start problem

hello i would like to ask why warrock stack for 5 sec when pushing in the room start, im also sended message to dc admins but they just ignoring


  • Hello Soldier @k4r33n4 ,

    first it would be interesting to know your system-configuration.

    For Example:



    Graphics Card:

    Temperatures of the CPU/Graphics Card:

    But a few words before we even know your configuration:

    For me this happens aswell under Windows 10 64Bit, WarRock clearly preffers Windows 7 over it.

    Also there could be the point that some users still use a Hard-Drive instead of a SSD.

    But only a SSD isn't everything, the Cacheless (DRAM-Less) SSD's are having problems with this behavior aswell because they can't load the files in a reserved Cache for this.

    So I would suggest to either swap to Windows 7 64Bit or try a SSD with a DRAM-Cache.



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