outfit's and bug

Hello there :D


I want to share some of the point which you can improve in future blackshot SEA-GLB

Here it is :-

For the outfit's we want some outfit's which who are non-cash player they can buy with there BP point

It's include helmet, mask, suite & others rather than only gems thing's we don't like that!

and 2nd thing plz fix the grenade bug and headshot bug

1-In grenade bug whenever we throw the grenade sometime it won't go and it show's that we still have grenade but we can't use it while playing

2-In Headshot bug sometime we hit headshot long rang, medium or short or while scope-in with rifle it shows we hit him and it's shows blood spreading but it's not even also damage and it's not count on headshot

So plz fix this thing ;)

Thank You!

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