Can you still run 2 accounts?

I am thinking about returning the game but I will not if you can still run 2 accounts at same time. I don't want to do it as its not a fun mechanic for me and me not doing it means everyone makes double amount of money compared to me while trading so everything costs double for me compared to others (Since traders making 10.000 from a trade I make only 5000 as they got 2 ships to carry... I am thinking like they got same ship and not even gonna make party leader have fast ship)

Don't take me wrong I don't say you are liking game for wrong reason, its just I stopped playing because of that and don't want to return if thats still a thing. Its just me. I hope you will understand what I mean


  • Yes, you can. You can even run 3 accounts at the same time. And you can have as many account as you like. There are even Companies with 1 Main and 49 alts. But don't let it bother you. Just play youre game. And don't get greedy, like most other "sailors". :-) Have fun!

  • What does other people's wealth have anything to do with you anyways? You do realize with or without alts there's people who've been playing solid everyday building for 4 years now unlike you that has taken time away, so people will be richer than you anyways. Your argument makes no sense since alts have been around for years and are needed now for storage and skill balancing. Nothing costs any high cost unless you plan to do hardcore pvp and that would take a good investment to complete after being away for so long.

  • edited May 2022 There was an error displaying this embed.

    it causes inflation and everything gets more expensive for me to access? I must play(according to guy that responded above) must play 49 times more and spend that much more time to buy item I need. Because while I can afford 100x currency for a ship that guy can afford 4900x of same currency instead and thus each person running multiple accounts will inflate number for me. After all him traversing world with multiple accounts allows him to put more currency into world

    this is same with printing money in real world. After all everyone will be offering their services expecting everyone running multi accounts thus setting their prices with that mindset on their head. Do you think there will be less or more money in game if this was banned? Again:More money=more inflation.

    again if you are ok with it thats fine... its my lose only and nothing to worry about you I am not holding grudge aganist the game or you for doing this... its just a massive fun killer for me thats all. There was an error displaying this embed.

    I am so sorry my friend I am happy for you if you are enjoying this and I will not demand you to give up on it but for me its a major hit and I rather play someting else :( Have fun anyway thanks for informing me. I hope you can understand this is a massive blow for me especially considering game is an open world pvp game to some degree that you can't choose to play pve too. Its not just being greedy its also inflation ... after all why would you sell me your premium hand crafted ship when you can sell it to guy that runs 50 accounts for much much better price? Maybe for good will but... how much good will you have there.

    Have fun everyone with my best wishes :)


  • Inflation does have the potential to create pricing issues for some types of gameplay, but outside of high-end PvP, I have wondered why it affects Adventurers and Traders. Anyways, the inflation excuse has been used by many on this server for their inactivity and leaving. Were they all looking forward to being high-end PvP players? The inflation issue aside, the biggest problem to me is Koei refuses to fix older issues in the game. it is like an amusement park company that keeps adding new rides but never updates the older rides or amenities and does not maintain the park's sanitation and grounds. Inflation is something Koei has allowed with the gameplay, but they have also allowed this game to age even more over the past few years without enough emphasis on updating older issues and older parts of the game. I really wish Koei would sell this game off to another developer who would maintain the sandbox style but update many of the obsolete ideas and parts of the game. Maybe in my own more laid-back playstyle I just do not fully understand the role inflation is playing in some folks' decision on whether to play or continue to play. If I leave it will be out of the laziness I see on Koei's part in the general maintenance of the game. Good old Sophia does nothing for me.

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    49 alts is VERY RARE and requires vpns and spreadsheets to keep up with it. I'll say 0.001% of uwo players do this because its bannable and a ton of work. The inflation comes from four factors

    1. Whales paying to win

    2. Time. People who can spend exorbitant amounts of time playing and earning

    3. Game mechanics ie. Being able to earn money super fast and super easy

    4. What the provider offers ie. Very rare ship drops

    Inflation will happen regardless of alts its just the way this world is designed. However the game does have a circuit breaker for inflation its called experience and dedication. Sure you can look at a ship being offered for 100bil or ship equivalent and get mad about inflation but you can also simply train levels and make a relatively similar ship for a fraction of the price and learn how to fight. Takes time but its available for everyone.

    Inflation only affects you if you let it imo.🤷🏽‍♀️

  • Interestingly enough, ever since everything got standardized to captain tickets everything has stabilized in prices. Running nanban all week has pretty much no effect on cove items anymore but releasing ever more powerful gear or ships does.

    It's just so easy to make ducets in game from nanban, crafting and dungeons. That coupled with a lower player base has actually made most stuff cheaper than before! The only high costs now are when new stuff gets released in cove/ct, but after the initial rush to be first to get, the prices on those items also drop.

    Overall now the only real high costs in game are the very top ships and gears and those are mostly high end pvp items anyways so if you only want to play casually or just do adv/trade then there's nothing to worry about.

    The largest hindrance to a person who wants to play a game is when they put more focus on other people's game rather than their own.

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