Is this game dead??
Hey all - just started playing again after a couple of years and I'm trying to raise one of my alts to maritime level 20 so he can join me in esf, but he's level 18 and this is taking like forever. He's getting sometimes just one or 2 points per battle or guild quest. Is this normal now? Is there something else that would work faster? Land battle? Sea of wonders? Something expensive from the cash shop???
Ahoy Wes. Welcome back! Always nice to see an old player returning. I would suggest doing battle reports in the Baltic Seas. Exp gained is based on strength of NPC fleet relative to the char. Also, might be a problem if you're fleeting a really high lvl char with a really low lvl char. For some reason the players need to be within a few lvls of each other or the exp gained per fleet drops like more than half.
BR from Baltic sea is best for that lvl range like Airhaun said. Ya you need to watch the lvl difference from your admiral since if he's doing all the sinking then you'll get less xp. Big lvl differences are only good if you are mentoring.
If you want to get more for the new char then make him admiral of the fleet (tow your main) and include him in the AoS use to sink ships. Doesn't matter what lvl you are, it'll take 3 AoS uses to sink a fleet (assuming you use them quicker than enemies can repair).
Dungeons can be decent but you face the same problem if your main is doing all the killing and thw new char is only leaching. BR is still the best for xp though.
Total char lvls is a factor. Your mari lvls vs. targets is a factor. Fleeting with much higher lvl chars is a factor. If you are really hurried for this a couple options seems obvious to me. Try purchasing some Amulet of the Sun and/or running a few solo BRs. Also, if you use mentor you can repeat your maritime exam if you wish. Having tested it recently. the Baltic BR is good until the low 30s and then tapers off. Hope this helps.
P.S. Wes, the UWO discord is a bit more active than these forums :)