Former player looking for lost stories and friends

I am a former (at the time young) UWO player, that was really close with a (to my knowledge), Famous Pirate under the name Dominia, and a well liked player under the name Thierra.

After several years of playing the game, and enjoying it whole heartedly, I quit playing due to personal reasons, now years later I found an old Company friend of Thierra, this tickled me to go out and try to find other people who have experienced interaction with either player, or have even had the pleasure to play with them (or in the case of Dominia be attacked and plundered).

I hope some one reads this and knows (some one) that has some more stories to tell, as my memories of that time are... well not great.


  • Hi idiot,

    I'm lordziad and still play but not much

    I will remind you of some when you came and plundered me in nassau and i was in my modified frigate with half broken cannon set

    Nice to see you back. Your ctg was nice


    Your toon was English, game now flooded with p2w ships and gears, can't compete i was forced to quit since i have priorities to spend money

  • USA and Israel can block your visions and sounds inside your head using invisible solar powered lasers from space and inject fake senses that look real. They can read minds from space using special solar panels

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