Discord account retry
Look at all my posts vanishing. Being deleted. This very personal. Almost targeted.
One of the game oldest accounts is being blocked from posting on the games discord as the staff allowed all the scummy players who have abused warrock with history and proof to enter. We pointed them out so many times, yet they keep returning. Expect a friendly environment with cheaters? Rule number one.
I called another user a cheat and got removed. Sum that up.
This not right... Been loyal to this game since the start. let me down, by allowing these bad individuals access instead of enforcing the rules, the team overlooked them. Look at all the other member's on there. Laughing and joking about there bans, racist insults, along with all the other bullshit. There 28 and up acting like kids.
No talk of any competitive games.
When it comes down to it most fall silent, like the hgm team when it comes to verifying my discord account. As it will upset there friends.
My last thread was highjacked.
Why is there such a problem with one of warrocks oldest accounts posting on discord?
I know what i said and to who. I doubt this guy is going to argue much,after having every video on his youtube account linked to a listed eac banned account.
That's a cheat right? 1,2,3,4,5 accounts banned. Self snitching by wanting to be famous.
Why hold me accountable for this guys actions?
Papaya Verify me, lets organise some games.
Yes, capture the flag will be a gamemode. Thanks for your interest.
Delusional, camping, crying and being bad
Is it true, you have webbed feet?
Anyone can join. Except one of the games oldest accounts.