Is this game the worst for Windows 11?

The screen shakes a lot when the character runs or moves.

Even the goal is shaky and you don't get used to the game.

Is there still no solution to this chronic problem?

Does Papaya WarRock know this?



  • Yep. There is sadly still no solution to that issue except moving back to win10.

    The Issue is caused by a spectate mode animation call it shouldnt do. Its a Win11 + WarRock Engine thing.

    The Screenshake occures once you play vs other players & remain until game restart. If you start the game and play AI Mode alone or join trainingsmode there will be no screenshake until you join a room with players in. So the fact that other players are in your room activates the bug.I am pretty sure its tied to spectate mode / deathcam.

  • Fix this insane issue, this should be the top of the priority list.

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