[BS-GLB EVENT] Operation Surgical Strike: You Talk, We Listen

edited October 2022 in Events

Hello Mercs,

Even the best mercenaries in the Special Operations Force could use a pointer or two. Share with us your thoughts, new ideas and feedback on Operation Surgical Strike and receive a token of appreciation from us!

Update Info:



From 22 September to 19 October 2022, share your feedback of the latest Operation Surgical Strike update on this forum post;

All constructive feedback will be taken into consideration, and you’ll be rewarded. Exceptional feedback received will be specially rewarded.


We will only consider as participants players that leave constructive feedback on the latest update features.

Abusive behavior it's grounds for disqualification.


Top Feedback: SCAR Gold Nova+ 7D & Azure Skyripper+ 7D

All Constructive Feedback: MSR Airborne+ 3D

Team BlackShot


  • Hello!

    First of all, thanks for creating 120 and 180 minutes missions for the weekends =) I'll surely play for the prizes. I also liked that the 5 missions are no longer exclusive for Rooftop Hellipad.

  • Vai em português mesmo, de novo, quem sabe assim o GM Diabo lê e resolve implementar as mudanças.

    [1] - Desenvolvam uma ferramenta anti-macro: basta um dia jogando no servidor BR para se deparar com diversos jogadores usando macros tanto para retirar o recoil das armas quanto para aumentar o fire rate, isso torna o jogo desonesto.

    Não sou programador, mas não parece uma tarefa difícil contar a cadência dos tiros e intervalo entre eles, isso possibilita determinar se o jogador está usando rapid fire.

    Analisar a dispersão dos tiros a partir do ponto de disparo possibilita determinar se o jogador está usando alguma ferramenta no-recoil.

    [2] - Permitam o uso de vpn para servidores abertos: O servidor global por exemplo é um servidor aberto, alguns brasileiros usam vpn e conseguem reduzir o ping de 120 para 70 ou 80ms, isso aumenta a jogabilidade.

    [3] - Tragam de volta os tatic gear específicos para armas: assim é possível equipar o personagem rapidamente antes de cada partida para um tipo específico de arma. Exemplos: Aumentar a velocidade de movimento com: sniper, escopeta, rifle, smg, faca ou pistola.

    [4] - Tragam de volta os coletes: bastam três tipos de colete, pesado, médio e leve. Isso vai tornar o jogo mais realista, uma vez que as armas atuais matam muito rápido.

    [5] - Armas e equipamentos liberados por mastery: tragam de volta o sistema que permitia comprar armas com gold a partir de determinados masterys. Isso aumenta o engajamento para subir o nível dos masterys.

    [6] - Scop e silenciadores: liberem scop e silenciadores para comprar com gold.

    ign: putre666 [mesma acc desde o garena]

  • Hello GMS

    1. I have a good suggestion to increase the popularity of the game. We can do a competition. The conditions of the competition are that there is a whole team from one country, such as a team from Egypt, a team from France and a team from Germany. This competition will spread the spirit of competition in the players.
    2. IGN:kokoi
  • edited September 2022


    Sobre a nova atualização Operação Surgical Strike, acho que esse é o caminho para melhorar nosso Blackshot principalmente pela retirada de bugs, ainda temos muitos bugs nos mapas onde podemos ver simplesmente encostando em uma parede e apertando a tecla spaço, acho que seria muito interessante implantar o sistema do clan war em todo o servidor onde o jogador não pode apertar a tecla espaço quando morre para ver o mapa através dos bugs,isso daria até menos trabalho para fazer acredito eu.

    Novos itens.







    Foi uma boa introdução, falando de armas acho que teria que ser retirado o dano da 12 no jogo, por que ela pega de muito mas muito longe mesmo e o dano é enorme, sobre as face camo ela ficou com uma cor fraca, seria ótimo dar uma cor mais forte para elas.

    Uma dica sobre nosso shop atualmente, temos muitas armas lindas e boas no shop que infelizmente podemos ganhar somente rodando a goldbox, seria interesante colocar na loga normal mas não permanente, ex: coloca as armas lá por 15 dias e depois retira isso seria mais viavel de comprar e tambem a procura seria maior, nossos kit de armas são caros para nós Brasileiros por causa do dolar, então se colocasse armas no shop a cada 15 dias teriamos mais pessoas comprando elas, eu gastei R$200.00 reais para poder comprar uma arma que eu gosto a scar+ para mim sim é caro mas ela está somente nos kits a venda em nossa loja.

