Ships Stats on PP Website vs Reality

edited January 2023 in General Discussions

Hello everyone, i usually don't come on forum to share my concerns but i belive it's time for we have a voice and an proper anwser about this topic.

Past few days i been looking for a ship to buy, and i came across a ships called Pirate Kronan on PapayaPlay website on UWO page and i found the treasure cove from December 21st 2022 till January 4 2023.

This ship capted my attention for have 995 durability and 295 vertical sail aswell 342 Hold, so i decided to go after it inside game and i ended purchasing one.

But soon the ship i thougth that would be amazing just became a nigthmare...

This was what i got...

Let's compare: Will be PP Website status vs what we get in game.

Vertical Sail: 295 vs 279

Horizontal Sail:260 vs 246

Turn: 15 vs 15

Wave: 14 vs 14

Armour: 59 vs 59

Crew: 235 vs 235

Hold: 342 vs 342

Dura: 995 vs 1393

Hull: Iron Plated vs Iron Plated

Lvl's are the same on website and inside game.

Ship Form: Battle Ship vs Generic Ship

My question is Why status like Crew, Hold, Cannons Chambers, Turn, Wave, Hull are the same on WEBSITE and inside game status like Vertical Sail, Horizontal Sail and Duarbility are manipulated?

So for me the reason i bougth this ship was because of the Vertical sail, durability and hold and i would like to ask papayaplay what changed to make the vertical sail and horizontal sail that you guys OFFER on website went down in-game if the Hull still Iron-Plated... I'm not SB so pls take some time to explain me how this happened, and why we dont get what you guys promote on Website? I would like to know how myself and my fellow UWO friends can feel confortable to play the Treasure Cove and Captain Tickets if we don't have what we are paying for, which is advertised by PapayaPlay on the website.

Pls let me know if i saw wrong the Website and this information is not on your website on the link bellow, or if what we see on Treasure Coves / Captain Tickets is not what we get once we open in game, if so why theres no sign telling that.



  • 1393 dura before any mods or grading??? Wow, sign me up!!! 😳

  • The reason for the discrepancy is because the ship stats on papaya site is always for standard, 100% durability/sails, material (beech).

    Iron is 140% durability, 95% sails. So 140% of 995 base is 1393 dura, just as you got. If you change the material to teak or national wood you get 105% sails so then the sails would be more than what is displayed on the website: 309 vert 273 horiz.

    There is a very good reason for reporting it like this on the website: so that its easy to compare ships, no matter what material they happen to come in.

    Stinker (Anima company, London)

  • That's because based stats is at 100% that's not include panel ,but you can figure out the stats ur new ship's gonna to have.

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