Greyed items in the MA album

I have some items in the MA album,

Legendary Ancient Ruins,

Personification of Gods

Playable Melodies

where the items show up but are greyed out. (12 in total are grey)

Does anyone know what this means?


  • Does it mean you haven’t collected them yet? I have similar. Some albums seem to tell you what you need as well as what you already have?

  • No. That is not what it means. If I have not collected/seen them yet, there would be a blank box.

    I was thinking it may be a discovery that I have made.. and that i now have the card to make the MA item, but still have to go to the correct craft person to make the item.

    Anyone else have a clue?

  • edited December 2020

    So I had a look in my very sparsely populated albums.

    Most of the greyed out ones I have are for ornaments made for Temples and Statues, as you say, and I do seem to have the discovery cards for all but one “Abu Simbel Temple”, which I can find no record of.

    The other album with greyed out entries is “Intro to Adventuring” which has greyed out entries for “Book of Flora and Fauna” and “Introduction to Sailing”.

    Love reading your log, btw, learned a lot from it!

  • Thanks for the Shout out. If you are interested, My log is in the Captain's log section of the forums.

    I just went ahead and started making all the ornaments and statues. I started making the greyed out ones.

    I believe, if it is grey, you have the card, and if it is normal colour you have made it. if it is not there are all, you don't have the discovery/card to make the statue/ornament.

  • Well, did double check. I had all the discovery cards to make the ornaments. before I started

    2 normal colour

    6 greyed but viewable

    2 blank/black squares

    I went around to the different cities and made the 8 missing ornaments. All are 10 normal colour now and the album is complete. So I still cannot tell you why some are grey and some are black when I started.

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