I remember when warrock was about skill, but now, Pum! Oneshot! with that shitty rifle you put into the game. Players who don't die because even if they are incapable they have the fucking tank-skins plus accessories that also give more precision. In your opinion, if a new player joins warrock and enters a random room and finds players with one-shot kill weapons and tank full costume, in your opinion, stay or uninstall the game? try to guess? then don't cry if your game fails. There is ONLY ONE WAY to save this game, go back to the ORIGINS (2006), delete every fucking weapon, costume and start again. I've been playing since the beta but that's enough for now. Games usually get better with time but yours is less and less playable. GOODBYE. and spend some money on advertising the game after you fix it!
I urge all players to sanction this imbecile publisher
Try not to buy anything from their item shop for 2-3 months.
yes remove all skins and all weapons and make a ladder like was with their rules
100% agree but the trouble the game as that i would be guessing but 80% of the players are old 1s and know almost all loopholes and undetected 3rd party tools and so Meny bug exploited i now know some ppl taking thing out of the file of wr ie: so they see all players stud up even if the are laying down.
they never stay in a losein side and always gota stack sides and just kik the new players for there spot (shame rly) easy fix if a player leaves a room giv them a 10 min delay to rejoin
bike bug (befor you all say i know but to gain an advantige it is a bug yes)
ivert lean you only av to look at deathcam to see them shooting though a wall (this is only on wr eu all the rest removed this)
screen res bug if u change the res of your screen and back sevral times it creates LAGBUG this is the 1 SHOT KILL and gripes me so much
they shoot you normal on there side but they are like .5 sec ahead of you so you get all the shots in 1
0ping need i say,this we will av to live with as there is no volume base to limit rooms just for the 1500 that still play
yes its an old game but look at some of the others some av gone tits up but some are thriving this game dose av the potential shame papa getting it so wrong think maybe this game in the state its in is still too big for them
The game is not the issue here. It's the toxic player base.
The first room I entered tonight. Oh, look, baldy and clan member. Amazing for someone who never lines up to play he always has help and is playing bot accounts.
Bot 0.33 yeah why are you in a room with accounts like this?
2nd room I enter
In 3rd room, I enter look level one used to start the game.
The 0-7 guy ended up with 80 deaths when I checked back. SAD
No one wants to play this game (battlegroup) how it was intended they all have excuses. It's pointless even logging in anymore as there are too many toxic people who are old enough to know better. Yet go out there way to ruin the game..
What a waste of an hour.
Warrock = Avoid = RIP
A large part of the player base is old players in-game and in real life too now 28-60 < there not kids but grown adults!
So many act like children. Never want to line up, ensure teams are fair and balanced before starting. And play across the games maps. Instead, they team stacking on 1-3 maps on repeat every single day then tell everyone how good they are. (after being banned multiple times)
Morty is near 30 but you ask him to log in and join the lobby to play this game. He comes up with a million excuses. Like so many others do.
It's pathetic.
No long-term player of this game will ever rage quit due to you being in the lineup. But then you never line up, do you?
Once again, like every game and pointed out a thousand times now there are dumb accounts whose overall kd is heavily negative which you are playing against. You cannot compete with the oldest accounts in this game if we are all balanced and just spend your time preying on fresh accounts that are free to play.
There are too many toxic players left now. All looking to gain an advantage just to play this game.
If they made the server in battlegroup like battle royal where you have to be lined up and ready for the game to start and if you exit all stats are lost and no rejoining.
Your whole KD would change for the worst overnight.
Check this out...
In one reply above comb over is claiming to be a good player making low levels rage quit. The moment I ask him to line up he has excuses. Did he turn that game? What about his pay-to-win clan member who he ended up playing alongside rather than against?
It's every game. There are too many screens for this not to be a coincidence.
Why does someone who claims to be so good on the forum and discord?
Never be seen in the game creating rooms with a level limit to block these new accounts and challenge anyone who enters.
He can't do what I do... Play anyone, on any map, on any side. I make the team when balanced. baldy becomes a weak link.
Childish comment.
Act like an adult. I have asked you many times when you will be online so we can both enter a room together line up and play.
Look at the start of this year I gave you a day and the exact time. Did you accept? No, silly comments? Yes.
How much of a fool would I have looked after all that trash talk had you agreed to play? Then I didn't show up?
Missed a great opportunity there.
Excuses are lame at your age. We are talking about playing a game here. Do you not like losing? Not like being killed or outplayed by a better team. Is this why you are always searching for weak opponents with no game time? where you can load the teams for an easy game. You have to be a tad bit retarded to be acting this way at your age and to think you are playing with people older than you too. How sad are they?
If you all kept quiet in game, on this forum, and on discord, I may let it slide. There are many people who act the way you do. But they don't shout about how good they are. Or go around telling everyone else how bad they are. Unlike you and your "friends," it's the same BS comments every game. Load up one side. Free kill some bot accounts tell everyone how easy they are then vanish the moment the game ends only to be found repeating the same thing in another room five minutes later. And always the same maps.
Easy is a word used a lot... You need it easy as seen by all these screenshots from 2023 alone if it's a challenge you crumble. Putting 100+ hours every month into this game. Logging in daily but NEVER there at the start of a game. That's wrong on so many levels.
Comb over, if you line up against me, it's game over.