    Att: Zelgadis

  • Hello,

    About the new Operation Surgical Strike update, I pretty much like the all together concept from weapons to character outfits etc..
    however the bug fixes are something quite big and means alot to the community however what i do see as an old member of the cumunity i have been present since two war the game changed for good since then.
    Alot of player left the game since then for the reason of the game slowly becoming "pay2win" , now you cant do such big updates to the game then reverse them for that reason however this canstill be fixed and bring so much more attention and bring back the joy of this game
    As an OG what i would like to see as a small example is mastery rewards back to the shop such as AK Gold , scope and silencer for rifle and so on for other classes
    another thing to talk about is how expensive the gems are becoming i mean 5 eur for 370 gems that litterly can buy you nothing for more than 7 days and thats pretty much it its a game curreny after all i dont really see where it can mess with the game economy
    Now talking about the gameplay 
    -NZ1 knife was something lets say legendary in the game , i dont see anyone hyped for the knife it self anymore because of the new texture and animation its a little bit off you can tell , bringing back the old texture and animation is going to be something big for it
    -The Ak 47 animation would be a real revamp
    i would also like to share this opinion of mixing the sea and global blackshot together witch means all in one but diffirent server for players so making it using the same client and including all the servers together would increese the numbers
    I have many more ideas about the game it self and how to make it popular again , i would love to share them with any interested game manager.
    IGN : uNwinD_TN

  • Hi GMs,

    Here is my suggestion: Bring old guns with gold not gems, like scar omega, ak47 spider, ak47 srm tuning and competitive would have been great with 5 squat. I don't wanna lose because of not good players. Also, bring old mastery shop, like pro 5 level for ak47 gold in shop.



    IGN : CamasirMakinesi

  • Olá!

    Sobre a nova atualização eu particularmente gostei muito! As armas são bastante interessantes!

    Minha sujestão é por todas as armas de BP na loja e quando subisse os masterys das armas liberassem o silenciador, scope e a arma gold! e que os silenciadores e scope não fossem mais de gemas e sim de Gold! a volta dos gears seriam muito bom e principalmente arrumar as snipers do jogo porque qualquer snipers tem que dar 2 tiros ou dependendo até 3 matar isso é muito injusto porque você nunca sabe se vai matar com 1 tiro ou 2, poderiam trazer outras armas antigas de volta ao jogo e outros mapa também, acho que com essas melhorias o jogo voltaria para o tempo de glória!

    IGN: Atirador_

  • I don't wanna lose because of not good players. Also, bring old mastery shop, like pro 5 level for ak47 gold in shop.

    i would also like to share this opinion of mixing the sea and global blackshot together witch means all in one but diffirent server for players so making it using the same client and including all the servers together would increese the numbers .....

    IGN : logical_

  • Hello mercenaries, and the entire blackshot community!

    In my opinion, this season is very good, of course it can improve much more, perhaps adding a new tactical system as it was before, or also adding a referral system, so that players can invite their friends and thus obtain rewards and so on. can further increase the beautiful blackshot community or can also add a market system, where players can trade some weapons, outfits, gears...

    IGN: ArgenisLozada10

  • The update is really awesome, and I like the 180 missions. Also, the new weapons are cool.

    IGN: sacredprince

  • edited October 2022

    salut a tous les mercenaires ^^ .

    j'ai une suggestion qui pourrais être constructive a mon gout , je vais tout d'abord parler niveau gameplay compétition , dans le mode compétition je trouve qu'il serais cool d'enlever certaine armes que je trouve sans skill comme les fusils a pompe , je vais parler du monde normal je trouve que le jeu deviens de plus en plus "Pay To Win" pour les joueurs qui ne dispose pas de trop de moyen de mettre de m'argents dans des jeux le jeux et dure et les personnes qui jouent peut ne peuvent pas s'amuser donc je trouve qu'il serais cool de mettre des quêtes en conséquence .

    voila c'étais juste mon opinion bon jeu a tous.

    IDENTIFIANT : julienzenatie

  • Essa nova atualização, trouxe uma arma muito boa e skins consideraveis, mas ainda penso que é muito pouco, para mim as armas não deveriam ser sazonais e sim fixas nas lojas, o que adianta você lançar as armas, com uma nova skin e na outra temporada ela sumir, fora que vocês precisam resgatar armas que comunidade pede.

    This new update brought a very good weapon and considerable skins, but I still think it's too little, for me the weapons shouldn't be seasonal but fixed in stores, what's the point of you launching the weapons, with a new skin and the other season she disappears, apart from that you need to rescue weapons that the community asks for.
    I believe you are not being careful to listen to the community, especially the Brazilian one.
    IGN - LadyBlessed (LordBlessed)

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    Principais notícias

  • Olá GMs !!

    Vou falar um pouco sobre essa nova atualização.

