[BS-GLB EVENT] Operation Nightmare Part I You Talk, We Listen

edited October 2024 in Events

Hello Mercs,

Is your heart racing from the excitement of Operation Nightmare yet? Don’t pass out on us just yet! We want to hear what you have to say first.

Update Info:

Operation Nightmare (Part 1)

Event Mechanics:

From 19/09/24 to 17/10/24, submit your feedback of the latest Operation Nightmare Part I update on this forum topic.

All constructive feedback will be taken into consideration, and you’ll be rewarded. Excellent feedback received will be specially rewarded.

Event Rewards:

Top Feedback: NZ1 Raygun Darkside+ & NZ1 Blaster Darkside+ 7D

Participation: NZ1 Raygun Darkside+ 3D

Team BlackShot


  • SvM Mode - Early Impressions and Suggestions

    First and foremost, kudos to the developers and everyone involved—Operation Nightmare is, in my opinion, a step in the right direction for BlackShot. The newly added game mode (SvM) brings a fresh type of combat and experiences to our beloved game, which might contribute to attracting new players and thus broadening the player base.

    1. Interface and Gameplay Issues
      1. Lack of numerical ping indication for each player on the TAB overlay menu.
      2. The line "No one escapes the masked" (as an example) becomes boring after several rounds, as there is no variety of voices and animations—this is especially noticeable when a round is over, and all the murderers move and speak identically. The fact that all the murderers are identical to each other should also be addressed—whenever one turns into a murderer, they should get a random look from a set of available (non-premium) murderer skins.
      3. Getting butchered right when the round ends might cause a bug that lets one stay as a murderer even when the round is over.
      4. Block the ability to jump on top of the rock and then over to the statue located in the middle of the courtyard in "Safe House".
    2. Balance Adjustments
      1. Murderers' base speed should be boosted slightly because they are barely able to catch a human holding a light-weight melee weapon and running away (not to mention those who also use a speed kit).
      2. Reduce fall damage for murderers, as they should be able to run and jump almost freely to compensate for their lack of ranged weapons compared to humans.
      3. Lower the BGM's volume during the final minute, as it makes hearing footsteps and other sounds nearly impossible.
      4. Humans should start with more ammunition (perhaps two magazines per weapon), while murderers should have more HP (twice or thrice their current HP value—this can be altered with different skins). Some murderers should have low HP but move quickly, while other murderers can have more HP but be heavier and slower. Humans should be able to easily distinguish between different types of murderers (fast/bulky/etc.) – this can be achieved by applying unique skins for each murderer type.
    3. New Game Mode Suggestions
      1. Consider adding safe rooms for humans, which will be available after some time and provide shelter, but don't forget to include backdoors or other ways for the murderers to break into them.
      2. Display helpful information about the new game mode during the loading screen of each match, which will help players better understand the goal and mechanics.

    That is all for now. I'm excited to see what comes next!

  • Hey,

    first of all i want to send huge congratulations to blackshot team for doing such a good job with the new update. Finally we getting some new items,maps,events and many more.

    1. Chests that are spawining on the ground need to spawn faster beacuse other wise when a full group of people are standing in 1 place they dont have enough weapons.
    2. Killers need to be a little bit more faster and a little bit easier to kill. Its to hard to kill a killer when you hit only bodyshots thats to OP.
    3. Ammunation need to be more. We need atleast 1 more ammunation box in the inventory otherwise its too little

    Thank you very much for you time and i hope that we will get more events and huge updates like this

  • I have to say, I very welcome the new SvM-Gamemode a lot and it fits to the upcoming Halloween season. It's good to have Safe House(SH), Desert Hawk(DH) and Airport(AP) as maps for this mode, because:

    • SH = Short and fast-paced (easy difficulty)
    • DH = a mix between fast-paced and slow-progressing (medium difficulty)
    • AP =slow-progressing (hard difficulty)

    The good:

    • 1. It adds an enjoyable diversity to the already existing modes.
    • 2. It trains the players efficiently to get better aiming by the gamerule "headshot = highest damage; no headshot = very very small damage".
    • 3. The visual effects, for example which appear in 1st person if a murderer is nearby, are also a good addition to the experience.
    • 4. The design of the murderers and the permanent rewards are also very pleasant and welcoming to see, since it shows that "pay to win" doesn't apply at this event at all.
    • 5. The EXP-Boost on various opportunities is a welcoming factor for new players and veterans, because it makes grinding less time-consuming and more enjoyable
    • 6. The new weapons really fit to this season and won't be easily forgotten.

    Though now I have some issues, which may interfere with the gaming experience in a mixed/not-so-well way:

    • 1. You can't kick anyone via F12.
    • -> Though I can understand why, because you could cheat a win by kicking the only murderer in a 5 vs. 1 for example.
    • -> A lot of players are just being afk and farming exp by doing absolutely nothing (exploit of pushing the arrowkeys up&down for avoiding AFK-autokick).
    • -> AFK-Autokick triggers after some time if you enter a match, which is already ongoing and you are just watching the people playing until the next round starts there. (It's only avoidable if you press B to open the active-weapon-menu or if the timer for autokick isn't running out.)

    • 2. The "Etc." SvM-Murderers have a balancing and design-choice issue.
    • -> "Ghost Leader" for example has almost no to minimal recognizable boost in Stamina/Defense but way too reduced walking speed and knifing speed.
    • -> "Hell Queen" looks (I'm sorry, but you can't deny it) like a slightly edited version of Harley Quinn from the MCU, which can become a threat for you because of potential copyright infringement.

