Bringing in more players


I am an old Warrock player who came back a few weeks ago and when I came back I had obviously lost everything but was tempted to play because of the nostalgic feelings I have with this game.

First, I want to mention how good of an idea it is to lend some nice weapons to new players. As I had some perms, it felt bad to start over but then it feels better to see we get some interesting weapons to play with when coming back.

The sad thing is how low the player base is, I think this game still has potential. It might sound weird, but if you look at CS GO, Warrock is 1000x times better ! The people managing this game should try to look into how to get as big as CS GO in the sense that they are considered an EA sport or something.. But their game is complete garbage for real.

The problem that would block Warrock from getting its place as an EA sport would be the bugs. An EA sport can should not have bugs that makes a player die/lose because of some latency or something. If there is a way to make sure to reduce or even completely stop it from happening, then I think that Warrock with the right marketing could really be a world-wide EA sport game. This game HAS strategy and techniques involved. With some adjustments, this game can come back to life. One of the things it has like CS GO to a certain extent is the random boxes. I think that if there would be more possibilities to get access to a certain type of random box from playing the game (not just as an event but more as a grinding reward or something), Warrock would probably be more interesting to more players.

I think that it is important to note that even if you (the owner of the game) do not make money from those free to get boxes, you have to remember that those free to play players coming in and playing because of those boxes (some good free gambling you know!) will be the players we (pay to play OGs) will beat. It also increases the player base which for a lot of people is an important decisional factor before coming in to a game (like it always has been to me, until I came back to Warrock just because I don't want to play newer games).

All that to say, there is a possible bright future for this game as of 2022. I wish the right "efforts" will be put in so it doesn't die. LETS GO WARROCK!


  • This game is way better than cs go combat arms ect… if warrock did more advertising to get people in and fix server lags like the game used to be back in g1 days this game would be rammed again… seems like no one cares

  • This game needs players, players needs their own accounts. Many accounts banned for a reason. There are many games as multiplayer but most of them has no hack. This game needs better anti-hack program firstly. Then should be unban all accounts for a one time. Amnesty! There are not 100 players playing the game. Papaya must do something.

  • so you got banned, obviously. and that's your suggestion? You deserve to be banned chances are. just unban everyone, is going to be harmful and add back all cheaters that private match achievements and hackers/bug abusers. Not only that, but how would they notify all the players that left they were unbanned? They don't even have an email news list, which would be a good start. But this game dead, not because of the lag or the pay to play. But because of the toxic players, the ones that bug abuse and if they don't win or the bug doesn't work they use the best gun they can buy on an overclocked i9 and expect the guy in Romania with Windows XP at 10fps to compete. The world is very different and not everyone can afford to overclock or pay for the best weapons, meaning half the population left as soon as they gave it a laggy server and increased prices by using random boxes instead of outright buying perms.

  • We Now Maybe There Is Some Cheaters Will Be Back To The Game But If The GM's Improved The Anti Cheat To Ban The Cheaters Like If The Player Speed More Faster Than The Normal Player And The Jump And Stamina The Heal The Aim And TP And Flying And Shooting With Any Gun Without Reloading And Inf Ammo Will Send To The GM's Like A Message So The GM's Will Join The Game And Check If The Same Player Are Cheating Or Not Or The Anti Cheat Will Ban Him Automaticaly And The People Who Do Free Kill They Doesn't Deserve To Get Perma Banned Because In This Days It Doesn't Matter The People KD Only Matter If He Is A Pro Player And The People Who Insult The Other It Doesn't Need To Get Perma Banned Only If They Did It Multiple Times And After Some Good Time The Game Will Be Better Again Without The Cheaters And The Number Of People Will Be Increased Again After We Get Some New Events.

    And Like What Did You Say CS GO Have A Good Number Of Players Because There Is Not A Lot Of People Inside It Are Cheating But In Warrock A Lot Of Cheaters Inside It And Everyday The Number Of The Cheaters Increased Because The Anti Cheat Its Not Good That Much So They Need To Improve It A Lot Like What Did I Say The Cheaters Like If The Player Speed More Faster Than The Normal Player And The Jump And Stamina The Heal The Aim And TP And Flying And Shooting With Any Gun Without Reloading And Inf Ammo Will Send To The GM's Like A Message So The GM's Will Join The Game And Check If The Same Player Are Cheating Or Not Or The Anti Cheat Will Ban Him Automaticaly And I Got In Warrock 2 Times Perma Banned First For Free kill And The Second Because Someone Stoled My Account And I Got Banned For Cheats But Its Not Me Who Cheated But I Didn't Care About The Perma Banned I Came Back With Another Account To Play The Game Normally Like How Everyone Want

  • point & comma exist bro. use them. Its a pain in the ass to read what you wrote.

  • So There Any Solution To Improve The Game Again Like How It Was In Old Days ?

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