prisma no contact

edited July 2023 in English

still waiting


  • edited March 2023

    When are you gonna add me?

  • You can find me on Discord claiming to be an active part of the games GM team

    My name is HGM prizma and I have not been seen in the game for 3 years.

    When i do log in I only play with my friends and will ignore any other requests for a game as I am a biased GM

    Excuses, yeah I'm full of them. Just like my counterparts shelfish, witcher,logan, and carrot

  • edited July 2023

    Make warrock great again

    By never being online and interacting with the games community.

  • Honestly, How did they pick these GMs, Names in a hat? Are they the only ones who applied?

    Between these 5 GMS they are not even logging one hour's worth of game time during the month combined.

    And when they are logging into the game, it's for a personal locked room with friends. While ignoring the request for a game from other Warrock members.

    Why are none of these useless GMs ever in game playing?

    Each and every one of these GMs claims they want warrock to improve, yet none of them is active in creating an environment for the games community

  • Biased toxic GMS.

    It's 945pm on a Saturday and this GM is being asked by a member to play a game... The response is 15mins. Even replied within the minute to the question. Yet when other members have asked for these GM to play a game they all have excuses.

  • Strait in with the excuses.

    You don't need to reward anyone for making a room. None of my games in the past with a gm has seen me or anyone else given a reward. So why are you putting barriers up to avoid playing a game every single time you have been asked?

  • edited July 2023

    We also have this guy as a GM

    Giving out the password to event rooms to his friend so there able to join before anyone else.

    This was not the first time and it won't be the last.

    This is the one GM who needs to be removed from the game both GM and personal account. As he is toxic and ruins every room he enters into. A 90% win rate as every game is nothing more than him stacked up killing new accounts. Clearly showing that none of the GMS where given any background cheks prior to being given the role.

  • Hello,

    I see many different comments on the HGM team have been made. However, I must say that there are several reasons as to why some of us are apparently more or less active. There are different internal roles that we must take care apart from going in-game and running events ( Furthermore, I see that two HGMs are mainly being addressed here, but our team is much bigger than that - if for whatever reason one of us cannot reply to you, please get in touch with another HGM (if the questions you ask are game-related, you could even contact SEA HGMs and they'll be glad to answer as well). Here's the link to our Discord for anyone who does not have access to it:

    I'm closing this topic.



This discussion has been closed.