Underpowered 8th slot guns
Many of the permanent 8th slot guns are massively underpowered compared to normal skin versions, examples are:
AUG 8th neon love
Grenade bow 8th
Personally I spent lots of money trying to obtain these items and they are so underpowered they arent worth using. Please fix weapon balances.
its because some 8 slot weapons have a different dmg multiplicators. its an issue since G1 but DE is somewhat unable to fix their mistakes.
Thanks for the info Dragon. Seems crazy they are selling bugged guns at premium prices when the standard f2p versions have more damage. Can we tag support to get this looked at?
Ive reported it plenty of times, but its not that easy i think. Usualy all weapons are categorized. Each categorie has its own dmg multiplicators to each body part. For example:
As you can tell: Weapons have a categorized dmg multiplicator based on the slot & class they are useable on.
Now the issue: The 8 Slot is a multi slot. Many weapons and items for the 8 slot can be used / equipped by ALL classes. So ofc there will be dmg multiplicator issues... because they struggle with the categorization. The only fix would be to set a muliplicator for every single 8 slot weapon