[BS-GLB EVENT] Operation Aphrodite's Shrine: You Talk, We Listen

edited March 2023 in Events

Hello Mercs,

The GMs aren’t taking any breaks this season of love because a new season means more opportunities to garner your feedback! Simply share your thoughts with them and receive a gift of appreciation. 

Update Info:



From 09 Feb to 08 Mar, submit your feedback on this forum post anytime during the event period. 

All constructive feedback will be taken into consideration, and you’ll be rewarded. Excellent feedback received will be specially rewarded.


We will only consider as valid participants the players that leave feedback on the new features of the update.

Abusive behavior it’s grounds for disqualification.


Top Feedback(s): Cheytac Paramour+ 7D

Participation: AK47 SRM Paramour+ 3D

Team BlackShot


  • Hello, guys!

    Once again, an update that keeps the game interesting, and this is important for the number of players to grow.

    About the missions, a criticism I also made in the last update: it's practically impossible to complete all the monthly missions and get the bonus package.

    Another suggestion is to lower the daily minimum to 30 minutes instead of 40 minutes to get a reward. That's all, thanks for listening!

  • Olá, boa noite !!

    Bom atualização ótima , sempre aprimorando o jogo com inovações e rifles novos . Espero continuar essa disputa boa entre todos os jogadores , essa rivalidade .

    Jogo está excelente ...

  • Boa tarde!

    Boa atualização, as skins ficaram legais, mas poderiam fazer eventos no server brasileiro também, gostei do mapa de evento tdm, ficou muito legal, a cada atualização uma novidade diferente, parabéns.

  • Bueno la verdad para mi este asido el mejor juego muy excelente de verdad que lo recomiemdo siempre lo eh jugado casi toda mi vida y no me arrepiento si no me creen tengo mi cuenta en general brigada 4 star 👊😍😍 espero que sigan asi hasta que yo me muera porque mientras siga vivo este sera mi juego favorito

  • Desearia recargar pero soy ee venezuela y no tengo una cuenta estranjera

  • Hello!

    Once again, an update that keeps the game interesting, and this is important for the number of players to grow.

    About the missions, a criticism I also made in the last update: it's practically impossible to complete all the monthly missions and get the bonus package.

  • A Atualização ta bacana , mas poderia colocar as armas novas para venda na loja tbm , seria ótimo poder comprar essas armas da atualização na loja .

  • a atualização ficou muito boa, os novos capacetes tiger helmet eu estava esperando eles chegarem a muito tempo e agora que chegou vou poder comprar e me divertir. Obrigado!

  • Suggesting more advertising and marketing campaigns for the game, because in my view it is wronged and deserves more than that, as in the past.

  • Português

    Boa atualização, gostei dos novos itens adicionados... Helmet Brass Bull é bem engraçado haha 🤣

    Poderiam trazer itens de BP também, como armas ou roupas para ser comprados na loja.

    Gostaria de ver a AK Project Dragon de volta tambem. 


    Good update, I like the new items added... Helmet Brass Bull is pretty funny haha 🤣

    They could bring BP items as well, like weapons or clothes to be bought in the store.

    I would like to see AK Project Dragon back too.

    IGN : WiseTec_

  • O jogo com mais uma atualização incrível, espero que possa agregar sempre no jogo essas boas atualizações e com novas armas e personagens, pois só tem a crescer o Black Shot. Apenas poderia trazer algumas armas antigas de BP e algumas armas novas para diversificar mais o inventário do jogo.

    Obrigado !!!

    IGN: sako99

  • the new valentine event duration is too short for us to complete the weekly quest

  • otima atualizaçao gostei muito cheia de eventos, missoes nova, arma novas, voces poderia trazer mais rifle de bp para agente poder compra, poderia trazer tambem novos mapa, para agregar mais ainda o jogo.

  • gostei muito da atualizaçao e do tema da atualizaçao, do mapa tdm top top mesmo ficou muito legal, gostei tambem que esta dando muitos premios top para podemos jogar, espero que a cada atualizaçao melhore mais e mais.

  • Atualização bem criativa em relação ao tema, mapa e itens muito bonitos por sinal. Fico surpreso pois o jogo está sempre mudando e interagindo com os players. 😉

    Eu acredito que seria muito interessante algum evento o forma de conseguir comprar as tão faladas armas antigas de BP, afinal, quem é novo no Game acaba que raramente consegue conhecer uma arma dessas.

