UWO Mock battle League
Hello everyone I am please to announce that today i am taking Sign ups for This Years MBL Please Message me on my Discord Rinc#3885 , or in this chatroom with your team, Signups Will end Monday, September 12th at 11:59 PM, please see the UWO MBL Discord for rule sheet.
Nice but how are the events going to be run? My issue for missing the first 2 seasons was the bad timing spot. It was always early Saturday for me when i have to work. I hope this year there will be more flexible time slots and days to play on. Sunday is best day since most people have it off or even later in the evening Saturday to make it easier for people to play. Thanks!
Unfortunately with majority of the participants being at a later time zone, we have to do it early saturday (possibly sunday) morning
Early sunday is good 👍
Why so early on Saturday? Many people are able to show for ESF at the later time that day so why can't something similar happen after that schedule time for Saturday evening?
Just a bit later would be great on the weekends. Being on server time, 6 am comes really early for me