too top 1 cw 😎

  • bringing back clan war is pretty good idea but with the old system is better

  • clan war <3

  • we need clanwar, u make only competition rewards and we play it, MAKE CLANWAR!

  • Do you want to make money? make a clanwar season for us, ranked in the game is the most boring, you say that you are based on data, tell the developer that they are lazy, you do not analyze the data have you seen how many people play clanwar when the end of the season? the rest of the time they play competitively because there are rewards, not because they like to play with random where there is no teamplay, you give us a very terrible gameplay and pastime in the game killing clanwar and the game itself

  • clan war come back will be the greatest idea i hope alot of things to change , but maybe its the beginning

  • bring back clan war

  • all need clan war back

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