    Na minha opinião, gostei muito dessa temporada Operação Surgical Striker, vocês trazendo armas diferentes em cada temporada é uma boa para manter os players mais animados pra jogar e com as promoções nos pacotes, em algumas armas no shop e em vestimentas o jogo fica mais visível ao público novo e também faz com que alguns players veteranos voltam a jogar.

    Se vocês pudessem mudar as recompensas no modo competitivo seria uma boa também, pois, vi que alguns players não jogam mais esse modo por conta que várias temporadas que passam continua a mesma recompensa.

    Na próxima temporada vocês poderiam implantar missões e por recompensas em caixas igual como era uns tempos atrás, e vocês podem fazer com os mapas que já tem no jogo, tipo TFM SD FFA TDM WR...

    Eu acho também que seria muito interessante implantar sistema do guerra de clãs em todo servidor nos mapas de "SD" onde o jogador não pode apertar o botão de espaço quando morre para ver o mapa através dos bugs, fazendo isso o jogo seria mais competitivo.

    Obs: "Vocês poderiam tentar trazer a AK DGI, como já tem a M4 DGI aí mais pra frente vocês podem colocar as duas armas em um pacote para compra no shop, na época essa AK era a única que diferenciava das outras, ela era "única", por isso se vocês pudessem trazê-la de volta eu garanto que muitos players iriam elogiar muito o jogo"

    IGN: WarL0cK__

  • edited October 2022

    I like the new weekend endurance missions, they give us players some flexibility and allow us to get all rewards even when we can't play on a particular day. However, it would be nice to actually get those rewards; we're in the third weekend but have not received the rewards from last weekend yet..

    The new weapons are OK I guess. The Sniper was surprisingly fun to play, but I wouldn't spend BSC to get it. Overall not that great compared to other T5 Snipers. Same for the rifle. The skins are neat. Face camos are pretty coold too, but kinda expensive like most other things in the shop IMO

    Suggestions: same as always

    • change Comp Matchmaking: too many farmers (comp squat with one high ranked person and one extremely low ranked person) around. They are annoying to encounter, annoying to report and create extra workload for the GMs. Best fix is to not use average comp rating, but use the highest ranking squad member to determine matchmaking. This way the Diamond/Platinum guy would always be matched against other Diamond/Platinum/high-Gold opponents, no matter how low ranked his buddy is. Alternatively, implement a minimum floor for ranking, like 900. What's the point of being able to have 500 comp ranking anyway? That wouldn't solve the problem, but would at least make things slightly harder for farmers.
    • bring back BP Mastery items into the shop
    • make Bounty boxes more interesting: maybe put some Medkit+ / Speedkit+ / good T4 Melee (NZ1) or Pistol (DE Legion) into them to make things more interesting and entice players to spend loads of BP every now and then
    • put some BP skins into the shop, like we used to have in the old Blackshot
    • create repairable T4 NX1 Launcher, Pistol, Melee and Grenade and let us have them through achievements (finish 2000 games of game mode x). Let us have a full loadout of repairable NX1 weapons, please :)


  • Black shot teve um novo rosto des de 2014 Otima jogabilidade com otimos pings parabens pessoal da gm

  • Dear,

    Not a bad update, I guess. I'm liking the events where you can get premium weapons and gears from playing and fullfilling challenges. This is the reason why me and my friends are returning to this game after years. New weapons and stuff added with this update are pretty good, but nothing out of the ordinary.

    For me the most important part of blackshot is the competitive part. Since I returned, you can now only play with 2 pre-made. For the playerbase that blackshot has, this is a good solution for fair gameplay and solo queue players. However the maps that are being selected for competitive mode could be a lot more diverse. We have a lot of iconic, nostalgious maps such as Broken City I and II, Office, Red Mansion, Hans Cargo, Circle of Destiny, Mean streat, Berlin and many others. Sometimes a competitive game does not take more than 5-10 minutes and playing the same maps over and over again in competitive can become very boring. I would suggest increasing the maps that can be played in competitive to for example 5 maps SD and 5 maps TFM.

    Bad side of this update, a lot of hackers using some kind of flying aimbot are destroying the public servers. They are not getting banned quickly as well. Sending a ticket to ban these hackers takes too long, some GMs should always be online to take care of these cheaters faster.



  • Oh yeah, forgot about this. Gas grenades should be nerfed in some way as well. You literally can never be sneaky in this game without being hit by a gas grenade, especially the premium gas grenades. I would suggest to decrease the range of the gas grenades.

    Looking forward to a nice and nostalgious Halloween update. :)

  • I don't wanna lose because of not good players. Also, bring old mastery shop, like pro 5 level for ak47 gold in shop etc…

    and make the competitive that we can choice 4 players to play as a team not randoms

    have a good day and enjoy

    IGN : _S0xY

This discussion has been closed.