

-Im arabic guy and blackshot i cant play backshot without VPN and the VPN will be laggy there no vpn with out lag

-The new UPDATE is good abt the old maps back and Good guns be in the new UPDATE and this is the best thing

-The Hackers in competitive so many and the vip hackers Cant get ban like were not using macro or hack but they leet us use it

-About the competitve again like the GOLD tier Playing with grand master and The black is that okay ??! Its not

-I hope the Devs See That and i hope they Fix The Locaiont Problem Cus the VPNs So Laggy The Prem VPNs and the free

-BlackShot username: Mil_Zx


  • Hello!

    -Im arabic guy and blackshot i cant play backshot without VPN and the VPN will be laggy there no vpn with out lag

    -The new UPDATE is good abt the old maps back and Good guns be in the new UPDATE and this is the best thing

    -The Hackers in competitive so many and the vip hackers Cant get ban like were not using macro or hack but they leet us use it

    -About the competitve again like the GOLD tier Playing with grand master and The black is that okay ??! Its not

    -I hope the Devs See That and i hope they Fix The Locaiont Problem Cus the VPNs So Laggy The Prem VPNs and the free

    -BlackShot username: Mil_Zx

  • Arabic guy and you cant play blackshot? -> Go to the Cyber coffee and play blackshot there

    new update bla bla -> never saw some old maps coming back, are you sure that you are in the right forum?

    Hackers in competetive -> Welcome to Blackshot!

    competetive again -> They are all arabs, maybe u know them from your local internet coffee

    Fix location problem? -> Maybe they dont want more arabs in the game because they´re always hacking?

    btw. never heard ur blackshot username, maybe you play SEA?

    i mean, you are not the smartest group of people as we all know.

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