[BS-GLB EVENT] Operation Blue Viper You Talk, We Listen

edited March 4 in Events

Hello Mercs,

A new year means new beginnings and a chance to start afresh! Let’s hear your wishes for the new year and we’ll do our best to make them happen! 

Update Info:


Event Mechanics:

From 09/01/25 to 05/02/25, submit your feedback of the latest Operation Blue Viper update on this forum topic.

All constructive feedback will be taken into consideration, and you’ll be rewarded. Excellent feedback received will be specially rewarded.

Event Rewards:

Top Feedback: Scar X-Mas+ & MSR X-Mas+ 7D

Participation: Scar X-Mas+ 3D

Team BlackShot


  • Happy new year!!! And I wish everyone a happy beginning. First of all I like the fact that they added a skin for the nx1 and I really like and I liked the fact that you can see the bomb through the walls and I enjoyed, but if you can also make it so that it tell the opposite team where they planted the bomb since most games has that, and It would be great if they added the partner feature again

    Other than that I like the montly rewards and happy new year

  • Happy new year and wish everyone is happy. The nx1 skin is very nice. I like it so much.and a update was very beautiful. Thanks and monthly reward like it

    Happy New year 🎉

  • happy new year what a good update competitive giving xp the theme is very good the clothes are good new map sv incredible the fries are perfect very good even if incredible

  • the update is nice.but these daily logın rewards and the rewards earned by playıng can be improved further.good games for everyone

  • Clan marks should be put next to player's names.

  • edited January 26

    The update was OK, I would say, but what I always miss is variety... for example new maps or new weapons.

    The gold boxes are good in this update and I think it's very good that you left the Christmas items in the shop.

    We also need a refresh of the insult block in the game, but what the game needs most now are active GMs, GAs who can communicate with the players.

    All in all, it's a successful update

    Happy New Year to everyone

  • I would like to thank you for your great work with the events and the xp in the comp, black is an incredible game, here's to more events I would like the xp and bp event to continue next season, I also liked the 80 minute event

  • Hi!

    Implemented improvements and events very cool.

    I propose a change in competitive rules.

    Shuffle system - How is it that in 1 team there are 5 platinum or higher ranks, and in the other gold 1 and silvers? Change the lottery system to a maximum points difference between players 75 or something like that.

    Rank - All the time from the very beginning new nicks appear on the comp and all of a sudden they get into the top 10. You look at the range and there sergeant major, of course the player accounts for about 2 weeks and kills everyone as much as possible. I suggest changing the minimum rank requirement to Captain or first lieutenant.

    Ping - Only in blackshot a good ping does not work in your favor. I have a ping of 8-12,and a player with a ping of 85-100 kills me from behind a wall. I'm the one who should rather see him faster.

    And the last not related to competitive is the ability to disarm the claymor.

    I propose to introduce the possibility of disarming the claymore, but only if you approach him from behind, he will not look in our direction. This is just for fun, without any special tactics etc.

    Nick in game : Mefedron

  • bom dia!

    Goatei muito dessa atualização, essas skins das armas são muito bonitas, continuem trabalhando firme para deixar o jogo ainda melhor!

  • Hello Mercs,

    Thanks all players that participated and shared their feedback on the update. The rewards will be sent to your loadouts soon.

    Don't forget to also participate on the new event here: [BS-GLB EVENT] Operation Sweet Strike You Talk, We Listen

    Team BlackShot

  • Hello every one happy weekends hope u guys enjoy this game have a nice day play fair guys enjoy this awesome game💯

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