support hacks?
Escribo este hilo porque no se hasta cuando vamos a tener que aguantar los que nos gusta el warrock a los hackers que no se banean, se están cargando el juego y los moderadores no hacen nada al respecto, dragonforce, shaddix, nopixWR, prezise, pajo11, entre otros muchos nombres que ya se saben que no voy a nombrar, van a tomar alguna medida? o simplemente van a dejar que estos individuos dejen acabar con el warrock? creo tendrían que tomar medidas al respecto, esto va mas allá del OVERCLOCK de cpu, es inadmisible, llevo 14 años jugando al juego y esto antes no se dejaba pasar, Buenas tardes.
Overclock is patched / fixed since 3 years.
None of the players you listed is cheating. Therefore they wont get banned.
Its as simple as this: The skillgap in WarRock is hughe. You can either continue to cry or you can start to improve yourselfe.
To learn Bunnyhopping, to Sliding down slopes when ever you can, to learn Stamina management overall. To always keep an eye on the minimap for red dots (enemys hitting a teammate) and learning how to outplay others & to learn maps and its tricks / shortcuts on it is just the beginning of it.
they don't use ovc, they're kids with cheats, that's why no one plays wr because they're allowed to ! we know it !
Yes, its always the easiest way to call someone cheats instead of accepting that someone is better :)
Its always easier to cry than to improve yourselfe. True.
Its always the enemy that is unlegit, and not yourselfe whos maybe bad compared to the player you cry about 😉