New Blackshot
Hello my ign is cheesecake, and i have a lot of problems to discuss. This discussion its not just for me, its for the future of the game. So, please gm's and developers please listen to us. I play this game since 2014, and i have a lot of things to discuss:
- Its not ok to buy ak 47 with cash and i wish to be for bp again.
- Its not ok the mastery system to be just a reward, we want gold, nz1 and even nx weapons and attachments to be for bp only.
- They said the new bs, revolution as they said will be no more pay to win, but now its full pay to win.
- Cash items must balanced, its not ok to spend around 50 $ to get spacecraft weapons and other players who doesnt have money to be destroyed by this new stars wars weapons.
- Its not ok, to spend cash on gears who doesnt give the abilities for you to be more easy, for example magazine extension normal gives u just 3 bullets on every rifle and if u buy magazine extension premium u wont get so much so its not ok, in translation gears are less powerfull.
- Please give back all old characters ( rayne, sniper mantis etc) and all their abilities, and of course please give back all old main weapons like sssg, mp5, m16a1.
- Please give back clan war system and partners system.
In addition, please bs team listen to us because this is the only way to make blackshot again full of players, take example form Crossfire , they dont change anything like full pay to win and the game is since 2009 and their servers are full. So please listen to us otherwise blackshot will become a history.
Than you.
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Thank you for your suggestion, we will forward it to our developers so that it can be taken under consideration for future improvements. We really appreciate your help and cooperation.