    • 3. Bugs and inconveniences from the past are still there.
    • -> You cannot see who is going to be kicked, if you play in a different language than english. ("Globaltext(399)" instead of to be booted Player). Also various texts are still not translated into german for example, which was already the case since years
    • -> Rifles have a collision field, which can be abused for literally "slowly ascending into the sky" when two players get a broad sniper and make it that both are on the collision field of the opponent's sniper.
    • -> By pressing "Enter" and "Left-Mousebutton" shortly timed after each other, you can glitch-out the shootanimation of every weapon, especially snipers, pistols and knifes. You get kicked with a "Server-error", which though is avoidable by doing a gameplay-rec. with "Roll-Lock" at the same time. (It's a graphic-bug, which doesn't do any damage)
    • -> "Headglitching" (The animation of someone peeking behind a wall with a sniper is slower than the actual shot from the exact same sniper) is still a thing.
    • -> Macr0s can still be abused for hacking-like tactics, such as "Aimtrigger" and more.

    This new season and this new event is a very good direction to get people back and more new people engaged into playing Blackshot and also brings a lot of potential for Blackshot's success.

    Though it's definitely visible that Blackshot doesn't have an own identity. The lack of individuality and especially the aspects of things being copied from other games (,such as the map Office from CoD or Safe House from CS:GO or Hell Queen from SvM) doesn't help this fact at all. The same applies to consistency and stability. This is for example something which TwoWar took too much care of and forgot to bring a new fresh air into the game from time to time. Right now it's the opposite. The more new things and the more older issues don't get fixed, Blackshot has no possibility in staying maintainable as a successful game and be recognized as such.

    What I really would like to know from the developers or admins etc. from the Blackshot-Team(BT) is:

    1. What are Blackshot it's strenghts and weaknesses?
    2. How does and can Blackshot differ from other games and what do we(BT) want to achieve/do with this game?
    3. What are our(BT) perspecitives and our goals in the future with this game?
    4. How have we(BT) influenced the experience and progression of this game over the years?
    5. What is Blackshot supposed to be and how can we(BT) strenghten this identity of it?

    Those existential questions are something, which I think isn't clear to see to the more time-investing players and newcomers, which just discovered this game.

    In terms of the questions, those would be my answers/opinions:

    • Strenghts: fast paced, casuality, many different weapons and designs, BP-Weapons can be as powerful as BSC-Weapons, fast support, implemented recording of screenshots and videos from gameplay, sounddesign of weapons and visual effects, variing events
    • Weaknesses: bugs, inconsistency, lack of identity, game feels outdated and stuck in time, appears to be Pay2Win (even if it isn't), grinding exp for weapons and levels feels exhausting and pointless
    • Difference to other FPS shooters: It differs in terms of how long it's already been existing and how unclear and wild its direction and developement went through the years and it being more casual. Its leveling system is also interestingly done.
    • Future of Blackshot: Currently Blackshot is dying slowly, like it being on a sinking ship, which is though caused by various smaller and bigger issues, which accumulate all together. Technically, personal and player-driven issues are scattered around. Some since ages, some since recent times.
    • How Blackshot became this: Multiple ownerswitches and swapping staff also a lot of times did a toll on its identity and appearance for the gamer ( Garena -> TwoWar -> Vertigo Games -> Papayaplay). Though I can't deny it brought a lot of new interesting and enjoyable things aswell.
    • Identity: Blackshot is a fast paced and casually enjoyable shooter, made with Gamebryo, with its own funny but also sometimes very annoying errors (bugs) and which copies some parts of other existing games.

    Blackshot has a lot of potential, which this event shows. It also shows it's long existing issues. So it really depends on how the Blackshot-Team got their view on the upcoming future and how they want to establish success and maintainability of this game. I'm looking forward to it.

  • O game esta melhorandon coloquem mas eventos assim que vai melhorar e atrair mas gente

  • A new event has almost brought the game back to life again. I remember the old Black Shot. Oh my God, the servers are full, there is no way to log in. I suggest that the company work on marketing the game more, especially since it does not have high requirements for operation and series, and also appoint managers from the Middle East in Egypt. Black Shot, come on, the game. Popular since ancient times, with some support from you, we can revive this experience again. He also loves variety and many events to break the boredom and create competitions on the Facebook page, and there is more that we can communicate.

  • As a new mode, I very welcome this change, I wish there were a more PvE oriented mode like Base Bunker but this needs clear changes.

    1. The killer is not slower than the player, even if he has speed kit, it will run out, s o a good change would be make it beefier but the same speed
    2. Ammo is almost none, we need 2 to 3 mags to sustain a bit, since most players waste their bullets, we need more since the Zombies will quickly out run you, if there are stats, you'll no survivor win a round.
    3. That's it for the zombie mode, just add ways for the Survivors to win a round beside bugs, give them gems only weapon in crates, full ammo, movement speed buff.
  • Hello every one

    Awesome update this season is great weapons are good we will have more fun to play this game I am eagerly waiting for funny in upcoming games have a nice event friends enjoy

  • We will enjoying play this game❤️

  • Hello every one

    Awesome update

  • The new mode is quite fun, but there must be some changes.

    There must be a stun grande or something like that helps the murderers to catch other players who are camping together. At least, they give them a chance to put some pressure on the survivors and make it more challenging for the sake of the game.

  • Hello Mercs,

    Thanks all players that participated and shared their feedback on the update. The rewards will be sent to your loadouts soon.

    Don't forget to also participate on the new event here: Operation Fright Night You Talk, We Listen

    Team BlackShot

This discussion has been closed.