[BS-GLB EVENT] Operation Sapphire Dragon You Talk, We Listen

edited February 2024 in Events

Hello Mercs,

New Year, New Update, New things to be said! This year, we are renewing our focus on improving your player experience, so your feedback has never been more important. Let us know what you think of Operation Sapphire Dragon and, beyond that, what you want to see in 2024!

Update Info:


Event Mechanics:

- From 11 January to 7 February 2024, submit your feedback of the last update features on this forum post alongside your IGN (in-game name).

- All constructive feedback will be taken into consideration, and you’ll be rewarded. Excellent feedback received will be specially rewarded.

Event Rewards:

- Top Feedback: AK47 SRM Gingerbread+ 7D & MSR Gingerbread+ 7D 

- Participation: AK47 SRM Gingerbread+ 3D 

Team BlackShot


  • acredito que muitas coisas foram arrumadas e os Gms faram o seu melhor trabalho nessa season . pois a muito tempo estão executando um péssimo trabalho. somente beneficiando player s próximos a ele..

    seria muito bom se o jogo retirasse o servidor brasil e deixasse todos no world.

    isso traria inúmeros players de volta a ativa

  • Hello Mr/Ms.

    What an incredible game this as bean. The new update is wonderful we all Blackshot players have loved it. It's a crazy Christmas and New year event. We looking forward to this spectacular blackshot game. Play well. Meet you in events.

    Thank you

    Have a wonderful day😄

  • Not playing this game again until there is a major update. Not these so called updates where they add 2 weapons and 1 skin. Almost cant call that an update lol. Change the gameplay and absurd pay to win aspect in this game

  • Dear GMs/GAs,

    I would like to suggest the addition of a new currency, specifically the Tunisian Dinar, to your in-game payment options. In Tunisia, we face challenges with PayPal availability, making it difficult for players to purchase gems. Additionally, using Razer Gold cards becomes more expensive for us due to currency conversion rates.

    It's worth noting that the average salary in Tunisia is around 600 TND, which is less than $200, whereas in Europe, it's around $2000. This significant difference makes it unfair for players in North Africa, including Tunisia, who wish to buy gems but find the current prices unaffordable.

    I hope you consider this suggestion and take steps to address the issue. There are many players in North Africa who would appreciate more accessible payment options for in-game purchases.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter.

    IGN PhiNIx0

  • Dear GMs

    Welcome today im gonna say little bit about Blackshot. I play blackshot like 5-6 years and i really enjoy playing the game but sometimes i see too many bugs if you and the team can change the bugs and ban all the cheaters than all the old players would comeback to the game probably and enjoy the game again. In my opinion GMs are doing a great job with the events but if the team can change all the Bugs we can enjoy the game like we did in previous years.

    Thank you for your attention.

    IGN Bart4k

  • bom gostei muito da atualizaçao esse novo tema de ninja ficou otimo, a katana as roupa e as armas ficaram perfeito, gostei muito voces estao de parabens

  • Att top, as skins das armas e das roupas ficaram muito legais, parabéns por essa att, as recompensas também estão muito boas, poderiam pensar também em voltar o mapa Rock, Tmj.

  • edited January 2024

    Prezados GMs

    Gostaria de parabenizar a todos pela ótima atualização que fizeram colocando em mente o tema ninja . Estão de parabéns . Porém gostaria de fazer uma observação referente á compra das Gemas , os preços estão um absurdos gerando um certo desconforto a todos nós que amamos esse Game . Por favor façam uma atualização deixando de forma mais acessível a todos os player a compra das Gemas .



