[Event Winners] Halloween Creativity in the Community

edited January 10 in English

Salutation Soldiers!

Im proudly announcing the last Halloween Costume Contest's Grand winner.

"Ninaween the Flying Kitty" by IGN: Suzana

  • GMCOM105: "Personally like the fact of using the Oktoberfest version Nina for the base. little bit of Elise in the Wonderland feeling makes perfect for the Cat on the head."

We will be injecting the rewards of all 4 classes random box to her. Yet, no costume box since she only named herself in the [Submission] post.

For the Secone place,

"lil' evil" by IGN: MamiBaskanWR 

  • GMCOM105: "There were another screenshot with trying to show some action of the costume. Love the effort! Appreciated for the early submission!"

We will inject the 1x Medic/Engineer Random Box and also another "Shoes Mystery Box" for naming one of the other particitant in the [submission] post. You are only one who actually followed and understood the event details.

Thanks alot MamiBaskanWR !!

For the Third Place goes to..

"Dark Angel" by IGN: Xylos

  • GMCOM105: "It's quite simple but fits the name perfectly! Reminds me of the Motal Combat X Takken somehow."

We will inject 1x Assault Random Box for the prize of submitting a great costume screenshot. Yet, no costume box since she only named herself in the [Submission] post.

Last but not the least,

Witching Soldier by IGN: Shaddix

  • GMCOM105: "Like the fact you made the character looks little chubby, but can't really find what is the main theme of the costume... Chirstmas Gloves? why?"

We will still inject you 1x class Random Box to you. Please send us an helpdesk ticket for which kind would you'd like to have. And of course, we won't be sending you the costume box since you only named yourself in the [Submission] post.

We were expecting more naming of each others in the [Submission] post during the naming phase, but it seems like not everyone was following the event instruction clearly. Hope we can have better costume contest next time and we can give out more costume mystery boxes to everyone.

For the everyone participated, thanks again for showing your love of our game WarRock. We hope we can have more costume players in the future.

Sorry for the late submission, they could not been selected.

THANK YOU EVERYONE! and wish you had a good Halloween and much more love for the rest of 2022.

  • GMCOM105, Team WarRock
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