    IGN: Locutor

  • add old mastery weapon on mastery level

    cauze after expert 4 u are able to buy with bp


  • muito bom atualizaçao mas acho q poderia melhorar mais ainda com algumas coisas

  • hello guys

    I wanted to suggest to update the competitive settings from 2 players to 5 because its more attractive . I know that if it is 5vs5 its going to be a little bit hard for the players that play always solo but you can make an other competitive server Competitive Solo & Duo and Competitive Squad because most of the players are enjoying Blackshot only in Clan War mode but clan war its only 1-2 days because most of the time (when competitive is onn) is empty ! I remmeber 1 season that you created some special missions on Clan War and it was very good because players joined in clanwar ! Before creating Blackshot P2W in competitive was TDM too why not to bee again TDM SD and TFM (please no WR cuz players leave the game) .

    I think that half of Blackshot players dont have any idea of this missions and your websites and the best thing is to add the missions in the game lobby . :)

    Thank you and i wish you guys all the best

    IGN : Ndrangheta

  • More diversity in maps used for seasons. I feel only same maps are used in competitive seasons all the time. Like Sand Storm.

    Bring back more than 2 people squads on competitive or maybe only allow it for fellow clan members, so more than 2 clan members can play together.

  • Hi,

    1: Im might suggest something new for Bs about new incoming users : its that possible like if someone wants to make a new user he can do it only with your consent.. ..it might work, then hackers will be hard to make new accounts.

    2: Will be nice if we have a new map only with BOTS like a mission... otherwise playing same maps everyday it gets booring.

    3: New update is COOL nothing special same cash weaps and LESS BP weaps.

    4: Bring the OLD maps in and the OLD Weaps like M50 or BOW..

    5: New Gear , New weapons BP or cash, new knife , new map, new achievements, new mastery weaps, etc....

    best greetings, ING : OldFolks

  • 8 players on competitive mode will be better gaming experience. This will allow more equal teams and afk players will not effect the matches. Please do this for next update. ;)

  • Hi,

    (I do not think that developers know English.)


    1. GM's are not online in the morning and afternoon because of that they have life. In the mornings and afternoons, hackers and cheaters are not getting ban. This game needs more GMs.
    2. The new accounts need to play other channel until they achieved 15 hours playtime in that channel. If you bring that what will change? : GM's can detect and ban new account hackers easily. Therefore, public can be playable.
    3. You need to raise competitive rank requiriment. Macro and hackers are getting ban and they create new accounts. They can easily access to play competitive because of that LOW RANKS CAN PLAY COMPETITIVE.
    4. You can bring 5-squad-competitive as a new mode, so that, no one has to deal with 3 or 4 noobs in his/her team.
    6. This game needs GamePass, YOU CAN EARN MORE MONEY and players can enjoy with that.
    7. Insulting should be reason for ban. ( I saw Cic rank was insulting one of my GMs and he still can play!!!!!!!.)
    8. Bad words are not filtering in your cencor program. Egytp gamers can make their nicknames as a bad words, also they can swear to us easily. a7a, kosamk are one of the swears they use mostly.
    9. Gold, EXP bonus should be decreased to 100%.
    10. You should bring clan level 40, and Nx1 venganence should not access easily. Everyone have nx1 venganence+!!!!!!!
    11. More clan icons, and clan icon backgrounds. More flags!!!.
    12. We need more BP guns, You are bringing allways GEM Guns in this game....
    13. KSG should be gem gun, so much damage and unbalanced.
    14. Old guns that you gave to us like scar omega mcmillan chamelon, meat hammer g, should be purchased in game. Tell me if i am wrong, but you are not even looking our suggestions. If i am wrong, my discord id is Kailyn#1231.

    Best regards.

    IGN- Kailyn_


  • Will be nice if we have a new map only with BOTS like a mission... otherwise playing same maps everyday it gets booring.

     I remmeber 1 season that you created some special missions on Clan War and it was very good because players joined in clanwar ! Before creating Blackshot P2W in competitive was TDM too why not to bee again TDM SD and TFM

    IGN : logical_

  • Foi mais um bom update, trouxe melhorias e novos itens, agregando ainda mais ao jogo. gostei no novo calsingn. 

    IGN : lZenITh_

  • gostei muito desta atualização, achei linda a escopeta que foi adicionada, os eventos também foram divertidos e legais, é muito bom ver o trabalho do time do blackshot.

    IGN : liTachiUchiiha_

  • Hello Mercs,

    First of all we would like to thank all players that participated and shared their feedback on the update. With this being said, the rewards will be sent to your loadouts soon.

    Don't forget to also participate on the new event here:


    Team BlackShot

This discussion has been closed.