  • gm foi uma otima atualizao gostei das novas roupaz e arma, ficou tudo perfeito agradeço por deixa as missopes ppra ganhar gem e um otimo recuso pra quem nao tem codiçoes. pabnes a todos pelo otimo trabalho

  • Prezados GMs

    Gostaria de parabenizar a todos pela ótima atualização que fizeram colocando em mente o tema ninja. Gostaria que as gemas fossem mais acessível , para nos do ''BRAZIL''. Assim desfrutaríamos melhor de nossas jogatinas. Ultimo ponto que gostaria de trazer em meu comentário seria a possibilidade de juntar os servidores , acredito que ficaria melhor para todos . Com um fluxo maior de salas


    IGN: __BuUlettFaAce

  • Prezados GMs

    Toda equipe está de parabéns nesta atualização! O tema muito bom, armas com skins maravilhosas,e claro, jogabilidade incrivel! Estou feliz em voltar ao jogo!

    IGN: Barneco

  • Fico top essa katana em mata facil demais,mais é difícil pegá-la.top bom pra todos. Natal ano novo atualização foi boa consegui 3 ropas que esperava ano todo, ainda por metade do preço 😂🍻👏🤝

    Coisas novas...

    Acho q deveriam colocar um evento de águia, gavião, um boneco que seja criança, ia ficar legal coloca ak red dragon por 13k permanente por 7 dia no shop ou a awp ia ser legal tbm, Ou colocar uma nova SMG tipo a scar ômega MGcar,moda é so scar agora, é isso gostei muito so desejo muito arma AK RED DRAGON Aparecer denovo.🤝👏🌙👀

  • I liked the update. It became more accessible to win the special missions package. I suggest updating the weekly missions and removing the "Get 1 Tactic Point" one, as there are people who have already completed them all.

  • Ao meu ver, tudo o que foi feito até aqui foi pensado com a dica e opnião dos jogadores. Creio que muito ficaram felizes em relação ao trabalho que está sendo implantado pelo GMs. Por hora, não tenho o que pedir que melhore.

  • I really liked the update and the new weapons. However,

    I bought the Rudolph suit for 312 gems because it says in the shop that it's duration is permanent. However, when i logged in the next day, I saw the skin expired. Why is that?

    i want a refund of the 312 gems or the skin back please

    IGN: sacredprince

  • sup,

    I've been playing this game for a long time and I'm starting to miss the fun of finding the game again because it thrives on multi-accounters and overpriced in-game currency.

    The new recolers every month make the game even more uninteresting than it already is.. Maybe you'll bring back old weapons to awaken the nostalgia of the old players, maybe then even more players will come online.

    What I miss the most is the mastery system, it was so satisfying when you leveled up there and got your 7 day NZ ak.

    It would be beneficial for everyone if you brought old things back into the game, not only will new players stay but old players will also come back. How about a battle pass? These monthly missions are great and all, but to be honest a handful play comp actively and many will simply continue playing in public lobbies after the missions. I think you could generate so much if you listened to the community.

    Give the game some love, it definitely deserves it!!

  • bot.. we want bot to be added to the games.. so if one time server is empty we still can play with bots and gain xp

  • I hope you consider this suggestion and take steps to address the issue. There are many players in North Africa who would appreciate more accessible payment options for in-game purchases.

    How about a battle pass? These monthly missions are great and all, but to be honest a handful play comp actively and many will simply continue playing in public lobbies after the missions. I think you could generate so much if you listened to the community.

    IGN: logical_

  • Hello GMs!

    I like it a lot, so far the game experience!

    I have been playing the game for 8-9 years!

    And now in this season you have put yourselves there!

    And I want to congratulate you, I really like it!

    One problem is very shocking to the hacker!

    And I haven't met any bugs yet!

    And I swear to him that I'm going to start playing again!

    You can really enjoy the season and it's very good to be sociable

  • It's a fun game but the problem I find is that the Weapon stats explanation is horribly explained for certain guns including grenades.

    A great example would be what's the difference between a T3 Grenade compared to a T4 Grenade.

    I would also like to see a "Steady Aim" buff where the accuracy is a bit increased as that would and could balance some of the Gold guns.

    IGN: Sahdawidek

  • Hello everyone,

    First of all we would like to thank all players that participated and shared their feedback on the update. The rewards will be sent to your loadouts soon.

    Don't forget to also participate on the new event here: [BS-GLB EVENT] Operation Sweets Factory You Talk, We Listen

    Team BlackShot

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